PowerShell-cmdlets om gatewayinstallatie, configuratie, beveiliging en andere gatewayfuncties in te schakelen.
Opmerking: PowerShell voor Power BI-gegevensbronnen ondersteunt alleen de Individual
Add-DataGatewayCluster |
Creates a new data gateway cluster once the gateway has been installed on a machine Note: To use this cmdlet, your gateway version must be |
Add-DataGatewayClusterDatasourceUser |
Grants a user permission to use the specified Power BI datasource. |
Add-DataGatewayClusterUser |
Add user and associated permissions to cluster |
Get-DataGatewayCluster |
Get gateway clusters for the current user |
Get-DataGatewayClusterDatasource |
Gets Power BI data sources for gateway clusters the user is an admin of. |
Get-DataGatewayClusterDatasourceStatus |
Checks the connectivity status of the specified Power BI datasource from the specified gateway cluster |
Get-DataGatewayClusterDatasourceUser |
Gets a list of users who have access to the specified Power BI datasource on the specified gateway cluster |
Get-DataGatewayClusterStatus |
Gets gateway cluster status |
Get-DataGatewayDatasource |
Gets the list of datasources that the user has access to |
Get-DataGatewayInstaller |
Get list of users who are authorized to install and register gateways in the organization. This command would be available only for Tenant/Service admin or a Gateway Admin. |
Get-DataGatewayRegion |
Gets all gateway Azure regions |
Get-DataGatewayTenantPolicy |
Gets the gateway installation and registration policy for the tenant. |
Install-DataGateway |
Downloads and installs the gateway on a machine |
Remove-DataGatewayCluster |
Removes a gateway cluster. This does not uninstall the gateway from the gateway member machine(s). |
Remove-DataGatewayClusterDatasource |
Removes the specified Power BI datasource from the specified cluster |
Remove-DataGatewayClusterDatasourceUser |
Removes the specified user from the specified Power BI datasource of the specified gateway cluster |
Remove-DataGatewayClusterMember |
Remove gateway from gateway cluster. This does not uninstall the gateway from the machine. |
Remove-DataGatewayClusterUser |
Removes users (including admins) from a gateway cluster |
Set-DataGatewayCluster |
Set attributes of an existing gateway cluster |
Set-DataGatewayClusterDatasource |
Set the properties of the specified Power BI datasource from the specified cluster |
Set-DataGatewayInstaller |
Modify list of users who can install and register new gateways in your organization You need to login as a Tenant Admin to run this command. |
Set-DataGatewayTenantPolicy |
Set the gateway installation and registration policy for the tenant. You need to login as a Tenant Admin to run this command. |