Manifest schema reference
This section contains reference documentation for manifest schema generated using Microsoft Power Platform CLI.
The Available for tab shows which elements are supported by model-driven and canvas apps. It is recommended to check the Available for section for each individual property whether it is supported or not. For example, the code element is supported for both model-driven and canvas apps, but html and img properties in code elements doesn't support canvas apps.
Element | Description | Available for |
code | Refers to the path where the resource files are located. | Model-driven and canvas apps |
control | Defines the component's namespace, version, and display information. | Model-driven and canvas apps |
css | CSS describes how code components are to be displayed on UI. | Model-driven and canvas apps |
data-set | The dataset node in the component manifest represents a specific, configurable representation of a set of table records. | Model-driven apps |
domain | Specifies the domain within the external-service-usage element | Canvas apps |
dependency | Refers to a library in another component that this component depends on. | Model-driven apps |
external-service-usage | Indicates whether this control is using external service or not. If it is, set the enabled attribute flag as true and add the external service domain to the <domain> property. A control that uses any external service is a premium control and the end user will need a Power Apps license to open an app with a premium control. More information: Licensing |
Canvas apps |
event element | Defines a Power FX expression that can be configured within Power Apps Studio, then triggered within the component code. | Canvas apps |
feature-usage | The feature-usage element acts as a wrapper around the uses-feature elements, which themselves allow developers to declare which features their component wants to use. If there are no uses-feature elements defined, the feature-usage element is not required. |
Model-driven apps |
img | The img web resource allows you to add images for the code components. |
Model-driven apps |
manifest | Manifest is the metadata file that defines a component. It is an XML document that describes - The namespace of the component. - The kind of data it can be configured, either a field or a data-set. - Any properties that can be configured in the application when the component is added. - A list of resource files that the component needs. - One of them must be a JavaScript web resource. This JavaScript must include a function that will instantiate an object. This implements an interface that exposes methods that are required for the component to work. This is called the component implementation library. - The name of a JavaScript function in the component implementation library that will return an object that applies the required interface. When someone configures a component in the application, the data in the manifest filters out the available components so that only valid components for the context are available for configuration. The properties defined in the manifest for a component are rendered as configuration fields so that the person configuring the control can specify values. These property values are then available to your component function at run time. |
Model-driven and canvas apps |
platform-action | Used to specify that control dependencies load on demand instead of when the control is loaded. | Model-driven and canvas apps |
platform-library | The platform library to use as a resource. This element is used in the React controls & platform libraries (Preview) . |
Model-driven and canvas apps |
property-dependencies | Defines a group of property-dependencies. | Canvas apps |
property-dependency | A property dependency in the property-dependencies node. Defines dependency between two properties. | Canvas apps |
property-set | Defines an inner configuration within a dataset manifest node to allow you to explicitly configure a column of your dataset against a column of a given type from the table against which the dataset is configured. | Model-driven apps |
property | The property node defines a specific, configurable piece of data that the component expects from the Microsoft Dataverse. | Model-driven and canvas apps |
resources | The resources node in the component manifest refers to the resource files that component requires to implement it's visualization. | Model-driven and canvas apps |
resx | The resx webresource is used to manage the localized strings you define. | Model-driven and canvas apps |
type | The type in the type-group node defines the data type. | Model-driven apps |
type-group | The type-group node defines a set of types identified by a single name. This information can be used to identify the data types supported by a specific property. | Model-driven and canvas apps |
types | Model-driven and canvas apps | |
uses-feature | Indicates which feature the code components want to use. | Model-driven apps |
Related articles
Power Apps component framework manifest schema reference
Power Apps component framework API reference
Power Apps component framework overview