The SERVER_ALIAS_INFO_0 structure contains the information about alias, including alias name and server target name.

 typedef struct _SERVER_ALIAS_INFO_0 {
   [string] LMSTR srvai0_alias;
   [string] LMSTR srvai0_target;
   BOOLEAN srvai0_default;
   ULONG srvai0_reserved;

srvai0_alias: An empty string or a pointer to a null-terminated Unicode UTF-16 string that specifies the name of a specified alias. It MUST be an empty string if srvai0_default is nonzero and MUST be a non-empty string if srvai0_default is 0.

srvai0_target: A pointer to a null-terminated Unicode UTF-16 string. It specifies the server name that alias is attached to. The server MUST ignore this member when processing the NetrServerAliasDel method.

srvai0_default: A BOOLEAN value. If it is set to TRUE, srvai0_target MUST replace the default server name that is used to locate a scoped share in NetrShareAdd/NetrShareDel/NetrShareSetInfo. If a scoped share cannot be found through a tuple of <share name, server name> due to a server name mismatch, the default server name is used in <share name, default server name> to continue scoped share searching. The server MUST ignore srvai0_default when processing the NetrServerAliasDel method.

srvai0_reserved: This field is not used. The server MUST ignore the value of this parameter on receipt.