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Required desktop diagnostic data for Microsoft Teams

The following article contains a list of Microsoft Teams desktop events, and lists of properties each event collects.

For more information about diagnostic data, including how to control what diagnostic data is sent to Microsoft, see Diagnostic data sent from the Teams app to Microsoft. To view the diagnostic data being sent to Microsoft, you can use the Diagnostic Data Viewer.



There are common properties for all events listed below, to review them, see Properties sent with all events.



For information on the properties of Logging events, see Properties sent with logging events.

  • adal-anonymous-mac.ts:this.logger.logError - Records that a generic sso error occurred when logging in anonymously on a Mac device.
  • adalAnonymousUtil.ts:loggingService.getInstance - Records error statement logging that the app couldn't launch anonymous user authentication.
  • adal-anonymous-windows.ts:this.logger.logError - Records that a generic sso error occurred when logging in anonymously on a windows device.
  • adalBase.ts:this.loggingService.logError - Records information needed to determine that the user profile is null or empty.
  • adal-impl-mac.ts:this.loggingService.logError - Records the occurrence of an issue when parsing telemetry received during authentication or generic sso error occurred when logging in on a Mac device.
  • adal-rigel-windows.ts:this.logger.logError - General logging statement indicating a generic sso error occurred when logging in on our Meeting room device.
  • adal-sso-windows.ts:this.loggingService.logError - Records that a generic sso error occurred when logging in on a Windows device, errors in initiating the chat service or log in failure information.
  • appOnlineService.ts:loggingService.getInstance - Records the occurrence of an error due to settings that couldn't be parsed during startup or with downloading pre-user authentication, pre-authorized settings.
  • appStart.ts:loggingService.logError - Records the occurrence of an error when the application couldn't launch, disk space error, valid certificate error or failed to find the correct certificate, and restarting the app.
  • browserWindowHttp.ts:this.loggingService.logError - Records information to indicate that the application couldn't be updated due to issues with the file system.
  • contextInstallService.ts:loggingService.getInstance - Records the occurrence of an error when:
    • attempting to parse or read a file or resolve a URL critical to the contextual install feature.
    • the URL shortener attempts to run the contextual install feature.
  • crashManager.ts:loggingService.logError - Records information to determine the cause of an error when the application crashes.
  • localStorageService.ts:loggingService.getInstance - Records the occurrence of an error when essential boot data doesn't load properly to run the application.
  • logProviders\pageDumpProvider.ts:loggingService.getInstance - Records error information when the application crashes.
  • multiWindowManager.ts:this.logError - Records the occurrence of an error when essential boot data doesn't load properly to run the application.
  • nativeElectronNotifications\osNotificationService.ts:this.loggingService.logError - This event records the occurrence of an error when attempting to launch a notification about a failure.
  • OutlookMeetingAddinHelper.ts:loggingService.getInstance - Records the occurrence of an error when attempting to connect to a meeting using the Outlook meeting add-in.
  • recoveryManager.ts:loggingService.getInstance - Records the occurrence of an error during update rollbacks.
  • renderer\startPage\startPage.ts:this.logger.logError - Records the occurrence of an error with the application start page.
  • settingsService.ts:loggingService.getInstance - Records the occurrence of an error with the application settings.
  • updateInfo.ts:loggingService.getInstance - Records the occurrence of an error with transmitting updates.
  • updatenotification.js:this._loggingService.logError - Records the occurrence of disk space issues.
  • utility.ts:loggingService.logError - Records an error accessing a local file (a file in the application).
  • utility.ts:loggingService.getInstance - Records an error in available diskspace, display issues, url issues, cookie issues, protocols, or regkey issues on machine to load the application.
  • windowmanager.js:this._loggingService.logError - Records the occurrence of cookie issues, whitescreen issues, issues between desktop and shell communication, url issues,errors with loading page messages, errors with process rendering, and network connectivity issues.
  • windowmanager.js:loggingService.getInstance - Records information to indicate when the recovery window can't be shown.

Outlook add-in


For information on the properties of Outlook add-in events, see Properties sent with Outlook add-in events.

  • joinmeetingoperation - Records information needed to join a user to a meeting.
  • meetingaddinapplifecycle - Records information regarding app state such as Launch or Exit.
  • meetingaddinloadtime - Records the time it takes to load meeting information from Outlook.
  • openmeetingoperation - Records information needed to open a scheduled meeting.
  • savemeetingoperation - Records information needed to save the meeting while scheduling it.



For information on the properties of Scenario events, see Properties sent with scenario events.

  • desktop_app_load - Records information needed to determine that the desktop application has launched, that the service should be initialized, and that it's able to be initialized.
  • desktop_app_not_ready - Records information needed to determine that the desktop application isn't ready to function.
  • desktop_install - Records information needed to determine that the desktop application has been installed successfully, or that it failed to install.
  • desktop_previous_lifecycle_invalid - Records information needed to determine that the desktop application restarted after it had been previously been running and then crashed.



For information on the properties of Tracking events, see Properties sent with tracking events.

  • deeplink_scenario_missing - Teams was launched from a deeplink, but the telemetry/diagnostic isn't present.
  • desktop_app_initialized - Records information needed to determine if the application has successfully started when the desktop application is initialized.
  • desktop_app_quit_exception - The application crashed while attempting to close.
  • desktop_blankScreenDetected - Records information needed to determine errors when the desktop application renders a blank screen.
  • desktop_blankScreenDetectedAfterRepaint - Detected that page was blank upon detecting rendering attempt.
  • desktop_blankScreenRecoveredAfterRepaint - Recovered from a rendering issue where the screen wasn't rendered earlier.
  • desktop_configuration_failed_to_save - Collects information needed to determine configuration errors when desktop settings have failed to save.
  • desktop_navigation_error_recovery - Collects information needed to determine desktop navigation errors when a page fails to load after five attempts.
  • desktop_previous_gpu_crashed - Records information needed to determine graphics processing unit errors when the desktop crashes.
  • desktop_previous_plugin_host_crashed - Collects information need to determine media stack issues associated with desktop application crashes.
  • desktop_recovery_cleared_user_data - Records application crashed multiple times, and app had to clear local cache to recover.
  • desktop_settings_blank_on_load - This is an error that the applications settings aren't present.
  • desktop_settings_failed_to_load - Collects information needed to determine cause when desktop settings fail to load.
  • desktop_silent_restart - Client update is staged and client is updated without user disruption.
  • desktop_terminated - Records information needed to determine whether the inter-process communication has been disconnected when the user closes the desktop application.
  • desktop_uncaught_exception Function call on an undefined object, this will result in a crash/app restart.
  • desktop_write_storage_failed - Records information needed to determine disk errors when the desktop application fails to write to storage.
  • registration_failed - Records information needed to resolve add-in registration failures.
  • registration_success - Records information needed to determine whether add-in registrations were successful.
  • security_unsupported_ipc_channel - Interprocess message that wasn't permitted was inbound.
  • sfb_running_not_connected - Detected that the Skype for Business app isn't running.
  • sfb_not_running - Records that the 'wait for response' from call to Skype of Business timed out.
  • sfb_never_replied - Tracks no API response when communicating with Skype for Business.
  • server_error_hit - Tracks that an error from the ipc pipes communicating with Skype for Business.
  • unexpected_sfb_ipc_disconnection - Records information needed to determine a failure to connect to the service.
  • unregister_failed - Records information needed to determine errors in de-registering the Outlook meeting add-in.

UserBI panelaction


For information on the properties of UserBI panelaction events, see Properties sent with UserBI panelaction events.

  • inlinereply - Records information whether a user has replied from the notification.

  • toastclick - Records a user's click to navigate to the message entry to toast notifications to monitor service SLA and to load the appropriate response to toast notification.

  • toastdismiss - Records information needed to determine errors and delays when the user dismisses the rendering of a toast notification.

  • toast_skip - Records information needed to avoid transmitting a delayed toast notification.

  • toasttimeout - Records information needed to determine errors and delays when the rendering of a toast notification has timed out.

UserBI panelview


For information on the properties of UserBI panelview events, see Properties sent with UserBI panelview events.

  • toastshow - Records information needed to determine that a toast was rendered.

Property lists

Properties sent with all events

Property name Description
EventInfo_Time Event generation time
EventInfo_Name Event name - Used to differentiate between event types
EventInfo_BaseType/name Event type - Used to differentiate between event types in an event
EventInfo_Sequence Sequence of the event
userAgent Browser agent string
userpdclevel Privacy data control setting of the user
eventpdclevel Privacy data control categorization level of the event
AppInfo_Language App language
clientType/AppInfo_ClientType Client type where the app is running
environment/AppInfo_Environment Engineering environment that served the user request
clientVersion/appversion/AppInfo_Version/desktopBuildVersion Version of the app
buildtime timestamp that the app was built in engineering systems
osversion/DeviceInfo_OsVersion OS version
AppInfo_ProcessArchitecture System architecture (32bit/64bit)
preferredLocales preferred locale for the user
locale/AppInfo_Locale App locale
os/DeviceInfo_OsName OS Name
UserInfo_Language Selected user language
UserInfo_Id User ID
UserInfo_TenantId/TenantId Tenant ID
ring/UserInfo_Ring Concept that helps deliver application in a phased manner
region Datacenter region that served user's request
UserInfo_ConfigIds/UserInfo_Etag ID that helps identify users in different experiments/rollouts
DeviceInfo_BrowserName Browser name
DeviceInfo_BrowserVersion Browser version
DeviceInfo_Id/machineId/DeviceInfo_IdV2 ID that helps identify the device
totalMemory Hardware memory of the device
cores Hardware cores of the device
cpuspeed Hardware cpu speed of the device
DeviceInfo_CpuArchitecture/cpuarchitecture CPU architecture of the device
UserRole Helps identify user role in a tenant
DeviceInfo_WindowsMode Helps identify Windows security mode
desktopSession/Session_Id Helps identify a session
dbOpen Captures state of the local database
UserInfo_Upn One sided hash of user identifier

Properties sent with logging events

Property name Description
message Captures a detailed message about the log

Properties sent with scenario events

Property Name Description
Scenario_Status Status of a scenario
Scenario_Step Step in a scenario
sequence Sequence number of the scenario
delta Time taken to complete different steps in a scenario
elapsed Time since the scenario started
scenario Uniquely identify a scenario
Scenario_Name Name of the scenario
errorInfo Info of the error that might have occurred during a scenario
session Unique session ID
freeMemory Captures free memory available
processMemory Captures process memory
scenarioDelta Captures time different between two scenario steps
Session_DesktopId Unique session ID
machineLocked Captures if the machine was locked or not
windowIsVisible Captures if the app window was visible to use
appStates/webAppStates records a list of app states that the app went through. This helps with crash investigation because we can see what state the app was in
crashDesktopSession Captures ID of the crashed session
appRuntime Captures runtime of the app
diagnosticEvents Last 50 web app diagnostic events before app crash
activities Last 50 user scenario names which happened before crash
crashSession Captures ID of the crashed session
crashId Captures ID of the crashed session
isPreviousLifecycleValid Whether previous app was fully initialized and terminated successfully
isSettingValid Whether preauth settings are valid
rollbackReason Reason due to which app was rolled back
deeplinkType Type of the deeplink
watchdogCrash Whether app crashed due to hang
protocols Protocol used to launch the app
electronBuild Build version of electron app
distribution whether Teams was installed via exe or msi or dmg or pkg, etc.
updateTimeOfDay Time the app was updated
launchPath whether Teams is installed in %LOCALAPPDATA%, %PROGRAMFILES%, or other locations
loggedIn If the user was logged in
envType/complianceEnvironmentType Commercial cloud or private (for example, DoD, GCC-High, etc.)
cpuusage CPU usage
installationSource Type of installation user has
adalVersion Version of the auth library
asyncStart Is the app using synchronous or asynchronous start
attempts Number of online check attempts made for the user before showing a blocking screen

Properties sent with tracking events

Property name Description
name2 Captures name of the tracking event
numVisibleNotifications Number of visible application notifications
giphyEnabled Whether giphy service was enabled
error Captures error details related to the tracking event
method Protocol method GET or POST
channel Captures inter-process communication channel within the app
windowTitle Type of display window associated with event
message The type of error message
crashSession/crashDesktopSession/crashId/Session_DesktopId/Session_DesktopBackgroundId Captures unique ID for session debug purposes
responseCode Captures response code for the service call
errorUrl The URL that failed to load
errorCode Captures error code
ssoEventData Authentication state and status
correlationId ID to correlate events with service side for debug purposes
errorDescription Captures description of the errorcode
source Method to get the Teams app and what package type Teams was installed from
windowIsDestroyed True/False state of Application Windows during event
windowIsFocused True/False state of Application Windows during event
windowIsVisible Was the application visible when event happened
windowIsMinimized True/False state of Application Windows during event
windowIsMaximized True/False state of Application Windows during event
windowIsFullscreen True/False state of Application Windows during event
distSrc Captures the distribution source of user landing into the app
retries Retry count when attempting to connect to an endpoint
uses_slimcore True or false if web call is using slimcore
persistCookieExpiresIn Time remaining in validity of web application cookie
tenantName Name of tenant for user of the application
appStartReason How the application session started such as user initiated, after updating, etc.
machineLocked Whether machine was locked or not locked during the event
data Captures technical data for scenario investigation
appRuntime Captures runtime of the app
activities Last 50 user scenario names that happened before crash
timeSinceActivity Time since last user activity
appStates Records a list of app states that the desktop app went through, which helps with crash investigations because it shows what state the desktop app was in
timeSinceAppState Time since the app state changed
webAppStates Records a list of app states that the web client went through, which helps with crash investigations because it shows what state the web client app was in
timeSinceWebAppState Time since the web app state changed
diagnosticEvents Last 50 web app diagnostic events before app crash
timeSinceLastDiagnosticEvent Time since last diagnostic event sent
timeSinceSecondLastDiagnosticEvent Time since second-last diagnostic event sent
appInitialized Whether webapplication has started
targetVersion Version application is going to be updated to
port Internet message port number
originalUrl Original location of page being rendered
deeplinkId GUID for destination type of Teams link
appSessionEnd Whether event occurred at end of application session
eventData Captures machine state and app config to help debugging in case of issues
deeplinkType Type of the deeplink (chat, meeting, channel)
previousUpdateUrl Location where application last retrieved its update from
previousUpdateVersion Last version application was updated to
previousUpdateTime When application binaries were last updated
protocol Handler type for link, such as file or image
files Type of file associated with an event, such as Application cache or GPU cache
Perf_WorkingSetSizeKB Size of memory cache
isTimeboxingWebAppInitialize Whether app initialized before time box counter ran out
isExp Whether the app version in use is part of an experiment
deviceType Captures type of the device
sanitizedErr Captures sanitized version of the error information
rigelVersion Captures version of rigel device
DeviceInfo_OsSku Captures OS SKU information
isLoggedOut Captures if the user is logged out
complianceEnvironmentType Commercial cloud or private (for example, DoD, GCC-High, etc.)
restartTimes Exact times of previous restarts
Skype_ResultCode Captures result of interop communication between Skype and Teams
cpumodel Captures model of CPU
isSlimCoreRunningOutproc Whether Slimcore component is running in its own process
isSlimCoreStartedAsync Type of launch of internal audio/video (A/V) stack
networkState Captures state of the network
desktopBuildAge How old the application build is at event time
vdiMode Captures if the app is running in VDI mode

Properties sent with UserBI panelview events

Property Description
Panel_Uri Uri of the panel delivered to the user
Panel_Type Panel type accessed by the user
Team_Id ID of the team in which action was performed by the user
Thread_Id ID of the thread that was accessed by user
Panel_PreviousUri URI of the previous panel
Panel_Region Region where the panel was hosted in the app
Panel_LaunchMethod Method through which the panel was launched
Panel_PreviousType Type of the previous panel
Thread_Type Type of thread accessed by user
Panel_LaunchSource Source information of the panel that was launched
Tab_Type Type of the tab accessed by user
Team_Type Type of team accessed by user

Properties sent with UserBI panelaction events

Property name Description
Action_DestinationUri Uri of the resource being accessed by user action
Panel_Uri Uri of the panel delivered to the user
Action_Gesture Type of gesture performed by user on the app
Action_ScenarioType Feature grouping that relates to business metric for feature
Panel_Type Panel type accessed by the user
Action_Outcome Outcome of the action performed by user
Team_Id ID of the team in which action was performed by the user
Module_Type Type of the module that hosted user action
Module_Name Name of the module that hosted user action
Module_Summary Summary of the module that hosed user action
Thread_Id ID of the thread that was accessed by user
Panel_PreviousUri URI of the previous panel
Panel_Region Region where the panel was hosted in the app
Panel_LaunchMethod Method through which the panel was launched
Panel_PreviousType Type of the previous panel
Thread_Type Type of thread accessed by user
Module_State State of the module accessed by user
Action_Scenario Feature inside a group of features that relates to business metric
Panel_LaunchSource Source information of the panel that was launched
Tab_Type Type of the tab accessed by user
Team_Type Type of team accessed by user

Properties sent with Outlook add-in events

Property Name Description
AccountComparisonFailedReason Add-in compares the account with Teams account to see if creation is allowed, this event is sent if the comparison fails
AccountComparisonSuccessful Add-in compares the account with Teams account to see if creation is allowed, this event is sent if the comparison is successful
AdalVersion Version of the authentication library used
AddinBitness Version of add-in
AddinLanguage Language of add-in strings being used
AggregatorSetupCompletedTime Setup time for add-in loader
AppDomainCreatedTime Time when add-in loader initializes app domain
AppointmentDisplayTime Time at which the appointment item was displayed during meeting creation
AuthenticationCompletedTime Time at which authentication was provided for a given request
ConnectionMode Indicates the connection mode of the user's primary Exchange account
ConnectionStartedTime Time when Outlook calls OnConnection
ErrorDetails Captures details of the error
ErrorName Captures name of the error
ExchangeVersion Captures version of Exchange
IsSmtpFormatError Error in SMTP address
IsTeamsRunning Captures if there's a Teams process running
IsTeamsUserLoggedOut Captures if the user is logged out of Teams
LanguageSetupCompletedTime Time at which language setup got completed
ManagedConnectTime Time when the managed add-in received the connect callback
ManagedOnStartupTime Time when managed started the startup
MTFetchCompleted Time when MT meeting options request is completed
NetFrameworkVersion .nET framework used
NetworkAvailable Is network available
OperationStartTime Time when different operations started
OsBitness Bitness of OS
OutlookLanguage Captures language of the Outlook app
OutlookVersion Captures version of Outlook app
OwnerResolutionTime Time to resolve the meeting owner
ParseResponseCompletedTime Time when parsing of response completed
RecipientResolutionError Error details when resolving a recipient
RecipientsResolutionTime Total time to resolve all recipients
RehydrateCompletedTime Time when properties are read from Outlook
SaveToOutlookCompletedTime Time when properties are saved to Outlook
ServiceRequestStartTime Start time of the service request
ServiceResponseReceiveTime Time of response from the service
SettingsInitializeCompletedTime Time when settings initialized
SetupLoggingCompletedTime Time when logging was set up
ShutdownBeginTime Time when shutdown of add-in begins
ShutdownCompletedTime Time when shutdown completed
StartupBeginTime Time when startup of add-in begins
StartupCompletedTime Time when startup completed
TeamsDeployment Deployment of Teams client (Dev, Prod)
TeamsRing Ring of current user logged into Teams client
TeamsVersion Captures version of Teams app
TelemetrySetupCompletedTime Time when telemetry setup is completed
UpnMismatch Whether there's a upn mismatch between outlook and teams
UserDomain Domain of the user
ViewUpdatedTime Time when the view got updated