Delen via get_FiringInterfaceID (Opnum 13)

The get_FiringInterfaceID method gets the FiringInterfaceID property of the event class.

 [propget, id(4), helpstring("property FiringInterfaceID")] HRESULT FiringInterfaceID(
   [out, retval] BSTR* pbstrFiringInterfaceID

pbstrFiringInterfaceID: If the method returns a success HRESULT, it MUST contain the FiringInterfaceID property of the event class, as specified in section The value MUST conform to the format specified in section 2.2.3.

Return Values: An HRESULT specifying success or failure. All success codes MUST be treated the same, and all failure codes MUST be treated the same.

When this method is invoked, the server MUST verify that this value was previously set on this DCOM object instance servicing this method call. If not, the server MUST fail the call, returning a failure HRESULT back to the client. Otherwise, the server MUST return the value of the FiringInterfaceID property.