Delen via

deprecated (C++)


The latest version of this topic can be found at deprecated (C++).

Microsoft specific) With the exceptions noted below, the deprecated declaration offers the same functionality as the deprecated pragma:

  • The deprecated declaration lets you specify particular forms of function overloads as deprecated, whereas the pragma form applies to all overloaded forms of a function name.

  • The deprecated declaration lets you specify a message that will display at compile time. The text of the message can be from a macro.

  • Macros can only be marked as deprecated with the deprecated pragma.

If the compiler encounters the use of a deprecated identifier, a C4996 warning is thrown.


The following sample shows how to mark functions as deprecated, and how to specify a message that will be displayed at compile time, when the deprecated function is used.

// deprecated.cpp  
// compile with: /W3  
#define MY_TEXT "function is deprecated"  
void func1(void) {}  
__declspec(deprecated) void func1(int) {}  
__declspec(deprecated("** this is a deprecated function **")) void func2(int) {}  
__declspec(deprecated(MY_TEXT)) void func3(int) {}  
int main() {  
   func1(1);   // C4996  
   func2(1);   // C4996  
   func3(1);   // C4996  


The following sample shows how to mark classes as deprecated, and how to specify a message that will be displayed at compile time, when the deprecated class is used.

// deprecate_class.cpp  
// compile with: /W3  
struct __declspec(deprecated) X {  
   void f(){}  
struct __declspec(deprecated("** X2 is deprecated **")) X2 {  
   void f(){}  
int main() {  
   X x;   // C4996  
   X2 x2;   // C4996  

See Also
