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The latest version of this topic can be found at GetCodeForInitInstance.

Retrieves the specified code for InitInstance.


      function GetCodeForInitInstance(   


The zero-based line number for the start of the function.

The zero-based line number for the end of the function.

Return Value

A string containing the code for initializing the wizard instance.


Call this member function to retrieve the appropriate code for initializing the wizard instance. The line numbers are as follows:

Line number InitInstance Code
0 CWinApp::InitInstance();
1 return TRUE;
2 AfxOleInit();
3 // Parse command line for standard shell commands, DDE, file open
4 CCommandLineInfo cmdInfo;
5 ParseCommandLine(cmdInfo);
6 // App was launched with /Embedding or /Automation switch.
7 // Run app as automation server.
8 if (cmdInfo.m_bRunEmbedded || cmdInfo.m_bRunAutomated)
9 {
10 \t// Register class factories via CoRegisterClassObject().
11 \tif (FAILED(_AtlModule.RegisterClassObjects(CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE)))
12 \t\treturn FALSE;
13 \t// Don't show the main window
14 \treturn TRUE;
15 }
16 // App was launched with /Unregserver or /Unregister switch.
17 if (cmdInfo.m_nShellCommand == CCommandLineInfo::AppUnregister)
18 {
19 \t_AtlModule.UpdateRegistryAppId(FALSE);
20 \t_AtlModule.UnregisterServer(TRUE);
21 \treturn FALSE;
22 }
23 // App was launched with /Register or /Regserver switch.
24 if (cmdInfo.m_nShellCommand == CCommandLineInfo::AppRegister)
25 {
26 \t_AtlModule.UpdateRegistryAppId(TRUE);
27 \t_AtlModule.RegisterServer(TRUE);
28 \treturn FALSE;
29 }

For each of the lines returned, GetCodeForInitInstance adds a leading tab (\t) and a trailing "CR-LF" (carriage return - linefeed) character pair (\r\n).


// Get the lines numbered 0 through 2 above  
GetCodeForInitInstance(0, 2)  
// returns the following string  
// "\tCWinApp::InitInstance();\r\n\treturn TRUE;\r\n\tAfxOleInit();\r\n"  

See Also

Customizing C++ Wizards with Common JScript Functions
JScript Functions for C++ Wizards
Creating a Custom Wizard
Designing a Wizard