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This resource handles Sales Navigator Application Platform analytics data export jobs. The resource defines actions for exporting different types of Sales Navigator usage data, and provides methods to get the latest status of a data export job.



Fetches the SalesAnalyticsExportJob object corresponding to the job id with the latest status

GET /salesAnalyticsExportJobs/{jobId}?contract={contractUrn}

URI Parameters

Parameter Description Type Optional
jobId The id of the export job created long false
contract Sales Navigator contract URN ContractUrn false

Response body


Sample Request

curl -X GET '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer AQXt...' \
-H 'X-RestLi-Protocol-Version=2.0.0'

Sample Response

Sample response for export job in queue:

  "id": 100004,
  "status": "ENQUEUED"

Sample response for export job completed:

  "downloadUrl": "",
  "id": 100004,
  "rowCount": 3999,
  "expireAt": 1536102969282,
  "status": "COMPLETED"


Export data about seat holders. For example, seat holder name, seat status, Social Selling Index scores, total connections.

A new SalesAnalyticsExportJob with jobId and status as ENQUEUED will be returned.

POST /salesAnalyticsExportJobs?action=exportSeatData

URI Parameters

Parameter Description Type Optional
startAt Start date of exported data start of ClosedTimeRange false
endAt End date of exported data end of of ClosedTimeRange false
contract Sales Navigator contract URN ContractUrn false

Request body


Sample Request

curl -X POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer AQXt...' \
-H 'Content-Type=application/json' \
-H 'X-RestLi-Protocol-Version=2.0.0' \
-d '{
  "contract" : "urn:li:contract:123456",
  "endAt" : 1527854400000,
  "startAt" : 1525176000000

Sample Response

  "value": {
    "id": 100002,
    "status": "ENQUEUED"


Export results of performed activities. For example InMails accepted and rejected.

A new SalesAnalyticsExportJob with jobId and status as ENQUEUED will be returned.

POST /salesAnalyticsExportJobs?action=exportActivityOutcomeData

URI Parameters

Parameter Description Type Optional
startAt Start date of exported data start of ClosedTimeRange false
endAt End date of exported data end of of ClosedTimeRange false
contract Sales Navigator contract URN ContractUrn false

Request body


Sample Request

curl -X POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer AQXt...' \
-H 'Content-Type=application/json' \
-H 'X-RestLi-Protocol-Version=2.0.0' \
-d '{
  "contract" : "urn:li:contract:123456",
  "endAt" : 1527854400000,
  "startAt" : 1525176000000

Sample Response

  "value": {
    "id": 100003,
    "status": "ENQUEUED"


Export activities performed by seat holders. For example, saving leads, performing searches, and sending InMail.

A new SalesAnalyticsExportJob with jobId and status as ENQUEUED will be returned.

POST /salesAnalyticsExportJobs?action=exportActivityData

URI Parameters

Parameter Description Type Optional
startAt Start date of exported data start of ClosedTimeRange false
endAt End date of exported data end of of ClosedTimeRange false
contract Sales Navigator contract URN ContractUrn false

Request body


Sample Request

curl -X POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer AQXt...' \
-H 'Content-Type=application/json' \
-H 'X-RestLi-Protocol-Version=2.0.0'  \
-d '{
  "contract" : "urn:li:contract:123456",
  "endAt" : 1527854400000,
  "startAt" : 1525176000000

Sample Response

  "value": {
    "id": 100004,
    "status": "ENQUEUED"



Contains response details of a Sales Navigator Application Platform (SNAP) data export job, namely, the job's id, current status, url to download the result from, expiration date of the download url, and the data schema of the exported csv file. These jobs are issued by customers in the LinkedIn Partner Program and their desire is to fetch temporal data regarding Activites, Activity Outcomes, Seats, Seats Tags, and Member Identity Mapping information.

Field Description Type Optional
id A job identifier that will uniquely identify the job created by sales users. Users can track the progress of their job using this id long false
status Represents job status, namely, in a typical job lifecycle SalesAnalyticsStatus false
downloadUrl Publicly accessible URL of the generated CSV file. Users retrieve the CSV file using this downloadUrl. The field will present when status is COMPLETED Url true
expireAt When the downloadUrl will expire. The field will present when downloadUrl is available Time true
rowCount Row count of the exported data in CSV format. The row count does not include the header row. The field will present when downloadUrl is available long true


A range of time. Start should always be less than end, meaning only positive ranges should be allowed, although this is not verified. The range includes the start and end time.

Field Description Type Optional
start Represents the inclusive (greater than or equal to) value in which to start the range Time false
end Represents the inclusive (less than or equal to) value in which to end the range Time false

Criteria for valid range for Analytics API activity export:

  1. Range between startAt and endAt cannot exceed 90 days
  2. Range between startAt and endAt cannot be less than one hour
  3. Users cannot request data that is more than 2 years old
  4. startAt cannot be larger than or equal to endAt



Enumerate types of data export job status, namely, in a typical job lifecycle:


Symbol Description
ENQUEUED The job has been successfully submitted and awaits processing
PROCESSING The job is currently being processed
FAILED_DUE_TO_EXCEEDED_FILE_SIZE_ERROR The generated CSV zip has exceeded the max file size allowed. Please reduce the date range and try again
FAILED_DUE_TO_TIMED_OUT The job took longer than the allowed processing time. Please reduce the date range and try again
FAILED_DUE_TO_DATA_DELAY The data expected to be available is late due to system-wide demand. The same job may succeed at a later time if resubmitted
FAILED_DUE_TO_INTERNAL_ERROR An unexpected internal failure has caused the job to fail
COMPLETED The job has completed


A contract granting a group of members access to Sales Navigator subscription

Reference Type: string


Number of milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC. It must be a positive number

Reference Type: long


A short lived download URL for a resource. This URL requires authentication and Authorization header is required to download the resource.

Reference Type: string