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Power Automate for desktop - Build 2301

This article describes the new features, improvements and fixes to existing functionality that are included in this build.

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Version updates

New Features

  • Power Automate for desktop now checks if there is a valid certificate on the machine to allow the user to sign in. Users cannot sign in without a valid certificate. Admins can disable the certificate check through a registry entry as described here.
    Update: This feature has been rolled back from this version.

  • Admins can now use a registry entry to prevent Power Automate for desktop from capturing a screenshot for the action logs, when an error occurs during a local-attended, attended or unattended flow run.

  • More SharePoint connector actions are now available to be used (in preview) in Power Automate for desktop:

    • Create sharing link for a file or folder
    • Copy file
    • Move file
    • Copy folder
    • Move folder
    • Check out file
    • Discard check out
    • Check in file
    • Get list views
  • Default web selectors have been adapted to ignore the element’s Class, Type and Value attributes, but include the newly added Text attribute, to increase the reliability of the captured UI elements.

  • Users now have the additional option to manually capture a UI element, using a selector that takes into account its text value (Name attribute's value for desktop elements, Text attribute's value for web elements), by right-clicking on it. They can also configure this text-based selector during capturing, so that it uses the proper operator (e.g., is equal to, contains, etc.) and/or even a variable instead of a hardcoded value.

Enhancements & Improvements

  • The response time of launching the designer for a desktop flow has been improved.

  • The ‘Launch Excel’ action now comes with a new password field to unlock write-protected Excel documents.

  • The startup performance of desktop flows has been improved, especially for large flows containing hundreds of actions.

  • In the action ‘Retrieve email messages from Outlook’, the response no longer displays x.500 format addresses in the fields that contain email addresses, but instead uses the plain email address (e.g.,

  • Selector syntax errors in the text editor now come with the respective tooltips, explaining what the error is.

Repaired Functionality

The following list details issues in Power Automate for desktop that are now resolved:

  • The folder picker element in actions that accept folder paths as input parameters no longer defaults to the Desktop directory.

  • An issue with the license request form, throwing a validation error despite being prepopulated, has now been resolved.

  • The ‘New flow’ button in the Home screen is now enabled before clicking anywhere on the window, as expected.

  • Editing a shared flow now does not make it appear under the ‘My flows’ tab.

  • An issue with variables with long values causing a performance hit has now been resolved.

  • Direct encrypted values now appear as expected in the summaries of the actions ‘Populate text field’, ‘Send keys’ and ‘Set text on terminal session’.

  • Comment actions are now disallowed to be disabled.

  • An issue that occurred while opening the error details of the action ‘Create user’ of the ‘Active Directory’ module has now been resolved.

  • Rerunning a flow after a runtime error in the flow designer now makes the errors pane disappear as expected.

  • The summary of the action ‘Wait for image’ is now adjusted accordingly, when the toggle button to wait for all the selected images is enabled.

  • The former limit of 5 action elements in the custom form action has now been lifted.

  • The action ‘Click link on web page’ now works properly with physical clicks, when applied to a browser displayed on a second monitor that uses a different DPI analysis (Scale setting).

  • The action ‘Populate text field on web page’ now works properly with physical keystrokes, when applied to a browser displayed on a second monitor that uses a different DPI analysis (Scale setting).

  • In the action ‘Extract data from web page’, the variable name now does not roll back when it is renamed, and the live web helper is launched and then cancelled.

  • In the action ‘Populate text field on web page’, the default value of the parameter ‘Unfocus text box after filling it’ is now set to True, to avoid clicking on autofill suggestions when using physical keystrokes.

  • Some recorder issues in Edge with the new extension, which had to do with out of order recording and duplicating steps with window and web actions combined, have now been resolved.

  • While an Edge browser instance was already open and minimized, the following two issues have been resolved during recording:

    • When choosing to launch a new Edge browser, it no longer launches with the URL of the active tab of the minimized browser window.
    • When choosing to navigate to a different web page on the new browser, the redirection no longer takes place on the active tab of the minimized browser window.
  • When a web page doesn’t have a description, the ‘Get details of web page’ action now returns an empty string instead of throwing an error.

  • An issue with the ‘Send keys’ action not being generated properly, when using the recorder for Java applets in IE mode on Edge, has now been resolved.

  • Java custom elements are now highlighted as expected in their corresponding selector syntax.

  • While extracting data via the action ‘Extract data from web page’, right clicking on an email in Outlook no longer brings up both Outlook’s and the action’s context menus.

Return to the all version availability page.

If you have any feedback on the release notes, please provide your thoughts here.