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Package metadata

It is possible to fetch metadata about the packages available on a package source using the NuGet V3 API. This metadata can be fetched using the RegistrationsBaseUrl resource found in the service index.

The collection of the documents found under RegistrationsBaseUrl are often called "registrations" or "registration blobs". The set of documents under a single RegistrationsBaseUrl is referred to as a "registration hive". A registration hive contains metadata about every package available on a package source.


The package metadata resource does not contain all metadata for packages. Use the search resource to find packages' owners, downloads, or prefix reservation status.


The following @type values are used:

@type value Notes
RegistrationsBaseUrl The initial release
RegistrationsBaseUrl/3.0.0-beta Alias of RegistrationsBaseUrl
RegistrationsBaseUrl/3.0.0-rc Alias of RegistrationsBaseUrl
RegistrationsBaseUrl/3.4.0 Gzipped responses
RegistrationsBaseUrl/3.6.0 Includes SemVer 2.0.0 packages

This represents three distinct registration hives available for various client versions.


These registrations are not compressed (meaning they use an implied Content-Encoding: identity). SemVer 2.0.0 packages are excluded from this hive.


These registrations are compressed using Content-Encoding: gzip. SemVer 2.0.0 packages are excluded from this hive.


These registrations are compressed using Content-Encoding: gzip. SemVer 2.0.0 packages are included in this hive. For more information about SemVer 2.0.0, see SemVer 2.0.0 support for

Base URL

The base URL for the following APIs is the value of the @id property associated with the aforementioned resource @type values. In the following document, the placeholder base URL {@id} will be used. The base URL may change based on implementation or infrastructure changes within the package source so it must be dynamically fetched from the service index by the client software.

HTTP methods

All URLs found in the registration resource support the HTTP methods GET and HEAD.

Registration index

The registration resource groups package metadata by package ID. It is not possible to get data about more than one package ID at a time. This resource provides no way to discover package IDs. Instead the client is assumed to already know the desired package ID. Available metadata about each package version varies by server implementation. The package registration blobs have the following hierarchical structure:

  • Index: the entry point for the package metadata, shared by all packages on a source with the same package ID.
  • Page: a grouping of package versions. The number of package versions in a page is defined by server implementation.
  • Leaf: a document specific to a single package version.

The URL of the registration index is predictable and can be determined by the client given a package ID and the registration resource's @id value from the service index. The URLs for the registration pages and leaves are discovered by inspecting the registration index.

Registration pages and leaves

Although it's not strictly required for a server implementation to store registration leafs in seperate registration page documents, it's a recommended practice to conserve client-side memory. Instead of inlining all registration leaves in the index or immediately storing leaves in page documents, it's recommended that the server implementation define some heuristic to choose between the two approaches based on the number of package versions or cumulative size of package leaves.

Storing all package versions (leaves) in the registration index saves on the number of HTTP requests necessary to fetch package metadata but means that a larger document must be downloaded and more client memory must be allocated. On the other hand, if the server implementation immediately stores registration leaves in seperate page documents, the client must perform more HTTP requests to get the information it needs.

The heuristic that uses is as follows: if there are 128 or more versions of a package, break the leaves into pages of size 64. If there are less than 128 versions, inline all leaves into the registration index. Note that this means packages with 65 to 127 versions will have two pages in the index but both pages will be inlined.

GET {@id}/{LOWER_ID}/index.json

Request parameters

Name In Type Required Notes
LOWER_ID URL string yes The package ID, lowercased

The LOWER_ID value is the desired package ID lowercased using the rules implemented by .NET's System.String.ToLowerInvariant() method.


The response is a JSON document which has a root object with the following properties:

Name Type Required Notes
count integer yes The number of registration pages in the index
items array of objects yes The array of registration pages

Each item in the index object's items array is a JSON object representing a registration page.

Registration page object

The registration page object found in the registration index has the following properties:

Name Type Required Notes
@id string yes The URL to the registration page
count integer yes The number of registration leaves in the page
items array of objects no The array of registration leaves and their associate metadata
lower string yes The lowest SemVer 2.0.0 version in the page (inclusive)
parent string no The URL to the registration index
upper string yes The highest SemVer 2.0.0 version in the page (inclusive)

The lower and upper bounds of the page object are useful when the metadata for a specific page version is needed. These bounds can be used to fetch the only registration page needed. The version strings adhere to NuGet's version rules. The version strings are normalized and do not include build metadata. As with all versions in the NuGet ecosystem, comparison of version strings is implemented using SemVer 2.0.0's version precedence rules.

The parent property will only appear if the registration page object has the items property.

If the items property is not present in the registration page object, the URL specified in the @id must be used to fetch metadata about individual package versions. The items array is sometimes excluded from the page object as an optimization. If the number of versions of a single package ID is very large, then the registration index document will be massive and wasteful to process for a client that only cares about a specific version or small range of versions.

Note that if the items property is present, the @id property need not be used, since all of the page data is already inlined in the items property.

Each item in the page object's items array is a JSON object representing a registration leaf and it's associated metadata.

Registration leaf object in a page

The registration leaf object found in a registration page has the following properties:

Name Type Required Notes
@id string yes The URL to the registration leaf
catalogEntry object yes The catalog entry containing the package metadata
packageContent string yes The URL to the package content (.nupkg)

Each registration leaf object represents data associated with a single package version.

Catalog entry

The catalogEntry property in the registration leaf object has the following properties:

Name Type Required Notes
@id string yes The URL to the document used to produce this object
authors string or array of strings no
dependencyGroups array of objects no The dependencies of the package, grouped by target framework
deprecation object no The deprecation associated with the package
description string no
iconUrl string no
id string yes The ID of the package
language string no
licenseUrl string no
licenseExpression string no
listed boolean no Should be considered as listed if absent
minClientVersion string no
packageContent string no Duplicate of the same property in the parent object, included only for legacy reasons
projectUrl string no
published string no A string containing a ISO 8601 timestamp of when the package was published
readmeUrl string no A URL for the rendered (HTML web page) view of the package README
requireLicenseAcceptance boolean no
summary string no
tags string or array of strings no
title string no
version string yes The full version string after normalization
vulnerabilities array of objects no The security vulnerabilities of the package

The package version property is the full version string after normalization. This means that SemVer 2.0.0 build data can be included here.

The dependencyGroups property is an array of objects representing the dependencies of the package, grouped by target framework. If the package has no dependencies, the dependencyGroups property is missing, an empty array, or the dependencies property of all groups is empty or missing.

The value of the licenseExpression property complies with NuGet license expression syntax.


On, the published value is set to year 1900 when the package is unlisted.

Package dependency group

Each dependency group object has the following properties:

Name Type Required Notes
targetFramework string no The target framework that these dependencies are applicable to
dependencies array of objects no

The targetFramework string uses the format implemented by NuGet's .NET library NuGet.Frameworks. If no targetFramework is specified, the dependency group applies to all target frameworks.

The dependencies property is an array of objects, each representing a package dependency of the current package.

Package dependency

Each package dependency has the following properties:

Name Type Required Notes
id string yes The ID of the package dependency
range object no The allowed version range of the dependency
registration string no The URL to the registration index for this dependency

If the range property is excluded or an empty string, the client should default to the version range (, ). That is, any version of the dependency is allowed. The value of * is not allowed for the range property.

Package deprecation

Each package deprecation has the following properties:

Name Type Required Notes
reasons array of strings yes The reasons why the package was deprecated
message string no The additional details about this deprecation
alternatePackage object no The alternate package that should be used instead

The reasons property must contain at least one string and should only contains strings from the following table:

Reason Description
Legacy The package is no longer maintained
CriticalBugs The package has bugs which make it unsuitable for usage
Other The package is deprecated due to a reason not on this list

If the reasons property contains strings that are not from the known set, they should be ignored. The strings are case-insensitive, so legacy should be treated the same as Legacy. There is no ordering restriction on the array, so the strings can arranged in any arbitrary order. Additionally, if the property contains only strings that are not from the known set, it should be treated as if it only contained the "Other" string.

Alternate package

The alternate package object has the following properties:

Name Type Required Notes
id string yes The ID of the alternate package
range object no The allowed version range, or * if any version is allowed


An array of vulnerability objects. Each vulnerability has the following properties:

Name Type Required Notes
advisoryUrl string yes Location of security advisory for the package
severity string yes Severity of advisory: "0" = Low, "1" = Moderate, "2" = High, "3" = Critical

Sample request


Make sure to fetch the base URL ( in this sample) from the service index as mentioned in the base URL section.

Sample response

  "count": 1,
  "items": [
      "@id": "",
      "count": 1,
      "items": [
          "@id": "",
          "catalogEntry": {
            "@id": "",
            "authors": ".NET Foundation",
            "dependencyGroups": [
                "@id": "",
                "dependencies": [
                    "@id": "",
                    "id": "NuGet.Core",
                    "range": "[2.14.0, )",
                    "registration": ""
            "description": "Core library for creating a Web Application used to host a simple NuGet feed",
            "iconUrl": "",
            "id": "NuGet.Server.Core",
            "language": "",
            "licenseUrl": "",
            "listed": true,
            "minClientVersion": "2.6",
            "packageContent": "",
            "projectUrl": "",
            "published": "2017-10-05T18:40:32.43+00:00",
            "requireLicenseAcceptance": false,
            "summary": "",
            "tags": [ "" ],
            "title": "",
            "version": "3.0.0-beta",
            "vulnerabilities": [
                "advisoryUrl": "",
                "severity": "2"
          "packageContent": "",
          "registration": ""
      "lower": "3.0.0-beta",
      "upper": "3.0.0-beta"

In this particular case, the registration index has the registration page inlined so no extra requests are needed to fetch metadata about individual package versions.

Registration page

The registration page contains registration leaves. The URL to fetch a registration page is determined by the @id property in the registration page object mentioned above. The URL is not meant to be predictable and should always be discovered by means of the index document.


On, the URL for the registration page document coincidentally contains the lower and upper bound of the page. However this assumption should never be made by a client since server implementations are free to change the shape of the URL as long as the index document has a valid link.

When the items array is not provided in the registration index, an HTTP GET request of the @id value will return a JSON document which has an object as its root. The object has the following properties:

Name Type Required Notes
@id string yes The URL to the registration page
count integer yes The number of registration leaves in the page
items array of objects yes The array of registration leaves and their associate metadata
lower string yes The lowest SemVer 2.0.0 version in the page (inclusive)
parent string yes The URL to the registration index
upper string yes The highest SemVer 2.0.0 version in the page (inclusive)

The shape of the registration leaf objects is the same as in the registration index above.

Sample request


Make sure to fetch the base URL ( in this sample) from the service index as mentioned in the base URL section.

Sample response

  "count": 2,
  "lower": "1.0.531",
  "parent": "",
  "upper": "1.0.729-unstable",
  "items": [
      "@id": "",
      "@type": "Package",
      "commitId": "e0b9ca79-75b5-414f-9e3e-de9534b5cfd1",
      "commitTimeStamp": "2017-10-26T14:12:19.3439088Z",
      "catalogEntry": {
        "@id": "",
        "@type": "PackageDetails",
        "authors": " Team",
        "iconUrl": "",
        "id": "NuGet.Protocol.V3.Example",
        "licenseUrl": "",
        "listed": false,
        "packageContent": "",
        "projectUrl": "",
        "published": "1900-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
        "requireLicenseAcceptance": true,
        "title": "NuGet V3 Protocol Example",
        "version": "1.0.531"
      "packageContent": "",
      "registration": ""
      "@id": "",
      "@type": "Package",
      "commitId": "e0b9ca79-75b5-414f-9e3e-de9534b5cfd1",
      "commitTimeStamp": "2017-10-26T14:12:19.3439088Z",
      "catalogEntry": {
        "@id": "",
        "@type": "PackageDetails",
        "authors": " Team",
        "deprecation": {
          "reasons": [
          "message": "This package is unstable and broken!",
          "alternatePackage": {
            "id": "Newtonsoft.JSON",
            "range": "12.0.2"
        "iconUrl": "",
        "id": "NuGet.Protocol.V3.Example",
        "licenseUrl": "",
        "listed": false,
        "packageContent": "",
        "projectUrl": "",
        "published": "1900-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
        "requireLicenseAcceptance": true,
        "summary": "This package is an example for the V3 protocol.",
        "title": "NuGet V3 Protocol Example",
        "version": "1.0.729-Unstable"
      "packageContent": "",
      "registration": ""

Registration leaf

The registration leaf contains information about a specific package ID and version. The metadata about the specific version may not be available in this document. Package metadata should be fetched from the registration index or the registration page (which is discovered using the registration index).

The URL to fetch a registration leaf is obtained from the @id property of a registration leaf object in either a registration index or registration page. As with the page document. the URL is not meant to be predictable and should always be discovered by means of the registration page object.


On, the URL for the registration leaf document coincidentally contains the package version. However this assumption should never be made by a client since server implementations are free to change the shape of the URL as long as the parent document has a valid link.

The registration leaf is a JSON document with a root object with the following properties:

Name Type Required Notes
@id string yes The URL to the registration leaf
catalogEntry string no The URL to the catalog entry that produced these leaf
listed boolean no Should be considered as listed if absent
packageContent string no The URL to the package content (.nupkg)
published string no A string containing a ISO 8601 timestamp of when the package was published
registration string no The URL to the registration index


On, the published value is set to year 1900 when the package is unlisted.

Sample request


Make sure to fetch the base URL ( in this sample) from the service index as mentioned in the base URL section.

Sample response

  "@id": "",
  "catalogEntry": "",
  "listed": true,
  "packageContent": "",
  "published": "2017-08-11T18:24:14.36+00:00",
  "registration": ""