Delen via

CObArray Class


The latest version of this topic can be found at CObArray Class.

Supports arrays of CObject pointers.


class CObArray : public CObject  


Public Constructors

Name Description
CObArray::CObArray Constructs an empty array for CObject pointers.

Public Methods

Name Description
CObArray::Add Adds an element to the end of the array; grows the array if necessary.
CObArray::Append Appends another array to the array; grows the array if necessary.
CObArray::Copy Copies another array to the array; grows the array if necessary.
CObArray::ElementAt Returns a temporary reference to the element pointer within the array.
CObArray::FreeExtra Frees all unused memory above the current upper bound.
CObArray::GetAt Returns the value at a given index.
CObArray::GetCount Gets the number of elements in this array.
CObArray::GetData Allows access to elements in the array. Can be NULL.
CObArray::GetSize Gets the number of elements in this array.
CObArray::GetUpperBound Returns the largest valid index.
CObArray::InsertAt Inserts an element (or all the elements in another array) at a specified index.
CObArray::IsEmpty Determines if the array is empty.
CObArray::RemoveAll Removes all the elements from this array.
CObArray::RemoveAt Removes an element at a specific index.
CObArray::SetAt Sets the value for a given index; array not allowed to grow.
CObArray::SetAtGrow Sets the value for a given index; grows the array if necessary.
CObArray::SetSize Sets the number of elements to be contained in this array.

Public Operators

Name Description
CObArray::operator [ ] Sets or gets the element at the specified index.


These object arrays are similar to C arrays, but they can dynamically shrink and grow as necessary.

Array indexes always start at position 0. You can decide whether to fix the upper bound or allow the array to expand when you add elements past the current bound. Memory is allocated contiguously to the upper bound, even if some elements are null.

Under Win32, the size of a CObArray object is limited only to available memory.

As with a C array, the access time for a CObArray indexed element is constant and is independent of the array size.

CObArray incorporates the IMPLEMENT_SERIAL macro to support serialization and dumping of its elements. If an array of CObject pointers is stored to an archive, either with the overloaded insertion operator or with the Serialize member function, each CObject element is, in turn, serialized along with its array index.

If you need a dump of individual CObject elements in an array, you must set the depth of the CDumpContext object to 1 or greater.

When a CObArray object is deleted, or when its elements are removed, only the CObject pointers are removed, not the objects they reference.


Before using an array, use SetSize to establish its size and allocate memory for it. If you do not use SetSize, adding elements to your array causes it to be frequently reallocated and copied. Frequent reallocation and copying are inefficient and can fragment memory.

Array class derivation is similar to list derivation. For details on the derivation of a special-purpose list class, see the article Collections.


You must use the IMPLEMENT_SERIAL macro in the implementation of your derived class if you intend to serialize the array.

Inheritance Hierarchy




Header: afxcoll.h


Adds a new element to the end of an array, growing the array by 1.

INT_PTR Add(CObject* newElement);


The CObject pointer to be added to this array.

Return Value

The index of the added element.


If SetSize has been used with an nGrowBy value greater than 1, then extra memory may be allocated. However, the upper bound will increase by only 1.

The following table shows other member functions that are similar to CObArray::Add.

Class Member Function
CByteArray INT_PTR Add( BYTE newElement );

 throw( CMemoryException* );
CDWordArray INT_PTR Add( DWORD newElement );

 throw( CMemoryException* );
CPtrArray INT_PTR Add( void* newElement );

 throw( CMemoryException* );
CStringArray INT_PTR Add( LPCTSTR newElement ); throw( CMemoryException* );

 INT_PTR Add(const CString& newElement );
CUIntArray INT_PTR Add( UINT newElement );

 throw( CMemoryException* );
CWordArray INT_PTR Add( WORD newElement );

 throw( CMemoryException* );


See CObList::CObList for a listing of the CAge class used in all collection examples.

         CObArray arr;

         arr.Add(new CAge(21)); // Element 0
         arr.Add(new CAge(40)); // Element 1
         #ifdef _DEBUG
            afxDump << _T("Add example: ") << &arr << _T("\n");

The results from this program are as follows:

Add example: A CObArray with 2 elements

[0] = a CAge at $442A 21

[1] = a CAge at $4468 40


Call this member function to add the contents of another array to the end of the given array.

INT_PTR Append(const CObArray& src);


Source of the elements to be appended to the array.

Return Value

The index of the first appended element.


The arrays must be of the same type.

If necessary, Append may allocate extra memory to accommodate the elements appended to the array.

The following table shows other member functions that are similar to CObArray::Append.

Class Member Function
CByteArray INT_PTR Append( const CByteArray& src );
CDWordArray INT_PTR Append( const CDWordArray& src );
CPtrArray INT_PTR Append( const CPtrArray& src );
CStringArray INT_PTR Append( const CStringArray& src );
CUIntArray INT_PTR Append( const CUIntArray& src );
CWordArray INT_PTR Append( const CWordArray& src );


See CObList::CObList for a listing of the CAge class used in all collection examples.

         CObArray myArray1, myArray2;

         // Add elements to the second array.
         myArray2.Add(new CAge(21));
         myArray2.Add(new CAge(42));

         // Add elements to the first array and also append the second array.
         myArray1.Add(new CAge(3));

         #ifdef _DEBUG
            afxDump << _T("myArray1: ") << &myArray1 << _T("\n");
            afxDump << _T("myArray2: ") << &myArray2 << _T("\n");


Call this member function to overwrite the elements of the given array with the elements of another array of the same type.

void Copy(const CObArray& src);


Source of the elements to be copied to the array.


Copy does not free memory; however, if necessary, Copy may allocate extra memory to accommodate the elements copied to the array.

The following table shows other member functions that are similar to CObArray::Copy.

Class Member Function
CByteArray void Copy( const CByteArray& src );
CDWordArray void Copy( const CDWordArray& src );
CPtrArray void Copy( const CPtrArray& src );
CStringArray void Copy( const CStringArray& src );
CUIntArray void Copy( const CUIntArray& src );
CWordArray void Copy( const CWordArray& src );


See CObList::CObList for a listing of the CAge class used in all collection examples.

         CObArray myArray1, myArray2;

         // Add elements to the second array.
         myArray2.Add(new CAge(21));
         myArray2.Add(new CAge(42));

         // Copy the elements from the second array to the first.

         #ifdef _DEBUG
            afxDump << "myArray1: " << &myArray1 << "\n";
            afxDump << "myArray2: " << &myArray2 << "\n";


Constructs an empty CObject pointer array.



The array grows one element at a time.

The following table shows other constructors that are similar to CObArray::CObArray.

Class Constructor
CByteArray CByteArray( );
CDWordArray CDWordArray( );
CPtrArray CPtrArray( );
CStringArray CStringArray( );
CUIntArray CUIntArray( );
CWordArray CWordArray( );


         CObArray arr; //Array with default blocksize
         CObArray* pArray = new CObArray; //Array on the heap with default blocksize      


Returns a temporary reference to the element pointer within the array.

CObject*& ElementAt(INT_PTR nIndex);


An integer index that is greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the value returned by GetUpperBound.

Return Value

A reference to a CObject pointer.


It is used to implement the left-side assignment operator for arrays. Note that this is an advanced function that should be used only to implement special array operators.

The following table shows other member functions that are similar to CObArray::ElementAt.

Class Member Function
CByteArray BYTE& ElementAt( INT_PTR nIndex );
CDWordArray DWORD& ElementAt( INT_PTR nIndex );
CPtrArray void*& ElementAt( INT_PTR nIndex );
CStringArray CString& ElementAt( INT_PTR nIndex );
CUIntArray UINT& ElementAt( INT_PTR nIndex );
CWordArray WORD& ElementAt( INT_PTR nIndex );


See the example for CObArray::GetSize.


Frees any extra memory that was allocated while the array was grown.

void FreeExtra();


This function has no effect on the size or upper bound of the array.

The following table shows other member functions that are similar to CObArray::FreeExtra.

Class Member Function
CByteArray void FreeExtra( );
CDWordArray void FreeExtra( );
CPtrArray void FreeExtra( );
CStringArray void FreeExtra( );
CUIntArray void FreeExtra( );
CWordArray void FreeExtra( );


See the example for CObArray::GetData.


Returns the array element at the specified index.

CObject* GetAt(INT_PTR nIndex) const;  


An integer index that is greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the value returned by GetUpperBound.

Return Value

The CObject pointer element currently at this index.



Passing a negative value or a value greater than the value returned by GetUpperBound will result in a failed assertion.

The following table shows other member functions that are similar to CObArray::GetAt.

Class Member Function
CByteArray BYTE GetAt( INT_PTR nIndex ) const;
CDWordArray DWORD GetAt( INT_PTR nIndex ) const;
CPtrArray void* GetAt( INT_PTR nIndex ) const;
CStringArray CString GetAt( INT_PTR nIndex ) const;
CUIntArray UINT GetAt( INT_PTR nIndex ) const;
CWordArray WORD GetAt( INT_PTR nIndex ) const;


See CObList::CObList for a listing of the CAge class used in all collection examples.

         CObArray arr;

         arr.Add(new CAge(21)); // Element 0
         arr.Add(new CAge(40)); // Element 1
         ASSERT(*(CAge*) arr.GetAt(0) == CAge(21));      


Returns the number of array elements.

INT_PTR GetCount() const;  

Return Value

The number of items in the array.


Call this method to retrieve the number of elements in the array. Because indexes are zero-based, the size is 1 greater than the largest index.

The following table shows other member functions that are similar to CObArray::GetCount.

Class Member Function
CByteArray INT_PTR GetCount( ) const;
CDWordArray INT_PTR GetCount( ) const;
CPtrArray INT_PTR GetCount( ) const;
CStringArray INT_PTR GetCount( ) const;
CUIntArray INT_PTR GetCount( ) const;
CWordArray INT_PTR GetCount( ) const;


See CObList::CObList for a listing of the CAge class used in all collection examples.

         CObArray myArray;

         // Add elements to the array.
         for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            myArray.Add(new CAge(i));

         // Add 100 to all the elements of the array.
         for (int i = 0; i < myArray.GetCount(); i++)
            CAge*& pAge = (CAge*&) myArray.ElementAt(i);
            delete pAge;
            pAge = new CAge(100 + i);


Use this member function to gain direct access to the elements in the array.

const CObject** GetData() const;  
CObject** GetData();
### Return Value  
 A pointer to the array of `CObject` pointers.  
### Remarks  
 If no elements are available, `GetData` returns a null value.  
 While direct access to the elements of an array can help you work more quickly, use caution when calling `GetData`; any errors you make directly affect the elements of your array.  
 The following table shows other member functions that are similar to `CObArray::GetData`.  
|Class|Member Function|  
|[CByteArray](../Topic/|**const BYTE\* GetData( ) const;BYTE\* GetData( );**|  
|[CDWordArray](../Topic/|**const DWORD\* GetData( ) const;DWORD\* GetData( );**|  
|[CPtrArray](../Topic/|**const void\*\* GetData( ) const;void\*\* GetData( );**|  
|[CStringArray](../Topic/|**const CString\* GetData( ) const;CString\* GetData( );**|  
|[CUIntArray](../Topic/|**const UINT\* GetData( ) const;UINT\* GetData( );**|  
|[CWordArray](../Topic/|**const WORD\* GetData( ) const;WORD\* GetData( );**|  
### Example  
 See [CObList::CObList](../Topic/ for a listing of the `CAge` class used in all collection examples.  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#81](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#81)]  
##  <a name="cobarray__getsize"></a>  CObArray::GetSize  
 Returns the size of the array.  

INT_PTR GetSize() const;

### Remarks  
 Since indexes are zero-based, the size is 1 greater than the largest index.  
 The following table shows other member functions that are similar to `CObArray::GetSize`.  
|Class|Member Function|  
|[CByteArray](../Topic/|**INT_PTR GetSize( ) const;**|  
|[CDWordArray](../Topic/|**INT_PTR GetSize( ) const;**|  
|[CPtrArray](../Topic/|**INT_PTR GetSize( ) const;**|  
|[CStringArray](../Topic/|**INT_PTR GetSize( ) const;**|  
|[CUIntArray](../Topic/|**INT_PTR GetSize( ) const;**|  
|[CWordArray](../Topic/|**INT_PTR GetSize( ) const;**|  
### Example  
 See [CObList::CObList](../Topic/ for a listing of the `CAge` class used in all collection examples.  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#82](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#82)]  
##  <a name="cobarray__getupperbound"></a>  CObArray::GetUpperBound  
 Returns the current upper bound of this array.  

INT_PTR GetUpperBound() const;

### Return Value  
 The index of the upper bound (zero-based).  
### Remarks  
 Because array indexes are zero-based, this function returns a value 1 less than `GetSize`.  
 The condition **GetUpperBound( )** = –1 indicates that the array contains no elements.  
 The following table shows other member functions that are similar to `CObArray::GetUpperBound`.  
|Class|Member Function|  
|[CByteArray](../Topic/|**INT_PTR GetUpperBound( ) const;**|  
|[CDWordArray](../Topic/|**INT_PTR GetUpperBound( ) const;**|  
|[CPtrArray](../Topic/|**INT_PTR GetUpperBound( ) const;**|  
|[CStringArray](../Topic/|**INT_PTR GetUpperBound( ) const;**|  
|[CUIntArray](../Topic/|**INT_PTR GetUpperBound( ) const;**|  
|[CWordArray](../Topic/|**INT_PTR GetUpperBound( ) const;**|  
### Example  
 See [CObList::CObList](../Topic/ for a listing of the `CAge` class used in all collection examples.  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#83](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#83)]  
##  <a name="cobarray__insertat"></a>  CObArray::InsertAt  
 Inserts an element (or all the elements in another array) at a specified index.  

void InsertAt( INT_PTR nIndex,
CObject* newElement,
INT_PTR nCount = 1);

void InsertAt( INT_PTR nStartIndex,
CObArray* pNewArray);

### Parameters  
 An integer index that may be greater than the value returned by `GetUpperBound`.  
 The `CObject` pointer to be placed in this array. A `newElement` of value **NULL** is allowed.  
 The number of times this element should be inserted (defaults to 1).  
 An integer index that may be greater than the value returned by `GetUpperBound`.  
 Another array that contains elements to be added to this array.  
### Remarks  
 The first version of `InsertAt` inserts one element (or multiple copies of an element) at a specified index in an array. In the process, it shifts up (by incrementing the index) the existing element at this index, and it shifts up all the elements above it.  
 The second version inserts all the elements from another `CObArray` collection, starting at the `nStartIndex` position.  
 The `SetAt` function, in contrast, replaces one specified array element and does not shift any elements.  
 The following table shows other member functions that are similar to `CObArray::InsertAt`.  
|Class|Member Function|  
|[CByteArray](../Topic/|**void InsertAt( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **, BYTE** `newElement` **, int** `nCount` **= 1 );**<br /><br /> **throw( CMemoryException\* );**<br /><br /> **void InsertAt( INT_PTR** `nStartIndex` **, CByteArray\*** `pNewArray` **);**<br /><br /> **throw( CMemoryException\* );**|  
|[CDWordArray](../Topic/|**void InsertAt( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **, DWORD** `newElement` **, int** `nCount` **= 1 );**<br /><br /> **throw( CMemoryException\* );**<br /><br /> **void InsertAt( INT_PTR** `nStartIndex` **, CDWordArray\*** `pNewArray` **);**<br /><br /> **throw( CMemoryException\* );**|  
|[CPtrArray](../Topic/|**void InsertAt( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **, void\*** `newElement` **, int** `nCount` **= 1 );**<br /><br /> **throw( CMemoryException\* );**<br /><br /> **void InsertAt( INT_PTR** `nStartIndex` **, CPtrArray\*** `pNewArray` **);**<br /><br /> **throw( CMemoryException\* );**|  
|[CStringArray](../Topic/|**void InsertAt( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **, LPCTSTR** `newElement` **, int** `nCount` **= 1 );**<br /><br /> **throw( CMemoryException\* );**<br /><br /> **void InsertAt( INT_PTR** `nStartIndex` **, CStringArray\*** `pNewArray` **);**<br /><br /> **throw( CMemoryException\* );**|  
|[CUIntArray](../Topic/|**void InsertAt( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **, UINT** `newElement` **, int** `nCount` **= 1 );**<br /><br /> **throw( CMemoryException\* );**<br /><br /> **void InsertAt( INT_PTR** `nStartIndex` **, CUIntArray\*** `pNewArray` **);**<br /><br /> **throw( CMemoryException\* );**|  
|[CWordArray](../Topic/|**void InsertAt( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **, WORD** `newElement` **, int** `nCount` **= 1 );**<br /><br /> **throw( CMemoryException\* );**<br /><br /> **void InsertAt( INT_PTR** `nStartIndex` **, CWordArray\*** `pNewArray` **);**<br /><br /> **throw( CMemoryException\* );**|  
### Example  
  See [CObList::CObList](../Topic/ for a listing of the `CAge` class used in all collection examples.  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#84](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#84)]  
 The results from this program are as follows:  
 `InsertAt example: A CObArray with 3 elements`  
 `[0] = a CAge at $45C8 21`  
 `[1] = a CAge at $4646 30`  
 `[2] = a CAge at $4606 40`  
##  <a name="cobarray__isempty"></a>  CObArray::IsEmpty  
 Determines if the array is empty.  

BOOL IsEmpty() const;

### Return Value  
 Nonzero if the array is empty; otherwise 0.  
##  <a name="cobarray__operator_at"></a>  CObArray::operator [ ]  
 These subscript operators are a convenient substitute for the `SetAt` and `GetAt` functions.  

CObject*& operator[](INT_PTR nIndex);

CObject* operator[](INT_PTR nIndex) const;

### Remarks  
 The first operator, called for arrays that are not **const**, may be used on either the right (r-value) or the left (l-value) of an assignment statement. The second, called for **const** arrays, may be used only on the right.  
 The Debug version of the library asserts if the subscript (either on the left or right side of an assignment statement) is out of bounds.  
 The following table shows other operators that are similar to **CObArray::operator []**.  
|[CByteArray](../Topic/|**BYTE& operator []( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **\);**<br /><br /> **BYTE operator []( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **\) const;**|  
|[CDWordArray](../Topic/|**DWORD& operator []( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **\);**<br /><br /> **DWORD operator []( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **\) const;**|  
|[CPtrArray](../Topic/|**void\*& operator []( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **\);**<br /><br /> **void\* operator []( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **\) const;**|  
|[CStringArray](../Topic/|**CString& operator []( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **\);**<br /><br /> **CString operator []( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **\) const;**|  
|[CUIntArray](../Topic/|**UINT& operator []( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **\);**<br /><br /> **UINT operator []( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **\) const;**|  
|[CWordArray](../Topic/|**WORD& operator []( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **\);**<br /><br /> **WORD operator []( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **\) const;**|  
### Example  
 See [CObList::CObList](../Topic/ for a listing of the `CAge` class used in all collection examples.  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#88](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#88)]  
##  <a name="cobarray__removeall"></a>  CObArray::RemoveAll  
 Removes all the pointers from this array but does not actually delete the `CObject` objects.  

void RemoveAll();

### Remarks  
 If the array is already empty, the function still works.  
 The `RemoveAll` function frees all memory used for pointer storage.  
 The following table shows other member functions that are similar to `CObArray::RemoveAll`.  
|Class|Member Function|  
|[CByteArray](../Topic/|**void RemoveAll( );**|  
|[CDWordArray](../Topic/|**void RemoveAll( );**|  
|[CPtrArray](../Topic/|**void RemoveAll( );**|  
|[CStringArray](../Topic/|**void RemoveAll( );**|  
|[CUIntArray](../Topic/|**void RemoveAll( );**|  
|[CWordArray](../Topic/|**void RemoveAll( );**|  
### Example  
 See [CObList::CObList](../Topic/ for a listing of the `CAge` class used in all collection examples.  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#85](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#85)]  
##  <a name="cobarray__removeat"></a>  CObArray::RemoveAt  
 Removes one or more elements starting at a specified index in an array.  

void RemoveAt( INT_PTR nIndex,
INT_PTR nCount = 1);

### Parameters  
 An integer index that is greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the value returned by `GetUpperBound`.  
 The number of elements to remove.  
### Remarks  
 In the process, it shifts down all the elements above the removed element(s). It decrements the upper bound of the array but does not free memory.  
 If you try to remove more elements than are contained in the array above the removal point, then the Debug version of the library asserts.  
 The `RemoveAt` function removes the `CObject` pointer from the array, but it does not delete the object itself.  
 The following table shows other member functions that are similar to `CObArray::RemoveAt`.  
|Class|Member Function|  
|[CByteArray](../Topic/|**void RemoveAt( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **, INT_PTR** `nCount` **= 1 );**|  
|[CDWordArray](../Topic/|**void RemoveAt( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **, INT_PTR** `nCount` **= 1 );**|  
|[CPtrArray](../Topic/|**void RemoveAt( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **, INT_PTR** `nCount` **= 1 );**|  
|[CStringArray](../Topic/|**void RemoveAt( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **, INT_PTR** `nCount` **= 1 );**|  
|[CUIntArray](../Topic/|**void RemoveAt( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **, INT_PTR** `nCount` **= 1 );**|  
|[CWordArray](../Topic/|**void RemoveAt( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **, INT_PTR** *nCount* **= 1 );**|  
### Example  
  See [CObList::CObList](../Topic/ for a listing of the `CAge` class used in all collection examples.  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#112](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#112)]  
 The results from this program are as follows:  
 `RemoveAt example: A CObArray with 1 elements`  
 `[0] = a CAge at $4606 40`  
##  <a name="cobarray__setat"></a>  CObArray::SetAt  
 Sets the array element at the specified index.  

void SetAt( INT_PTR nIndex,
CObject* newElement);

### Parameters  
 An integer index that is greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the value returned by `GetUpperBound`.  
 The object pointer to be inserted in this array. A **NULL** value is allowed.  
### Remarks  
 `SetAt` will not cause the array to grow. Use `SetAtGrow` if you want the array to grow automatically.  
 You must ensure that your index value represents a valid position in the array. If it is out of bounds, then the Debug version of the library asserts.  
 The following table shows other member functions that are similar to `CObArray::SetAt`.  
|Class|Member Function|  
|[CByteArray](../Topic/|**void SetAt( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **, BYTE** `newElement` **);**|  
|[CDWordArray](../Topic/|**void SetAt( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **, DWORD** `newElement` **);**|  
|[CPtrArray](../Topic/|**void SetAt( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **, void\*** `newElement` **);**|  
|[CStringArray](../Topic/|**void SetAt( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **, LPCTSTR** `newElement` **);**|  
|[CUIntArray](../Topic/|**void SetAt( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **, UINT** `newElement` **);**|  
|[CWordArray](../Topic/|**void SetAt( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **, WORD** `newElement` **);**|  
### Example  
  See [CObList::CObList](../Topic/ for a listing of the `CAge` class used in all collection examples.  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#86](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#86)]  
 The results from this program are as follows:  
 `SetAt example: A CObArray with 2 elements`  
 `[0] = a CAge at $47E0 30`  
 `[1] = a CAge at $47A0 40`  
##  <a name="cobarray__setatgrow"></a>  CObArray::SetAtGrow  
 Sets the array element at the specified index.  

void SetAtGrow( INT_PTR nIndex,
CObject* newElement);

### Parameters  
 An integer index that is greater than or equal to 0.  
 The object pointer to be added to this array. A **NULL** value is allowed.  
### Remarks  
 The array grows automatically if necessary (that is, the upper bound is adjusted to accommodate the new element).  
 The following table shows other member functions that are similar to `CObArray::SetAtGrow`.  
|Class|Member Function|  
|[CByteArray](../Topic/|**void SetAtGrow( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **, BYTE** `newElement` **);**<br /><br /> **throw( CMemoryException\* );**|  
|[CDWordArray](../Topic/|**void SetAtGrow( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **, DWORD** `newElement` **);**<br /><br /> **throw( CMemoryException\* );**|  
|[CPtrArray](../Topic/|**void SetAtGrow( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **, void\*** `newElement` **);**<br /><br /> **throw( CMemoryException\* );**|  
|[CStringArray](../Topic/|**void SetAtGrow( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **, LPCTSTR** `newElement` **);**<br /><br /> **throw( CMemoryException\* );**|  
|[CUIntArray](../Topic/|**void SetAtGrow( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **, UINT** `newElement` **);**<br /><br /> **throw( CMemoryException\* );**|  
|[CWordArray](../Topic/|**void SetAtGrow( INT_PTR** `nIndex` **, WORD** `newElement` **);**<br /><br /> **throw( CMemoryException\* );**|  
### Example  
  See [CObList::CObList](../Topic/ for a listing of the `CAge` class used in all collection examples.  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#87](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#87)]  
 The results from this program are as follows:  
 `SetAtGrow example: A CObArray with 4 elements`  
 `[0] = a CAge at $47C0 21`  
 `[1] = a CAge at $4800 40`  
 `[2] = NULL`  
 `[3] = a CAge at $4840 65`  
##  <a name="cobarray__setsize"></a>  CObArray::SetSize  
 Establishes the size of an empty or existing array; allocates memory if necessary.  

void SetSize( INT_PTR nNewSize,
INT_PTR nGrowBy = -1);

### Parameters  
 The new array size (number of elements). Must be greater than or equal to 0.  
 The minimum number of element slots to allocate if a size increase is necessary.  
### Remarks  
 If the new size is smaller than the old size, then the array is truncated and all unused memory is released. For efficiency, call `SetSize` to set the size of the array before using it. This prevents the need to reallocate and copy the array each time an item is added.  
 The `nGrowBy` parameter affects internal memory allocation while the array is growing. Its use never affects the array size as reported by `GetSize` and `GetUpperBound`.  
 If the size of the array has grown, all newly allocated **CObject \*** pointers are set to NULL.  
 The following table shows other member functions that are similar to `CObArray::SetSize`.  
|Class|Member Function|  
|[CByteArray](../Topic/|**void SetSize( INT_PTR** `nNewSize` **, int** `nGrowBy` **= -1 );**<br /><br /> **throw( CMemoryException\* );**|  
|[CDWordArray](../Topic/|**void SetSize( INT_PTR** `nNewSize` **, int** `nGrowBy` **= -1 );**<br /><br /> **throw( CMemoryException\* );**|  
|[CPtrArray](../Topic/|**void SetSize( INT_PTR** `nNewSize` **, int** `nGrowBy` **= -1 );**<br /><br /> **throw( CMemoryException\* );**|  
|[CStringArray](../Topic/|**void SetSize( INT_PTR** `nNewSize` **, int** `nGrowBy` **= -1 );**<br /><br /> **throw( CMemoryException\* );**|  
|[CUIntArray](../Topic/|**void SetSize( INT_PTR** `nNewSize` **, int** `nGrowBy` **= -1 );**<br /><br /> **throw( CMemoryException\* );**|  
|[CWordArray](../Topic/|**void SetSize( INT_PTR** `nNewSize` **, int** `nGrowBy` **= -1 );**<br /><br /> **throw( CMemoryException\* );**|  
### Example  
  See the example for [CObArray::GetData](#cobarray__getdata).  
## See Also  
 [CObject Class](../Topic/   
 [Hierarchy Chart](../Topic/   
 [CStringArray Class](../Topic/   
 [CPtrArray Class](../Topic/   
 [CByteArray Class](../Topic/   
 [CWordArray Class](../Topic/   
 [CDWordArray Class](../Topic/