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This is a summary of changes to the PSReadLine module. For a full list of changes, see the PSReadLine ChangeLog.

  • Current preview: v2.4.0-beta0
  • Current stable release: v2.3.5

PSReadLine release history

There have been many updates to PSReadLine since the version that ships in Windows PowerShell 5.1.

  • v2.3.5 first shipped in PowerShell 7.4.2 and 7.5.0-preview.3
  • v2.3.4 first shipped in PowerShell 7.4.0-rc.1
  • v2.2.6 first shipped in PowerShell 7.3.0
  • v2.1.0 first shipped in PowerShell 7.2.5
  • v2.0.4 first shipped in PowerShell 7.0.11
  • v2.0.0 ships in Windows PowerShell 5.1

Release Notes

v2.4.0-beta0 - 2024-03-01

  • Fix copying text to system clipboard on Linux using xclip
  • Tab completion uses the correct directory separator for the platform
  • PowerShell version 5.1 is now the minimum supported version
  • Get the Windows keyboard layout from the parent terminal process
  • Fix a few VI key handlers to correctly close the edit group
  • Read the history file in the streaming way to handle large files efficiently

v2.3.5 - 2024-04-02

This is a servicing release that excludes test components from SBOM generation.

v2.3.4 - 2023-10-02

In addition to several bug fixes, this release includes the following enhancements:

  • Scrollable ListView for Predictive IntelliSense
    • Autoadjusts the size based on the size of the terminal window
    • Can contain up to 50 prediction results
    • Dynamic list header that shows the number of results and the current prediction source
    • Show tooltips in the prediction list view
  • Improved sensitive history scrubbing to allow retrieving token from az, gcloud, and kubectl
  • Improve the default sensitive history scrubbing to allow safe property access
  • Added support for upcasing, downcasing, and capitalizing words
  • Make tab completion show results whose ListItemText are different by case only
  • Supports the text-object command <d,i,w> in the VI edit mode
  • Change default color for inline prediction to dim
  • Add a sample to README for transforming Unicode code point to Unicode char by Alt+x
  • Add the TerminateOrphanedConsoleApps option on Windows to kill orphaned console-attached process that may mess up reading from Console input
  • De-duplicate prediction results with the history results
  • Make tab completion show results whose ListItemText are different by case only
  • Add support for upcasing, downcasing, and capitalizing word
  • Handle multi-line description for parameter help content

v2.2.6 - 2022-06-27

In this release, the Predictive IntelliSense feature is enabled by default depending on the following conditions:

  • If Virtual Terminal (VT) is supported and PSReadLine running in PowerShell 7.2 or higher, PredictionSource is set to HistoryAndPlugin
  • If VT is supported and PSReadLine running in PowerShell prior to 7.2, PredictionSource is set to History
  • If VT isn't supported, PredictionSource is set to None

v2.2.5 - 2022-05-03

Official servicing release with minor bug fixes.

v2.2.3 - 2022-04-20

  • Respect cancellation in ReadOneOrMoreKeys()

v2.2.2 - 2022-02-22

  • PSReadLine added two new predictive IntelliSense features:
    • Added the PredictionViewStyle parameter to allow for the selection of the new ListView.
    • Connected PSReadLine to the CommandPrediction APIs introduced in PowerShell 7.2 to allow a user can import a predictor module that can render the suggestions from a custom source.
  • Updated to use the 1.0.0 version of Microsoft.PowerShell.Pager for dynamic help
  • Improved the scrubbing of sensitive history items
  • Make Ctrl+r and Ctrl+s in Vi edit mode work the same way as in Emacs edit mode
  • Make d0 to delete to the start of the current logical line in a multiline buffer in VI mode
  • Use d^ to delete from the first non-blank character of a logical line
  • VI Mode: Undo now leaves the cursor under the position at the start of the deletion
  • Make HistorySearchBackward and HistorySearchForward able to navigate the list view
  • Add the SelectCommandArgument bind-able function
  • Remove LineIsMultiline in favor of multi-line agnostic algorithms
  • Lots of bug fixes and smaller improvements

v2.1.0 - 2020-11-02

This release rolls up the following enhancements added since the 2.0.4 release:

  • Add Predictive IntelliSense suggestions from the command history
  • Many bug fixes and API enhancements

v2.0.4 - 2020-08-05

  • vi-mode: Make dd deletes the logical line instead of the entire buffer
  • vi-mode: Add dG to delete to the end of multiline buffer
  • vi-mode: dd now handles single line or multiline buffers consistently
  • vi-mode: Make D and d$ delete to the end of the current logical line
  • vi-mode - Make dj delete the current and next n logical lines
  • vi-mode: Use dk to delete the previous n logical lines and the current logical line in a multi-line buffer
  • vi-mode: Add dgg to delete from the beginning of the buffer to the current logical line
  • Rename PredictionColor to InlinePredictionColor
  • Allow MaximumHistoryCount to be set from user's profile
  • Add the parameter -PredictionSource to Set-PSReadLineOption, with the options None and History
  • Make the functions AcceptSuggestion and AcceptNextSuggestionWord bindable
  • Relax the sensitive words we filter by changing key to apikey to reduce false positives
  • Make ViForwardChar able to accept suggestions
  • Expose ViBackwardChar and ViForwardChar as bindable functions

v2.0.3 - 2020-07-22

  • Minor bug fixes

v2.0.2 - 2020-06-05

  • Run script in local scope to make PSReadLine works in PSES in ConstrainedLanguageMode
  • Other bug fixes

v2.0.1 - 2020-04-01

  • Add the -Chord parameter to Get-PSReadLineKeyHandler to allow searching for specific key bindings
  • Other minor bug fixes

v2.0.0 - 2020-02-11

  • Allow InsertPairedBraces to wrap selected text
  • Lots of bug fixes and smaller improvements
  • Filter sensitive history items and avoid writing them to the history file
  • Supporting line-wise yanks, including paste and undo
  • Make y0 yank up to the start of the logical line in VI mode
  • Add API to detect if the screen reader is active
  • Make PageUp/PageDown and CtrlPageUp/CtrlPageDown windows only
  • Add script block vi mode indicator option
  • Support vi mode G and gg movements in multi-line buffers
  • Supports _ and $ to move to the beginning and end of the logical line in vi mode
  • Add xtermjs keybindings
  • Support Ctrl+u in vi insert mode
  • Enable Ctrl+c on non-Windows
  • Interactive filtering during menu complete
  • Shift+Insert bound to Paste in Windows mode
  • Ctrl+t bound to SwapCharacters in Emacs mode
  • Ctrl+x,Ctrl+e bound to ViEditVisually in Emacs
  • HistoryNoDuplicates is now on by default