Note This topic applies only to version 1 of Managed Extensions for C++. This syntax should only be used to maintain version 1 code. See safe_cast (C++ Component Extensions) for information on using the equivalent functionality in the new syntax.
Performs the specified cast or throws an exception if the cast fails.
__try_cast <
> ( expression )
The __try_cast keyword (similar in behavior to dynamic_cast) provides support for automatically throwing an exception (of type System::InvalidCastException) whenever the specified casting operation fails.
The __try_cast keyword can be used during the testing phase of your application, automatically alerting you to possible casting failures.
When porting Managed Extensions for C++, replace __try_cast calls with safe_cast (C++ Component Extensions).
__try_cast does not work on casts of pointer to value types (__value), since it is not possible to check the types at runtime.
In the following example, an attempt to cast a pointer (of Derived type) to another pointer (of MoreDerived type) is made. If the cast fails, it is caught and reported by the catch block:
// keyword__try_cast.cpp
// compile with: /clr:oldSyntax
#using <mscorlib.dll>
using namespace System;
__gc struct Base {};
__gc struct Derived : Base {};
__gc struct MoreDerived : Derived {};
int main() {
Base*bp = new Derived;
try {
MoreDerived* mdp = __try_cast<MoreDerived*>(bp);
catch(System::InvalidCastException*) {
Console::WriteLine("Could not cast 'bp' to MoreDerived*");
Could not cast 'bp' to MoreDerived*