Microsoft Azure PowerShell: EventGrid-cmdlets
Event Grid
Disable-AzEventGridPartnerTopic |
Deactivate specific partner topic. |
Enable-AzEventGridPartnerDestination |
Activate a newly created partner destination. |
Enable-AzEventGridPartnerTopic |
Activate a newly created partner topic. |
Get-AzEventGridCaCertificate |
Get properties of a CA certificate. |
Get-AzEventGridChannel |
Get properties of a channel. |
Get-AzEventGridChannelFullUrl |
Get the full endpoint URL of a partner destination channel. |
Get-AzEventGridClient |
Get properties of a client. |
Get-AzEventGridClientGroup |
Get properties of a client group. |
Get-AzEventGridDomain |
Get properties of a domain. |
Get-AzEventGridDomainEventSubscription |
Get properties of an event subscription of a domain. |
Get-AzEventGridDomainEventSubscriptionDeliveryAttribute |
Get all delivery attributes for an event subscription for domain. |
Get-AzEventGridDomainEventSubscriptionFullUrl |
Get the full endpoint URL for an event subscription for domain. |
Get-AzEventGridDomainKey |
List the two keys used to publish to a domain. |
Get-AzEventGridDomainTopic |
Get properties of a domain topic. |
Get-AzEventGridDomainTopicEventSubscription |
Get properties of a nested event subscription for a domain topic. |
Get-AzEventGridDomainTopicEventSubscriptionDeliveryAttribute |
Get all delivery attributes for an event subscription for domain topic. |
Get-AzEventGridDomainTopicEventSubscriptionFullUrl |
Get the full endpoint URL for a nested event subscription for domain topic. |
Get-AzEventGridExtensionTopic |
Get the properties of an extension topic. |
Get-AzEventGridFullUrlForPartnerTopicEventSubscription |
Get the full endpoint URL for an event subscription of a partner topic. |
Get-AzEventGridFullUrlForSystemTopicEventSubscription |
Get the full endpoint URL for an event subscription of a system topic. |
Get-AzEventGridNamespace |
Get properties of a namespace. |
Get-AzEventGridNamespaceKey |
List the two keys used to publish to a namespace. |
Get-AzEventGridNamespaceTopic |
Get properties of a namespace topic. |
Get-AzEventGridNamespaceTopicEventSubscription |
Get properties of an event subscription of a namespace topic. |
Get-AzEventGridNamespaceTopicKey |
List the two keys used to publish to a namespace topic. |
Get-AzEventGridPartnerConfiguration |
List all the partner configurations under a resource group. |
Get-AzEventGridPartnerDestination |
Get properties of a partner destination. |
Get-AzEventGridPartnerNamespace |
Get properties of a partner namespace. |
Get-AzEventGridPartnerNamespaceKey |
List the two keys used to publish to a partner namespace. |
Get-AzEventGridPartnerRegistration |
Gets a partner registration with the specified parameters. |
Get-AzEventGridPartnerTopic |
Get properties of a partner topic. |
Get-AzEventGridPartnerTopicEventSubscription |
Get properties of an event subscription of a partner topic. |
Get-AzEventGridPartnerTopicEventSubscriptionDeliveryAttribute |
Get all delivery attributes for an event subscription of a partner topic. |
Get-AzEventGridPermissionBinding |
Get properties of a permission binding. |
Get-AzEventGridSubscription |
Get properties of an event subscription. |
Get-AzEventGridSubscriptionDeliveryAttribute |
Get all delivery attributes for an event subscription. |
Get-AzEventGridSubscriptionFullUrl |
Get the full endpoint URL for an event subscription. |
Get-AzEventGridSubscriptionGlobal |
List all aggregated global event subscriptions under a specific Azure subscription. |
Get-AzEventGridSubscriptionRegional |
List all event subscriptions from the given location under a specific Azure subscription. |
Get-AzEventGridSystemTopic |
Get properties of a system topic. |
Get-AzEventGridSystemTopicEventSubscription |
Get an event subscription. |
Get-AzEventGridSystemTopicEventSubscriptionDeliveryAttribute |
Get all delivery attributes for an event subscription. |
Get-AzEventGridTopic |
Get properties of a topic. |
Get-AzEventGridTopicEventSubscription |
Get properties of an event subscription of a topic. |
Get-AzEventGridTopicEventSubscriptionDeliveryAttribute |
Get all delivery attributes for an event subscription for topic. |
Get-AzEventGridTopicEventSubscriptionFullUrl |
Get the full endpoint URL for an event subscription for topic. |
Get-AzEventGridTopicEventType |
List event types for a topic. |
Get-AzEventGridTopicKey |
List the two keys used to publish to a topic. |
Get-AzEventGridTopicSpace |
Get properties of a topic space. |
Get-AzEventGridTopicType |
Get information about a topic type. |
Get-AzEventGridTopicTypeEventType |
List event types for a topic type. |
Get-AzEventGridVerifiedPartner |
Get properties of a verified partner. |
Grant-AzEventGridPartnerConfiguration |
Authorize a single partner either by partner registration immutable Id or by partner name. |
New-AzEventGridAzureFunctionEventSubscriptionDestinationObject |
Create an in-memory object for AzureFunctionEventSubscriptionDestination. |
New-AzEventGridBoolEqualsAdvancedFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for BoolEqualsAdvancedFilter. |
New-AzEventGridBoolEqualsFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for BoolEqualsFilter. |
New-AzEventGridCaCertificate |
create a CA certificate with the specified parameters. |
New-AzEventGridChannel |
Synchronously create a new channel with the specified parameters. |
New-AzEventGridClient |
create a client with the specified parameters. |
New-AzEventGridClientGroup |
create a client group with the specified parameters. |
New-AzEventGridDomain |
Asynchronously create a new domain with the specified parameters. |
New-AzEventGridDomainEventSubscription |
Asynchronously create a new event subscription or create an existing event subscription. |
New-AzEventGridDomainKey |
Regenerate a shared access key for a domain. |
New-AzEventGridDomainTopic |
Asynchronously create a new domain topic with the specified parameters. |
New-AzEventGridDomainTopicEventSubscription |
Asynchronously create a new event subscription or create an existing event subscription. |
New-AzEventGridDynamicDeliveryAttributeMappingObject |
Create an in-memory object for DynamicDeliveryAttributeMapping. |
New-AzEventGridDynamicRoutingEnrichmentObject |
Create an in-memory object for DynamicRoutingEnrichment. |
New-AzEventGridEventHubEventSubscriptionDestinationObject |
Create an in-memory object for EventHubEventSubscriptionDestination. |
New-AzEventGridEventSubscriptionFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for EventSubscriptionFilter. |
New-AzEventGridHybridConnectionEventSubscriptionDestinationObject |
Create an in-memory object for HybridConnectionEventSubscriptionDestination. |
New-AzEventGridInboundIPRuleObject |
Create an in-memory object for InboundIPRule. |
New-AzEventGridIsNotNullAdvancedFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for IsNotNullAdvancedFilter. |
New-AzEventGridIsNotNullFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for IsNotNullFilter. |
New-AzEventGridIsNullOrUndefinedAdvancedFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for IsNullOrUndefinedAdvancedFilter. |
New-AzEventGridIsNullOrUndefinedFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for IsNullOrUndefinedFilter. |
New-AzEventGridNamespace |
Asynchronously create a new namespace with the specified parameters. |
New-AzEventGridNamespaceKey |
Regenerate a shared access key for a namespace. |
New-AzEventGridNamespaceTopic |
Asynchronously create a new namespace topic with the specified parameters. |
New-AzEventGridNamespaceTopicEventSubscription |
Asynchronously create an event subscription of a namespace topic with the specified parameters. Existing event subscriptions will be updated with this API. |
New-AzEventGridNamespaceTopicKey |
Regenerate a shared access key for a namespace topic. |
New-AzEventGridNumberGreaterThanAdvancedFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for NumberGreaterThanAdvancedFilter. |
New-AzEventGridNumberGreaterThanFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for NumberGreaterThanFilter. |
New-AzEventGridNumberGreaterThanOrEqualsAdvancedFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for NumberGreaterThanOrEqualsAdvancedFilter. |
New-AzEventGridNumberGreaterThanOrEqualsFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for NumberGreaterThanOrEqualsFilter. |
New-AzEventGridNumberInAdvancedFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for NumberInAdvancedFilter. |
New-AzEventGridNumberInFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for NumberInFilter. |
New-AzEventGridNumberInRangeAdvancedFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for NumberInRangeAdvancedFilter. |
New-AzEventGridNumberInRangeFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for NumberInRangeFilter. |
New-AzEventGridNumberLessThanAdvancedFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for NumberLessThanAdvancedFilter. |
New-AzEventGridNumberLessThanFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for NumberLessThanFilter. |
New-AzEventGridNumberLessThanOrEqualsAdvancedFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for NumberLessThanOrEqualsAdvancedFilter. |
New-AzEventGridNumberLessThanOrEqualsFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for NumberLessThanOrEqualsFilter. |
New-AzEventGridNumberNotInAdvancedFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for NumberNotInAdvancedFilter. |
New-AzEventGridNumberNotInFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for NumberNotInFilter. |
New-AzEventGridNumberNotInRangeAdvancedFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for NumberNotInRangeAdvancedFilter. |
New-AzEventGridNumberNotInRangeFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for NumberNotInRangeFilter. |
New-AzEventGridPartnerConfiguration |
Synchronously create a partner configuration with the specified parameters. |
New-AzEventGridPartnerDestination |
Asynchronously create a new partner destination with the specified parameters. |
New-AzEventGridPartnerEventSubscriptionDestinationObject |
Create an in-memory object for PartnerEventSubscriptionDestination. |
New-AzEventGridPartnerNamespace |
Asynchronously create a new partner namespace with the specified parameters. |
New-AzEventGridPartnerNamespaceKey |
Regenerate a shared access key for a partner namespace. |
New-AzEventGridPartnerObject |
Create an in-memory object for Partner. |
New-AzEventGridPartnerRegistration |
create a new partner registration with the specified parameters. |
New-AzEventGridPartnerTopic |
Asynchronously create a new partner topic with the specified parameters. |
New-AzEventGridPartnerTopicEventSubscription |
Asynchronously create an event subscription of a partner topic with the specified parameters. Existing event subscriptions will be updated with this API. |
New-AzEventGridPermissionBinding |
create a permission binding with the specified parameters. |
New-AzEventGridPrivateEndpointConnectionObject |
Create an in-memory object for PrivateEndpointConnection. |
New-AzEventGridResourceMoveChangeHistoryObject |
Create an in-memory object for ResourceMoveChangeHistory. |
New-AzEventGridServiceBusQueueEventSubscriptionDestinationObject |
Create an in-memory object for ServiceBusQueueEventSubscriptionDestination. |
New-AzEventGridServiceBusTopicEventSubscriptionDestinationObject |
Create an in-memory object for ServiceBusTopicEventSubscriptionDestination. |
New-AzEventGridStaticDeliveryAttributeMappingObject |
Create an in-memory object for StaticDeliveryAttributeMapping. |
New-AzEventGridStaticRoutingEnrichmentObject |
Create an in-memory object for StaticRoutingEnrichment. |
New-AzEventGridStorageQueueEventSubscriptionDestinationObject |
Create an in-memory object for StorageQueueEventSubscriptionDestination. |
New-AzEventGridStringBeginsWithAdvancedFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for StringBeginsWithAdvancedFilter. |
New-AzEventGridStringBeginsWithFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for StringBeginsWithFilter. |
New-AzEventGridStringContainsAdvancedFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for StringContainsAdvancedFilter. |
New-AzEventGridStringContainsFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for StringContainsFilter. |
New-AzEventGridStringEndsWithAdvancedFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for StringEndsWithAdvancedFilter. |
New-AzEventGridStringEndsWithFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for StringEndsWithFilter. |
New-AzEventGridStringInAdvancedFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for StringInAdvancedFilter. |
New-AzEventGridStringInFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for StringInFilter. |
New-AzEventGridStringNotBeginsWithAdvancedFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for StringNotBeginsWithAdvancedFilter. |
New-AzEventGridStringNotBeginsWithFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for StringNotBeginsWithFilter. |
New-AzEventGridStringNotContainsAdvancedFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for StringNotContainsAdvancedFilter. |
New-AzEventGridStringNotContainsFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for StringNotContainsFilter. |
New-AzEventGridStringNotEndsWithAdvancedFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for StringNotEndsWithAdvancedFilter. |
New-AzEventGridStringNotEndsWithFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for StringNotEndsWithFilter. |
New-AzEventGridStringNotInAdvancedFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for StringNotInAdvancedFilter. |
New-AzEventGridStringNotInFilterObject |
Create an in-memory object for StringNotInFilter. |
New-AzEventGridSubscription |
Asynchronously create a new event subscription or create an existing event subscription based on the specified scope. |
New-AzEventGridSystemTopic |
Asynchronously create a new system topic with the specified parameters. |
New-AzEventGridSystemTopicEventSubscription |
Asynchronously create an event subscription with the specified parameters. Existing event subscriptions will be updated with this API. |
New-AzEventGridTopic |
Asynchronously create a new topic with the specified parameters. |
New-AzEventGridTopicEventSubscription |
Asynchronously create a new event subscription or create an existing event subscription. |
New-AzEventGridTopicKey |
Regenerate a shared access key for a topic. |
New-AzEventGridTopicSpace |
create a topic space with the specified parameters. |
New-AzEventGridWebHookEventSubscriptionDestinationObject |
Create an in-memory object for WebHookEventSubscriptionDestination. |
Remove-AzEventGridCaCertificate |
Delete an existing CA certificate. |
Remove-AzEventGridChannel |
Delete an existing channel. |
Remove-AzEventGridClient |
Delete an existing client. |
Remove-AzEventGridClientGroup |
Delete an existing client group. |
Remove-AzEventGridDomain |
Delete existing domain. |
Remove-AzEventGridDomainEventSubscription |
Delete an existing event subscription for a domain. |
Remove-AzEventGridDomainTopic |
Delete existing domain topic. |
Remove-AzEventGridDomainTopicEventSubscription |
Delete a nested existing event subscription for a domain topic. |
Remove-AzEventGridNamespace |
Delete existing namespace. |
Remove-AzEventGridNamespaceTopic |
Delete existing namespace topic. |
Remove-AzEventGridNamespaceTopicEventSubscription |
Delete an existing event subscription of a namespace topic. |
Remove-AzEventGridPartnerConfiguration |
Delete existing partner configuration. |
Remove-AzEventGridPartnerDestination |
Delete existing partner destination. |
Remove-AzEventGridPartnerNamespace |
Delete existing partner namespace. |
Remove-AzEventGridPartnerRegistration |
Deletes a partner registration with the specified parameters. |
Remove-AzEventGridPartnerTopic |
Delete existing partner topic. |
Remove-AzEventGridPartnerTopicEventSubscription |
Delete an existing event subscription of a partner topic. |
Remove-AzEventGridPermissionBinding |
Delete an existing permission binding. |
Remove-AzEventGridSubscription |
Delete an existing event subscription. |
Remove-AzEventGridSystemTopic |
Delete existing system topic. |
Remove-AzEventGridSystemTopicEventSubscription |
Delete an existing event subscription of a system topic. |
Remove-AzEventGridTopic |
Delete existing topic. |
Remove-AzEventGridTopicEventSubscription |
Delete an existing event subscription for a topic. |
Remove-AzEventGridTopicSpace |
Delete an existing topic space. |
Revoke-AzEventGridPartnerConfiguration |
Unauthorize a single partner either by partner registration immutable Id or by partner name. |
Update-AzEventGridChannel |
Synchronously update a channel with the specified parameters. |
Update-AzEventGridClient |
update a client with the specified parameters. |
Update-AzEventGridClientGroup |
update a client group with the specified parameters. |
Update-AzEventGridDomain |
Asynchronously update a new domain with the specified parameters. |
Update-AzEventGridDomainEventSubscription |
update an existing event subscription for a topic. |
Update-AzEventGridDomainTopicEventSubscription |
update an existing event subscription for a domain topic. |
Update-AzEventGridNamespace |
Asynchronously update a new namespace with the specified parameters. |
Update-AzEventGridNamespaceTopic |
Asynchronously update a namespace topic with the specified parameters. |
Update-AzEventGridNamespaceTopicEventSubscription |
update an existing event subscription of a namespace topic. |
Update-AzEventGridPartnerConfiguration |
Synchronously update a partner configuration with the specified parameters. |
Update-AzEventGridPartnerDestination |
Asynchronously update a partner destination with the specified parameters. |
Update-AzEventGridPartnerNamespace |
Asynchronously update a partner namespace with the specified parameters. |
Update-AzEventGridPartnerTopic |
Asynchronously update a new partner topic with the specified parameters. |
Update-AzEventGridPartnerTopicEventSubscription |
update an existing event subscription of a partner topic. |
Update-AzEventGridPermissionBinding |
update a permission binding with the specified parameters. |
Update-AzEventGridSubscription |
Asynchronously update an existing event subscription. |
Update-AzEventGridSystemTopic |
Asynchronously update a new system topic with the specified parameters. |
Update-AzEventGridSystemTopicEventSubscription |
update an existing event subscription of a system topic. |
Update-AzEventGridTopic |
Asynchronously update a new topic with the specified parameters. |
Update-AzEventGridTopicEventSubscription |
update an existing event subscription for a topic. |
Update-AzEventGridTopicSpace |
update a topic space with the specified parameters. |