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Talent Hub Assessments Integration


The use of this API is restricted to those developers approved by LinkedIn and subject to applicable data restrictions in their agreements.

This integration requires a partnership; please reach out to your LinkedIn Relationship Manager or Business Development contact as you will need to meet certain criteria and sign an API agreement to use this integration.

If you are not yet a LinkedIn Talent Solutions Partner, please complete the LinkedIn Talent Solutions Partner Request Form.

Configure Customer Integration

To configure customer assessment integrations, use your application credentials to call the following API:


Talent Hub customer integration is uniquely identified by a combination of the fields below::

Field Name Description Type
hiringContext Hiring context of the customer with format
extensionType Enum indicating integration type
extensionProvider You should always supply THIRD_PARTY for this field. Enum

Request Body Fields

Field Name Description Type Required
availableThirdPartyAssessmentTests Assessment tests available for the customer to choose.
Default is empty array.
Use empty array if this is not applicable to your extension.
Array of AvailableThirdPartyAssessmentsTest No


Field Name Description Type Required
id Unique identifier of the test within your system. String Yes
displayName Multi-locale string of the name of the assessment test. Object Yes
categories Categories the assessment test is associated with. String No

Sample Request

Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
x-restli-method: partial_update

  "patch": {
    "$set": {
      "providerConfiguration": {
        "assessmentConfiguration": {
          "availableThirdPartyAssessmentTests": [{
            "id": "TEST_1305",
            "displayName": {
              "localized": {
                "en_US": "Lorem Ipsum 1"
            "categories": [{
              "localized": {
                "en_US": "Backend Engineer"
              "localized": {
                "en_US": "Fullstack Engineer"
            "id": "TEST_1401",
            "displayName": {
              "localized": {
                "en_US": "Lorem Ipsum 2"
            "categories": [{
              "localized": {
                "en_US": "Frontend Engineer"
              "localized": {
                "en_US": "Fullstack Engineer"


A successful request will return a 204 response code.

Receive a Push Event from LinkedIn

When a customer creates an assessment request on LinkedIn with your integration, LinkedIn will send a push notification to your callback URL registered during the onboarding process, discussed in the Getting Started documentation. See Receiving Push Notifications for how to validate the request.

POST https://{your application’s registered callback URL}

Request Body Fields

Field Name Description Type Required
assessmentId Unique id representing the assessment request for a candidate. String Yes
candidate.emailAddress Email address of the candidate being assessed. String Yes
candidate.firstName First name of the candidate being assessed. String Yes
candidate.lastName Last name of the candidate being assessed. String Yes
hiringContext Hiring context of the customer in the format of urn:li:contract:123 URN Yes
requester.emailAddress Email address of the requester. String Yes
thirdPartyAssessmentTestId Unique id representing the test selected by customer. String Yes
type Type of the push event: CREATE_THIRD_PARTY_ASSESSMENT in this case. Enum Yes

Sample Request

"Content-Type": "application/json",
"X-LI-Signature": "d3756e445a8065c0f38c2182c502f822981fdf152af867e6f",
"Content-Length": "107",
"Connection": "Keep-Alive",
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip,deflate"



If a push event sent to the registered callback URL receives an unsuccessful response (anything other than “200 OK”), LinkedIn will retry sending the request up to six times.

Update Third-Party Assessment Information

Use the following API under given circumstances:

  • After generating an assessment entity in your system, use your application credentials to call the API to update the third-party assessment link and status as INITIATED
  • When the candidate starts assessment test, use the API to update start time and status to IN_PROGRESS
  • When the assessment is expired at provider's end, update the status to EXPIRED
  • When the assessment is completed by the candidate, update the third-party assessment end time, score, result, and status as COMPLETED

Any third-party assessment request is uniquely identified by a combination of the fields below:

Field Name Description Type
hiringContext Hiring context of the customer in the format of urn:li:contract:123 obtained from push event. URN
extensionProvider You should always supply THIRD_PARTY for this field. Enum
id Unique identifier of the third-party assessment test created within the domain of the contract obtained from push event. String

Request Body Fields

Field Name Description Type Required
assessmentTestUrl URL to view this assessment in your system. LinkedIn customers will be able to use this link to redirect to your system to view the progress and results of this assessment. Url Yes
status Enum indicating the status of the third-party assessment: INITIATED,IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, EXPIRED, NEEDS_MANUAL_REVIEW, PROVIDER_EXCEPTION Enum Yes
thirdPartyProviderExceptionType Optional enum that represents the type of exception on provider side. This should be provided only when the status is PROVIDER_EXCEPTION
Enum No
thirdPartyAssessmentScore Assessment test score. You can supply “84/100”, “3/10” or any free text within the length limit, not exceeding 100 characters. This should be provided for status COMPLETED String No
thirdPartyAssessmentTestRating Optional enum of assessment test results. Values are IN_RANGE or OUT_OF_RANGE. This should be provided for status COMPLETED and only if the customer has set up a clear cutoff on partner platform. If cutoff is not defined or is set to default value of zero, do not provide this field. Enum No
thirdPartyAssessmentTestDuration Object including assessment test start and end time. This should be provided for status IN_PROGRESS or COMPLETED Object No
assessmentExpiredAt Unix epoch time in milliseconds when assessment expired. This should be provided only when status is EXPIRED. This should be provided only when the status is EXPIRED Epoch in Milliseconds (UTC) No


Enum Value Description
INITIATED Use this enum after generating the assessment in your system.
IN_PROGRESS Use this enum when the candidate starts the assessment.
COMPLETED Use this enum when the candidate completes the assessment.
EXPIRED Use this enum when the candidate’s assessment expired. When providing this status, it is also mandatory to provide the value to the ‘assessmentExpiredAt’ field
NEEDS_MANUAL_REVIEW Use this enum when the customer has opted for manual review before finalizing the assessment results.
When providing this status, provide the correct 'assessmentTestUrl' field where the customer can review the report and take action.
PROVIDER_EXCEPTION Use this enum when an error occurs while processing the assessment.
When providing this status, ensure that you provide the correct value for thirdPartyProviderExceptionType field.


Enum Value Description
CANDIDATE_INVITATION_FAILED Use this enum if the candidate invitation for taking assessment failed. For example, if the candidate's email address is invalid.
USER_NOT_ELIGIBLE Use this enum if the user who is requesting to send the assessment is not authorized to send assessments.
INVITE_ALREADY_SENT Use this enum if you detect that this user has already made a request to send out the specific assessment to the same candidate.
We prefer if users can submit multiple requests if needed, but if your system does not allow that, this enum may be used.
ACCOUNT_NOT_ELIGIBLE Use this enum if the customer account is not eligible to send assessments. For example, if the customer does not have enough credits to send assessments.
AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE Use this enum if the customer credentials provided to access their account are invalid.
TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE Use this enum if the service is under maintenance or temporarily unavailable.
SERVER_ERROR Use this enum if the server is not able to handle the request.


Field Name Description Type Required
assessmentStartedAt Unix epoch time in seconds when candidate started the assessment test. Epoch in seconds (UTC) No
assessmentEndedAt Unix epoch time in seconds when candidate completed the assessment test. Epoch in seconds (UTC) No

Sample Request for Status Initiated

When the assessment is initiated at provider's side, update the status to INITIATED. In this case, the sample request will be as below:

Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
x-restli-method: partial_update

Request Body:

  "patch": {
    "$set": {
      "assessmentTestUrl": "",
      "status": "INITIATED"

Sample Request for Status In Progress

When the assessment is in progress at provider's side, update the status to IN_PROGRESS. In this case, the sample request will be as below:

Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
x-restli-method: partial_update

Request Body:
  "patch": {
    "$set": {
      "status": "IN_PROGRESS"

Sample Request for Status Completed

When the assessment is completed at provider's side, update the status to COMPLETED. In this case, the sample request will be as below:

Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
x-restli-method: partial_update

Request Body:

  "patch": {
    "$set": {
      "status": "COMPLETED",
      "thirdPartyAssessmentScore": {
        "localized": {
          "en_US": "8/10"
      "thirdPartyAssessmentTestRating": "IN_RANGE",
      "thirdPartyAssessmentTestDuration": {
        "assessmentStartedAt": 1576184642343,
        "assessmentEndedAt": 1577855383543

Sample Request for Status Expired

When the assessment is expired at provider's side, update the status to EXPIRED. In this case, the sample request will be as below:

Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
x-restli-method: partial_update

Request Body:

  "patch": {
    "$set": {
      "assessmentTestUrl": "",
      "status": "EXPIRED"

Rate Limits and Throttling

All of LinkedIn’s APIs are subject to rate limiting and throttling based on the number of requests made per unit time. The below limits apply to all API endpoints listed in this doc.

Throttle Limits Request Per Day (UTC) Action
Application Maximum (max requests per app.) 5000 Calls will be rejected with a status code of 429