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The Marketing Version 202403 (Marketing March 2024) has been sunset. We recommend that you migrate to the latest versioned APIs as well as migrate to the new Content and Community Management APIs to avoid disruptions. See the Migration page for more details. If you haven’t yet migrated and have questions, submit a request on the LinkedIn Developer Support Portal.

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The LinkedIn Reporting APIs provide key insights on performance such as clicks, impressions, and ad spend, and professional demographics information such as metrics by professional demographic values at the account, campaign, and creative levels. These insights help your users make the most of their LinkedIn ads experience and ensure that their campaigns are performing effectively.


Permission Description
r_ads_reporting Retrieve reporting for advertising accounts.

Ad Analytics

The adAnalytics endpoint supports two finder methods: Analytics and Statistics. The Analytics Finder should be used when grouping by one element(known as a pivot). The Statistics Finder should be used when grouping by up to three elements.

The adAnalytics endpoint does not support pagination.

Some metrics are not available with professional demographics pivots. These are noted in the metric descriptions below.

An empty response is returned if there is no activity to report or if you do not have read access to the requested advertising data.

Requests to adAnalytics may have a long list of params causing them to exceed max request URL lengths. If you encounter a 414 error or expect to have long request URLs, refer to the query tunneling guide for how to adjust your calls.

Ad Analytics

The adAnalyticsV2 endpoint supports two finder methods: Analytics and Statistics.

Requests to adAnalyticsV2 may have a long list of params causing them to exceed max request URL lengths. If you encounter a 414 error or expect to have long request URLs, refer to the query tunneling guide for how to adjust your calls.


The retention period for data depends on the type of request. Requests for performance data (e.g. by account, campaign, creative, etc.) is ten (10) years. The retention for professional demographics data (e.g. by member title, job function, seniority, etc.) is two (2) years.


The following restrictions apply based on your query parameters.

  • An empty response is returned if there is no activity to report or if you do not have read access to the requested advertising data.
  • Pagination is not supported.
  • Some metrics are not available with specific pivots (e.g. conversion or professional demographics pivots). These are noted in the metric descriptions below.
  • When timeGranularity=ALL, if either the start or end date of a request range is outside of the 6 month daily retention period, the dates are automatically rounded to month boundaries, and the entire month's data is included in the response. For example, if a request is made on 8/1/2021 with dateRange.start = 1/15/2021 and dateRange.end = 7/15/2021, then dateRange.start is automatically adjusted to 1/1/2021. This is because 1/15/2021 is outside of a 6 month retention period for daily data, whereas monthly data for January is still within the 2 year retention period.
  • Response is limited to 15,000 elements.
  • Professional Demographic pivots only support the top 100 professional demographic values for each creative for each day. For example, if a creative is shown to members with 1000 different titles, a query for the impressions for that creative with a MEMBER_JOB_TITLE pivot will only return the 100 titles with the most impressions for that creative for that day.
  • Professional Demographic values will not be returned for ads receiving engagement from too few members.
  • Professional Demographic pivots have a minimum threshold of 3 events. Professional Demographic values with less than 3 events will be dropped from the query results.
  • Professional Demographic pivots do not support carousel metrics.


Performance metrics such as metrics about a creative, campaign, or account are near real-time. Metrics based on any member professional demographics such as company size and job function may be delayed by 12 to 24 hours.


To protect LinkedIn member privacy, professional demographic metrics are approximate. To learn more about this approximation, see here.

Because metrics are approximate, you may observe minor inconsistencies when comparing:

  • Similar time ranges, for example, reporting on results over 7 days vs. 8 days
  • The sum of daily metrics to the full corresponding time period
  • Reporting levels, for example, adding campaign level data and comparing it to account level data

To minimize the effect of this approximation, select:

  • A full time period instead of adding up daily metrics for that time period
  • The highest reporting level you want to view, for example, selecting account level data instead of adding up campaign level data

Non-Targeted Companies

Analytics can be pivoted by company name to organize results by company name and understand which companies saw a campaign or ad creative. These results may include companies that were not targeted in a campaign even if the advertiser explicitly targeted specific companies to see their campaign. This is possible due to any of the following reasons:

  1. LinkedIn members who work at more than one company
  2. LinkedIn members who switch jobs during the campaign's duration
  3. Audience expansion is turned on
  4. Targeted companies are parent companies of other companies
  5. Advertiser changed the companies targeted during the campaign

Metrics Available

Field Name Type Description
actionClicks long The count of clicks on the action button of the Sponsored Messaging ad.
adUnitClicks long The count of clicks on the ad unit displayed alongside the Sponsored Messaging ad.
approximateMemberReach long Non-demographic pivots only (i.e. not MEMBER_). The estimated number of unique member accounts with at least one impression. This metric is an updated and more accurate version of legacy metric approximateUniqueImpressions. This metric is only available when the number of days in the date range is less than or equal to 92 days. This metric is fully launched in Jan 2024.
averageDwellTime long Average user dwell time (in seconds). It measures the duration for which more than 50% of the ad's pixels remain visible in the viewport.
Note: The averageDwellTime field is only supported from API version 202411 onwards.
audiencePenetration double The approximate number of unique members reached by the advertiser divided by the approximate total target audience size. The field will be null if the date range has more than 92 days. This metric only supports the CAMPAIGN pivot.
Note: The audiencePenetration field is only supported from API version 202411 onwards.
cardClicks long Non-demographic pivots only (i.e. not MEMBER_). The number of clicks for each card of a carousel ad. The first card click of the carousel ad results in an immediate cardClick and click, whereas scrolling to other cards and clicking will count as additional cardClick.
cardImpressions long Non-demographic pivots only (i.e. not MEMBER_). The number of impressions shown for each card of a carousel ad. The first card of the carousel ad results in an immediate cardImpression and impression, whereas scrolling to other cards will count as additional cardImpressions.
clicks long The count of chargeable clicks. Despite not charging for clicks for CPM campaigns, this field still represents those clicks for which we would otherwise charge advertisers based on objective (for example, clicks to view the landing page or company page).
commentLikes long The count of likes of a comment. Sponsored Content only.
comments long The count of comments. Sponsored Content only.
companyPageClicks long The count of clicks to view the company page.
conversionValueInLocalCurrency BigDecimal Non-demographic pivots only (i.e. not MEMBER_). Value of the conversions in the account's local currency based on rules defined by the advertiser. Conversion value is set by the advertiser at a per conversion level, and aggregated across the query time range.
costInLocalCurrency BigDecimal Cost in the account's local currency based on the pivot and timeGranularity. For example, this would be spend by member company size per month if the pivot is MEMBER_COMPANY_SIZE and timeGranularity is MONTHLY. Cost is not adjusted for over delivery when a member professional demographic pivot is specified in the request.
costInUsd BigDecimal Cost in USD based on the pivot and timeGranularity. For example, this would be spend by campaign on a given day if the pivot is CAMPAIGN and timeGranularity is DAILY. Cost is not adjusted for over delivery when a member professional demographic pivot is specified in the request.
costPerQualifiedLead BigDecimal How much money was spent per qualified lead. Ratio is costInLocalCurrency / qualifiedLeads.
dateRange DateRange Date range covered by the report data point. Date is specified in UTC. Start and end date are inclusive. Start date is required. End date is optional and defaults to today.
documentCompletions long The number of times users reached 100% of the document’s length, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions.
documentFirstQuartileCompletions long The number of times users reached the first quartile of the document’s length, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions.
documentMidpointCompletions long The number of times users reached the second quartile of the document’s length, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions.
documentThirdQuartileCompletions long The number of times users reached the third quartile of the document’s length, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions.
downloadClicks long The number of times users have indicated the intent to download the media in an ad by clicking the download icon. This may or may not result in an actual download (e.g. if the user rejects a browser download prompt). This metric is only available for ad formats supporting media downloads.
externalWebsiteConversions long, default="0" Total number of times users took a desired action after clicking on or seeing your ad. When conversions cannot be attributed to individual users, group level attribution or estimation may be used.
externalWebsitePostClickConversions long, default="0" Total number of times users took a desired action after clicking on your ad. When conversions cannot be attributed to individual users, group level attribution or estimation may be used.
externalWebsitePostViewConversions long, default="0" Total number of times users took a desired action after seeing your ad. When conversions cannot be attributed to individual users, group level attribution or estimation may be used.
follows long The count of follows. Sponsored Content and Follower ads only.
fullScreenPlays long Number of times members click on the full screen button or on the video(mobile only) to go into full screen mode.
headlineClicks long The number of times members clicked on the headline of conversation ads.
headlineImpressions long The number of times members were shown the headline of conversation ads.
impressions long This is the count of "impressions" for Sponsored Content and "sends" for Sponsored Messaging.
jobApplications BigDecimal The number of times a member completed a job application after viewing or clicking on an ad. Currently, this metric is broken down into postViewJobApplications (if the member applied after viewing the ad) and postClickJobApplications (if the member applied after clicking the ad).
jobApplyClicks BigDecimal The number of times a member clicked on the job’s apply button on an LinkedIn jobs page after viewing or clicking on an ad which has a LinkedIn job landing page. Currently, this metric is broken down into postViewJobApplyClicks (if the member performed the action after viewing the ad) and postClickJobApplyClicks (if the member performed the action after clicking the ad).
landingPageClicks long The count of clicks which take the user to the creative landing page.
leadGenerationMailContactInfoShares long The number of times users shared contact info through the One Click Lead Gen for Sponsored Messaging ads.
leadGenerationMailInterestedClicks long The count of Sponsored Messaging ad recipients who clicked to demonstrate interest.
likes long The count of likes. Sponsored Content only.
oneClickLeadFormOpens long The count of times users opened the lead form for a One Click Lead Gen campaign.
oneClickLeads long The count of leads generated through One Click Lead Gen.
opens long The count of opens of Sponsored Messaging ads.
otherEngagements long The count of user interactions with the ad unit that do not fit into any other more specific category.
pivotValues string[], default="[]" The value of the pivots for a specific record returned. For example, supplying pivots of CREATIVE and CONVERSION results in a list of records, one for each creative/conversion combination. The pivotValues contain serialized URNs for the specific creative and conversion for a record. To resolve these URNs to their corresponding entities, refer to LinkedIn Marketing API URN Resolution.
postClickJobApplications BigDecimal The number of times a member completed a job application after clicking on an ad. See also jobApplications.
postClickJobApplyClicks BigDecimal The number of times a member clicked on the job’s apply button on an LinkedIn jobs page after clicking on an ad which has a LinkedIn job landing page. See also jobApplyClicks.
postClickRegistrations BigDecimal The number of times a member has registered for an event or seminar after clicking on an ad which has a LinkedIn landing page. This includes gross registrations and does not account for a user unregistering.
postViewJobApplications BigDecimal The number of times a member completed a job application after viewing an ad. See also jobApplications.
postViewJobApplyClicks BigDecimal The number of times a member clicked on the job’s apply button on an LinkedIn jobs page after clicking an ad which has a LinkedIn job landing page. See also jobApplyClicks.
postViewRegistrations BigDecimal The number of times a member has registered for an event or seminar after viewing an ad which has a LinkedIn event landing page. This includes gross registrations and does not account for a user unregistering. See also registrations.
qualifiedLeads long The count of qualified leads shared by the advertiser. Qualified lead is a lead that has been deemed more likely to become a customer compared to other leads, based on their engagement and fit.
reactions long The count of positive reactions on Sponsored Content which can capture, like, interest, praise, and other responses.
registrations BigDecimal The number of times a member has registered for an event or seminar after viewing or clicking on an ad which has a LinkedIn event landing page. This includes gross registrations and does not account for a user unregistering.
sends long The count of sends of Sponsored Messaging ads.
shares long The count of shares. Sponsored Content only.
subscriptionClicks long The count of clicks to subscribe to a series, such as a Newsletter.
talentLeads long Number of leads captured through a talent media campaign.
textUrlClicks long The count of clicks on any links (anchor tags) that were included in the body of the Sponsored Messaging ad.
totalEngagements long The count of all user interactions with the ad unit.
validWorkEmailLeads long The count of leads with a valid work email that does not use an established free or personal email domain.
videoCompletions long The count of video ads that played 97-100% of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point if the serving location is ON_SITE.
videoFirstQuartileCompletions long The count of video ads that played through the first quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point if the serving location is ON_SITE.
videoMidpointCompletions long The count of video ads that played through the midpoint of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point if the serving location is ON_SITE.
videoStarts long The count of video ads that were started by users.
videoThirdQuartileCompletions long The count of video ads that played through the third quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point if the serving location is ON_SITE.
videoViews long A video ad playing for at least 2 continuous seconds 50% in-view, or a click on the CTA, whichever comes first. An interaction with the video (like going to fullscreen mode) does not count as a view.
viralCardClicks long Non-demographic pivots only (i.e. not MEMBER_). The number of viralClicks for each card of a carousel ad. The first viralCardClick of the carousel ad results in an immediate viralCardClick and viralClick, whereas scrolling to other cards and clicking will count as additional viralCardClick.
viralCardImpressions long Non-demographic pivots only (i.e. not MEMBER_). The number of viralImpressions shown for each card of a carousel ad. The first card of the carousel ad results in an immediate viralCardImpression and viralImpression, whereas scrolling to other cards will count as additional viralCardImpressions.
viralClicks long The count of clicks on viral impressions. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralCommentLikes long The count of likes on comments from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralComments long The count of comments from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralCompanyPageClicks long The count of clicks to view the company page from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralDocumentCompletions long The number of times users reached 100% of the document’s length on a viral post, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads.
viralDocumentFirstQuartileCompletions long The number of times users reached the first quartile of the document’s length on a viral post, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads.
viralDocumentMidpointCompletions long The number of times users reached the second quartile of the document’s length on a viral post, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads.
viralDocumentThirdQuartileCompletions long The number of times users reached the third quartile of the document’s length on a viral post, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads.
viralDownloadClicks long The number of times users have indicated the intent to download the media in a viral ad by clicking the download icon. This may or may not result in an actual download (e.g. if the user rejects a browser download prompt). Only available for ads supporting media downloads.
viralExternalWebsiteConversions long The count of conversions that are attributed to your ads driven by a viral event. See viral impressions definition.
viralExternalWebsitePostClickConversions long The count of post-click conversions that are attributed to your ads driven by a viral click. See viral impressions definition.
viralExternalWebsitePostViewConversions long The count of post-view conversions that are attributed to your ads driven by a viral impression. See viral impressions definition.
viralFollows long The count of follows from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralFullScreenPlays long Number of times members click on the full screen button or on the video(mobile only) to go into full screen mode. See viralImpressions definition.
viralImpressions long The count of viral impressions for this activity. Viral impressions are those resulting from users sharing sponsored content to their own network of connections. Viral impressions are not counted as regular impressions. Sponsored Content only.
viralJobApplications BigDecimal The number of times a member completed a job application after viewing or clicking on a viral ad. Currently, this metric is broken down into viralPostViewJobApplications (if the member performed the action after viewing the viral ad) and viralPostClickJobApplications (if the member performed the action after clicking the viral ad).
viralJobApplyClicks BigDecimal The number of times a member clicked on the job’s apply button on an LinkedIn jobs page after viewing or clicking on a viral ad which has a LinkedIn job landing page during the date range.Currently, this metric is broken down into viralPostViewJobApplyClicks (if the member performed the action after viewing the viral ad) and viralPostClickJobApplyClicks (if the member performed the action after clicking the viral ad).
viralLandingPageClicks long The count of clicks on viral impressions to take the user to the creative landing page. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralLikes long The count of likes from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralOneClickLeadFormOpens long The count of times users opened the lead form for viral impressions from a Lead Gen campaign. See viral impressions definition.
viralOneClickLeads long The count of leads generated through One Click Lead Gen from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition.
viralOtherEngagements long The count of user interactions with viral impressions that do not fit into any other more specific category. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralPostClickJobApplications BigDecimal The number of times a member completed a job application after clicking on a viral ad.
viralPostClickJobApplyClicks BigDecimal The number of times a member clicked on the job’s apply button on an LinkedIn jobs page after clicking on a viral ad which has a LinkedIn job landing page.
viralPostClickRegistrations BigDecimal The number of times a member has registered for an event or seminar after clicking on a viral ad which has a LinkedIn landing page. See viralImpressions definition. This includes gross registrations and does not account for a user unregistering.
viralPostViewJobApplications BigDecimal The number of times a member completed a job application after viewing a viral ad.
viralPostViewJobApplyClicks BigDecimal The number of times a member clicked on the job’s apply button on an LinkedIn jobs page after viewing a viral ad which has a LinkedIn job landing page.
viralPostViewRegistrations BigDecimal The number of times a member has registered for an event or seminar after viewing a viral ad which has a LinkedIn event landing page. See viralImpressions definition. This includes gross registrations and does not account for a user unregistering.
viralReactions long The count of positive reactions on viral Sponsored Content which can capture like, interest, praise, and other responses. See viral impressions definition for details on viral engagements.
viralRegistrations BigDecimal The number of times a member has registered for an event or seminar after viewing or clicking on a viral ad which has a LinkedIn event landing page. See viralImpressions definition. This includes gross registrations and does not account for a user unregistering.
viralShares long The count of shares from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralSubscriptionClicks long The count of viral clicks to subscribe to a series, such as a Newsletter.
viralTotalEngagements long The count of all user interactions with a viral ad unit. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralVideoCompletions long The count of viral video ads that played 97-100% of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point. See viralImpressions definition.
viralVideoFirstQuartileCompletions long The count of viral video ads that played through the first quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point. See viralImpressions definition.
viralVideoMidpointCompletions long The count of viral video ads that played through the midpoint of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point. See viralImpressions definition.
viralVideoStarts long The count of viral video ads that were started by users. See viralImpressions definition. Since viral videos are automatically played for ON_SITE, this will be the same as viralImpressions if the servingLocation is ON_SITE.
viralVideoThirdQuartileCompletions long The count of viral video ads that played through the third quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point. See viralImpressions definition
viralVideoViews long A viral video ad playing for at least 2 continuous seconds 50% in-view, or a click on the CTA, whichever comes first. An interaction with the video (like going to full screen mode) does not count as a view. See viralImpressions definition.
Field Name Type Description
actionClicks long The count of clicks on the action button of the Sponsored Messaging ad.
adUnitClicks long The count of clicks on the ad unit displayed alongside the Sponsored Messaging ad.
approximateMemberReach long Non-demographic pivots only (i.e. not MEMBER_). The estimated number of unique member accounts with at least one impression. This metric is an updated and more accurate version of legacy metric approximateUniqueImpressions. This metric is only available when the number of days in the date range is less than or equal to 92 days. This metric is fully launched in Jan 2024.
cardClicks long Non-demographic pivots only (i.e. not MEMBER_). The number of clicks for each card of a carousel ad. The first card click of the carousel ad results in an immediate cardClick and click, whereas scrolling to other cards and clicking will count as additional cardClick.
cardImpressions long Non-demographic pivots only (i.e. not MEMBER_). The number of impressions shown for each card of a carousel ad. The first card of the carousel ad results in an immediate cardImpression and impression, whereas scrolling to other cards will count as additional cardImpressions.
clicks long The count of chargeable clicks. Despite not charging for clicks for CPM campaigns, this field still represents those clicks for which we would otherwise charge advertisers based on objective (for example, clicks to view the landing page or company page).
commentLikes long The count of likes of a comment. Sponsored Content only.
comments long The count of comments. Sponsored Content only.
companyPageClicks long The count of clicks to view the company page.
conversionValueInLocalCurrency BigDecimal Non-demographic pivots only (i.e. not MEMBER_). Value of the conversions in the account's local currency based on rules defined by the advertiser. Conversion value is set by the advertiser at a per conversion level, and aggregated across the query time range.
costInLocalCurrency BigDecimal Cost in the account's local currency based on the pivot and timeGranularity. For example, this would be spend by member company size per month if the pivot is MEMBER_COMPANY_SIZE and timeGranularity is MONTHLY. Cost is not adjusted for over delivery when a member professional demographic pivot is specified in the request.
costInUsd BigDecimal Cost in USD based on the pivot and timeGranularity. For example, this would be spend by campaign on a given day if the pivot is CAMPAIGN and timeGranularity is DAILY. Cost is not adjusted for over delivery when a member professional demographic pivot is specified in the request.
costPerQualifiedLead BigDecimal How much money was spent per qualified lead. Ratio is costInLocalCurrency / qualifiedLeads.
dateRange DateRange Date range covered by the report data point. Date is specified in UTC. Start and end date are inclusive. Start date is required. End date is optional and defaults to today.
documentCompletions long The number of times users reached 100% of the document’s length, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions.
documentFirstQuartileCompletions long The number of times users reached the first quartile of the document’s length, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions.
documentMidpointCompletions long The number of times users reached the second quartile of the document’s length, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions.
documentThirdQuartileCompletions long The number of times users reached the third quartile of the document’s length, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions.
downloadClicks long The number of times users have indicated the intent to download the media in an ad by clicking the download icon. This may or may not result in an actual download (e.g. if the user rejects a browser download prompt). This metric is only available for ad formats supporting media downloads.
externalWebsiteConversions long, default="0" Total number of times users took a desired action after clicking on or seeing your ad. When conversions cannot be attributed to individual users, group level attribution or estimation may be used.
externalWebsitePostClickConversions long, default="0" Total number of times users took a desired action after clicking on your ad. When conversions cannot be attributed to individual users, group level attribution or estimation may be used.
externalWebsitePostViewConversions long, default="0" Total number of times users took a desired action after seeing your ad. When conversions cannot be attributed to individual users, group level attribution or estimation may be used.
follows long The count of follows. Sponsored Content and Follower ads only.
fullScreenPlays long Number of times members click on the full screen button or on the video(mobile only) to go into full screen mode.
headlineClicks long The number of times members clicked on the headline of conversation ads.
headlineImpressions long The number of times members were shown the headline of conversation ads.
impressions long The number of times an ad was shown.
jobApplications BigDecimal The number of times a member completed a job application after viewing or clicking on an ad. Currently, this metric is broken down into postViewJobApplications (if the member applied after viewing the ad) and postClickJobApplications (if the member applied after clicking the ad).
jobApplyClicks BigDecimal The number of times a member clicked on the job’s apply button on an LinkedIn jobs page after viewing or clicking on an ad which has a LinkedIn job landing page. Currently, this metric is broken down into postViewJobApplyClicks (if the member performed the action after viewing the ad) and postClickJobApplyClicks (if the member performed the action after clicking the ad).
landingPageClicks long The count of clicks which take the user to the creative landing page.
leadGenerationMailContactInfoShares long The number of times users shared contact info through the One Click Lead Gen for Sponsored Messaging ads.
leadGenerationMailInterestedClicks long The count of Sponsored Messaging ad recipients who clicked to demonstrate interest.
likes long The count of likes. Sponsored Content only.
oneClickLeadFormOpens long The count of times users opened the lead form for a One Click Lead Gen campaign.
oneClickLeads long The count of leads generated through One Click Lead Gen.
opens long The count of opens of Sponsored Messaging ads.
otherEngagements long The count of user interactions with the ad unit that do not fit into any other more specific category.
pivotValues string[], default="[]" The value of the pivots for a specific record returned. For example, supplying pivots of CREATIVE and CONVERSION results in a list of records, one for each creative/conversion combination. The pivotValues contain serialized URNs for the specific creative and conversion for a record. To resolve these URNs to their corresponding entities, refer to LinkedIn Marketing API URN Resolution.
postClickJobApplications BigDecimal The number of times a member completed a job application after clicking on an ad. See also jobApplications.
postClickJobApplyClicks BigDecimal The number of times a member clicked on the job’s apply button on an LinkedIn jobs page after clicking on an ad which has a LinkedIn job landing page. See also jobApplyClicks.
postClickRegistrations BigDecimal The number of times a member has registered for an event or seminar after clicking on an ad which has a LinkedIn landing page. This includes gross registrations and does not account for a user unregistering.
postViewJobApplications BigDecimal The number of times a member completed a job application after viewing an ad. See also jobApplications.
postViewJobApplyClicks BigDecimal The number of times a member clicked on the job’s apply button on an LinkedIn jobs page after clicking an ad which has a LinkedIn job landing page. See also jobApplyClicks.
postViewRegistrations BigDecimal The number of times a member has registered for an event or seminar after viewing an ad which has a LinkedIn event landing page. This includes gross registrations and does not account for a user unregistering. See also registrations.
qualifiedLeads long The count of qualified leads shared by the advertiser. Qualified lead is a lead that has been deemed more likely to become a customer compared to other leads, based on their engagement and fit.
reactions long The count of positive reactions on Sponsored Content which can capture, like, interest, praise, and other responses.
registrations BigDecimal The number of times a member has registered for an event or seminar after viewing or clicking on an ad which has a LinkedIn event landing page. This includes gross registrations and does not account for a user unregistering.
sends long The count of sends of Sponsored Messaging ads.
shares long The count of shares. Sponsored Content only.
talentLeads long Number of leads captured through a talent media campaign.
textUrlClicks long The count of clicks on any links (anchor tags) that were included in the body of the Sponsored Messaging ad.
totalEngagements long The count of all user interactions with the ad unit.
validWorkEmailLeads long The count of leads with a valid work email that does not use an established free or personal email domain.
videoCompletions long The count of video ads that played 97-100% of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point if the serving location is ON_SITE.
videoFirstQuartileCompletions long The count of video ads that played through the first quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point if the serving location is ON_SITE.
videoMidpointCompletions long The count of video ads that played through the midpoint of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point if the serving location is ON_SITE.
videoStarts long The count of video ads that were started by users.
videoThirdQuartileCompletions long The count of video ads that played through the third quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point if the serving location is ON_SITE.
videoViews long A video ad playing for at least 2 continuous seconds 50% in-view, or a click on the CTA, whichever comes first. An interaction with the video (like going to fullscreen mode) does not count as a view.
viralCardClicks long Non-demographic pivots only (i.e. not MEMBER_). The number of viralClicks for each card of a carousel ad. The first viralCardClick of the carousel ad results in an immediate viralCardClick and viralClick, whereas scrolling to other cards and clicking will count as additional viralCardClick.
viralCardImpressions long Non-demographic pivots only (i.e. not MEMBER_). The number of viralImpressions shown for each card of a carousel ad. The first card of the carousel ad results in an immediate viralCardImpression and viralImpression, whereas scrolling to other cards will count as additional viralCardImpressions.
viralClicks long The count of clicks on viral impressions. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralCommentLikes long The count of likes on comments from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralComments long The count of comments from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralCompanyPageClicks long The count of clicks to view the company page from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralDocumentCompletions long The number of times users reached 100% of the document’s length on a viral post, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads.
viralDocumentFirstQuartileCompletions long The number of times users reached the first quartile of the document’s length on a viral post, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads.
viralDocumentMidpointCompletions long The number of times users reached the second quartile of the document’s length on a viral post, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads.
viralDocumentThirdQuartileCompletions long The number of times users reached the third quartile of the document’s length on a viral post, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads.
viralDownloadClicks long The number of times users have indicated the intent to download the media in a viral ad by clicking the download icon. This may or may not result in an actual download (e.g. if the user rejects a browser download prompt). Only available for ads supporting media downloads.
viralExternalWebsiteConversions long The count of conversions that are attributed to your ads driven by a viral event. See viral impressions definition.
viralExternalWebsitePostClickConversions long The count of post-click conversions that are attributed to your ads driven by a viral click. See viral impressions definition.
viralExternalWebsitePostViewConversions long The count of post-view conversions that are attributed to your ads driven by a viral impression. See viral impressions definition.
viralFollows long The count of follows from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralFullScreenPlays long Number of times members click on the full screen button or on the video(mobile only) to go into full screen mode. See viralImpressions definition.
viralImpressions long The count of viral impressions for this activity. Viral impressions are those resulting from users sharing sponsored content to their own network of connections. Viral impressions are not counted as regular impressions. Sponsored Content only.
viralJobApplications BigDecimal The number of times a member completed a job application after viewing or clicking on a viral ad. Currently, this metric is broken down into viralPostViewJobApplications (if the member performed the action after viewing the viral ad) and viralPostClickJobApplications (if the member performed the action after clicking the viral ad).
viralJobApplyClicks BigDecimal The number of times a member clicked on the job’s apply button on an LinkedIn jobs page after viewing or clicking on a viral ad which has a LinkedIn job landing page during the date range.Currently, this metric is broken down into viralPostViewJobApplyClicks (if the member performed the action after viewing the viral ad) and viralPostClickJobApplyClicks (if the member performed the action after clicking the viral ad).
viralLandingPageClicks long The count of clicks on viral impressions to take the user to the creative landing page. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralLikes long The count of likes from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralOneClickLeadFormOpens long The count of times users opened the lead form for viral impressions from a Lead Gen campaign. See viral impressions definition.
viralOneClickLeads long The count of leads generated through One Click Lead Gen from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition.
viralOtherEngagements long The count of user interactions with viral impressions that do not fit into any other more specific category. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralPostClickJobApplications BigDecimal The number of times a member completed a job application after clicking on a viral ad.
viralPostClickJobApplyClicks BigDecimal The number of times a member clicked on the job’s apply button on an LinkedIn jobs page after clicking on a viral ad which has a LinkedIn job landing page.
viralPostClickRegistrations BigDecimal The number of times a member has registered for an event or seminar after clicking on a viral ad which has a LinkedIn landing page. See viralImpressions definition. This includes gross registrations and does not account for a user unregistering.
viralPostViewJobApplications BigDecimal The number of times a member completed a job application after viewing a viral ad.
viralPostViewJobApplyClicks BigDecimal The number of times a member clicked on the job’s apply button on an LinkedIn jobs page after viewing a viral ad which has a LinkedIn job landing page.
viralPostViewRegistrations BigDecimal The number of times a member has registered for an event or seminar after viewing a viral ad which has a LinkedIn event landing page. See viralImpressions definition. This includes gross registrations and does not account for a user unregistering.
viralReactions long The count of positive reactions on viral Sponsored Content which can capture like, interest, praise, and other responses. See viral impressions definition for details on viral engagements.
viralRegistrations BigDecimal The number of times a member has registered for an event or seminar after viewing or clicking on a viral ad which has a LinkedIn event landing page. See viralImpressions definition. This includes gross registrations and does not account for a user unregistering.
viralShares long The count of shares from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralTotalEngagements long The count of all user interactions with a viral ad unit. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralVideoCompletions long The count of viral video ads that played 97-100% of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point. See viralImpressions definition.
viralVideoFirstQuartileCompletions long The count of viral video ads that played through the first quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point. See viralImpressions definition.
viralVideoMidpointCompletions long The count of viral video ads that played through the midpoint of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point. See viralImpressions definition.
viralVideoStarts long The count of viral video ads that were started by users. See viralImpressions definition. Since viral videos are automatically played for ON_SITE, this will be the same as viralImpressions if the servingLocation is ON_SITE.
viralVideoThirdQuartileCompletions long The count of viral video ads that played through the third quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point. See viralImpressions definition
viralVideoViews long A viral video ad playing for at least 2 continuous seconds 50% in-view, or a click on the CTA, whichever comes first. An interaction with the video (like going to full screen mode) does not count as a view. See viralImpressions definition.
Field Name Type Description
actionClicks long The count of clicks on the action button of the Sponsored Messaging ad.
adUnitClicks long The count of clicks on the ad unit displayed alongside the Sponsored Messaging ad.
approximateUniqueImpressions long The estimated number of unique member accounts with at least one impression. Some offsite traffic is excluded from this metric, so it may be underestimated for campaigns running on the LinkedIn Audience Network. This metric is only available when the number of days in the date range is less than or equal to 92 days.
cardClicks long Non-demographic pivots only (i.e. not MEMBER_). The number of clicks for each card of a carousel ad. The first card click of the carousel ad results in an immediate cardClick and click, whereas scrolling to other cards and clicking will count as additional cardClick.
cardImpressions long Non-demographic pivots only (i.e. not MEMBER_). The number of impressions shown for each card of a carousel ad. The first card of the carousel ad results in an immediate cardImpression and impression, whereas scrolling to other cards will count as additional cardImpressions.
clicks long The count of chargeable clicks. Despite not charging for clicks for CPM campaigns, this field still represents those clicks for which we would otherwise charge advertisers based on objective (for example, clicks to view the landing page or company page).
commentLikes long The count of likes of a comment. Sponsored Content only.
comments long The count of comments. Sponsored Content only.
companyPageClicks long The count of clicks to view the company page.
conversionValueInLocalCurrency BigDecimal Non-demographic pivots only (i.e. not MEMBER_). Value of the conversions in the account's local currency based on rules defined by the advertiser. Conversion value is set by the advertiser at a per conversion level, and aggregated across the query time range.
costInLocalCurrency BigDecimal Cost in the account's local currency based on the pivot and timeGranularity. For example, this would be spend by member company size per month if the pivot is MEMBER_COMPANY_SIZE and timeGranularity is MONTHLY. Cost is not adjusted for over delivery when a member professional demographic pivot is specified in the request.
costInUsd BigDecimal Cost in USD based on the pivot and timeGranularity. For example, this would be spend by campaign on a given day if the pivot is CAMPAIGN and timeGranularity is DAILY. Cost is not adjusted for over delivery when a member professional demographic pivot is specified in the request.
dateRange DateRange Date range covered by the report data point. Date is specified in UTC. Start and end date are inclusive. Start date is required. End date is optional and defaults to today.
documentCompletions long The number of times users reached 100% of the document’s length, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions.
documentFirstQuartileCompletions long The number of times users reached the first quartile of the document’s length, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions.
documentMidpointCompletions long The number of times users reached the second quartile of the document’s length, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions.
documentThirdQuartileCompletions long The number of times users reached the third quartile of the document’s length, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions.
downloadClicks long The number of times users have indicated the intent to download the media in an ad by clicking the download icon. This may or may not result in an actual download (e.g. if the user rejects a browser download prompt). This metric is only available for ad formats supporting media downloads.
externalWebsiteConversions long, default="0" Total number of times users took a desired action after clicking on or seeing your ad. When conversions cannot be attributed to individual users, group level attribution or estimation may be used.
externalWebsitePostClickConversions long, default="0" Total number of times users took a desired action after clicking on your ad. When conversions cannot be attributed to individual users, group level attribution or estimation may be used.
externalWebsitePostViewConversions long, default="0" Total number of times users took a desired action after seeing your ad. When conversions cannot be attributed to individual users, group level attribution or estimation may be used.
follows long The count of follows. Sponsored Content and Follower ads only.
fullScreenPlays long Number of times members click on the full screen button or on the video(mobile only) to go into full screen mode.
headlineClicks long The number of times members clicked on the headline of conversation ads.
headlineImpressions long The number of times members were shown the headline of conversation ads.
impressions long The number of times an ad was shown.
jobApplications BigDecimal The number of times a member completed a job application after viewing or clicking on an ad. Currently, this metric is broken down into postViewJobApplications (if the member applied after viewing the ad) and postClickJobApplications (if the member applied after clicking the ad).
jobApplyClicks BigDecimal The number of times a member clicked on the job’s apply button on an LinkedIn jobs page after viewing or clicking on an ad which has a LinkedIn job landing page. Currently, this metric is broken down into postViewJobApplyClicks (if the member performed the action after viewing the ad) and postClickJobApplyClicks (if the member performed the action after clicking the ad).
landingPageClicks long The count of clicks which take the user to the creative landing page.
leadGenerationMailContactInfoShares long The number of times users shared contact info through the One Click Lead Gen for Sponsored Messaging ads.
leadGenerationMailInterestedClicks long The count of Sponsored Messaging ad recipients who clicked to demonstrate interest.
likes long The count of likes. Sponsored Content only.
oneClickLeadFormOpens long The count of times users opened the lead form for a One Click Lead Gen campaign.
oneClickLeads long The count of leads generated through One Click Lead Gen.
opens long The count of opens of Sponsored Messaging ads.
otherEngagements long The count of user interactions with the ad unit that do not fit into any other more specific category.
pivotValues string[], default="[]" The value of the pivots for a specific record returned. For example, supplying pivots of CREATIVE and CONVERSION results in a list of records, one for each creative/conversion combination. The pivotValues contain serialized URNs for the specific creative and conversion for a record. To resolve these URNs to their corresponding entities, refer to LinkedIn Marketing API URN Resolution.
postClickJobApplications BigDecimal The number of times a member completed a job application after clicking on an ad. See also jobApplications.
postClickJobApplyClicks BigDecimal The number of times a member clicked on the job’s apply button on an LinkedIn jobs page after clicking on an ad which has a LinkedIn job landing page. See also jobApplyClicks.
postClickRegistrations BigDecimal The number of times a member has registered for an event or seminar after clicking on an ad which has a LinkedIn landing page. This includes gross registrations and does not account for a user unregistering.
postViewJobApplications BigDecimal The number of times a member completed a job application after viewing an ad. See also jobApplications.
postViewJobApplyClicks BigDecimal The number of times a member clicked on the job’s apply button on an LinkedIn jobs page after clicking an ad which has a LinkedIn job landing page. See also jobApplyClicks.
postViewRegistrations BigDecimal The number of times a member has registered for an event or seminar after viewing an ad which has a LinkedIn event landing page. This includes gross registrations and does not account for a user unregistering. See also registrations.
reactions long The count of positive reactions on Sponsored Content which can capture, like, interest, praise, and other responses.
registrations BigDecimal The number of times a member has registered for an event or seminar after viewing or clicking on an ad which has a LinkedIn event landing page. This includes gross registrations and does not account for a user unregistering.
sends long The count of sends of Sponsored Messaging ads.
shares long The count of shares. Sponsored Content only.
talentLeads long Number of leads captured through a talent media campaign.
textUrlClicks long The count of clicks on any links (anchor tags) that were included in the body of the Sponsored Messaging ad.
totalEngagements long The count of all user interactions with the ad unit.
validWorkEmailLeads long The count of leads with a valid work email that does not use an established free or personal email domain.
videoCompletions long The count of video ads that played 97-100% of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point if the serving location is ON_SITE.
videoFirstQuartileCompletions long The count of video ads that played through the first quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point if the serving location is ON_SITE.
videoMidpointCompletions long The count of video ads that played through the midpoint of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point if the serving location is ON_SITE.
videoStarts long The count of video ads that were started by users.
videoThirdQuartileCompletions long The count of video ads that played through the third quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point if the serving location is ON_SITE.
videoViews long A video ad playing for at least 2 continuous seconds 50% in-view, or a click on the CTA, whichever comes first. An interaction with the video (like going to fullscreen mode) does not count as a view.
viralCardClicks long Non-demographic pivots only (i.e. not MEMBER_). The number of viralClicks for each card of a carousel ad. The first viralCardClick of the carousel ad results in an immediate viralCardClick and viralClick, whereas scrolling to other cards and clicking will count as additional viralCardClick.
viralCardImpressions long Non-demographic pivots only (i.e. not MEMBER_). The number of viralImpressions shown for each card of a carousel ad. The first card of the carousel ad results in an immediate viralCardImpression and viralImpression, whereas scrolling to other cards will count as additional viralCardImpressions.
viralClicks long The count of clicks on viral impressions. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralCommentLikes long The count of likes on comments from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralComments long The count of comments from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralCompanyPageClicks long The count of clicks to view the company page from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralDocumentCompletions long The number of times users reached 100% of the document’s length on a viral post, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads.
viralDocumentFirstQuartileCompletions long The number of times users reached the first quartile of the document’s length on a viral post, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads.
viralDocumentMidpointCompletions long The number of times users reached the second quartile of the document’s length on a viral post, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads.
viralDocumentThirdQuartileCompletions long The number of times users reached the third quartile of the document’s length on a viral post, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads.
viralDownloadClicks long The number of times users have indicated the intent to download the media in a viral ad by clicking the download icon. This may or may not result in an actual download (e.g. if the user rejects a browser download prompt). Only available for ads supporting media downloads.
viralExternalWebsiteConversions long The count of conversions that are attributed to your ads driven by a viral event. See viral impressions definition.
viralExternalWebsitePostClickConversions long The count of post-click conversions that are attributed to your ads driven by a viral click. See viral impressions definition.
viralExternalWebsitePostViewConversions long The count of post-view conversions that are attributed to your ads driven by a viral impression. See viral impressions definition.
viralFollows long The count of follows from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralFullScreenPlays long Number of times members click on the full screen button or on the video(mobile only) to go into full screen mode. See viralImpressions definition.
viralImpressions long The count of viral impressions for this activity. Viral impressions are those resulting from users sharing sponsored content to their own network of connections. Viral impressions are not counted as regular impressions. Sponsored Content only.
viralJobApplications BigDecimal The number of times a member completed a job application after viewing or clicking on a viral ad. Currently, this metric is broken down into viralPostViewJobApplications (if the member performed the action after viewing the viral ad) and viralPostClickJobApplications (if the member performed the action after clicking the viral ad).
viralJobApplyClicks BigDecimal The number of times a member clicked on the job’s apply button on an LinkedIn jobs page after viewing or clicking on a viral ad which has a LinkedIn job landing page during the date range.Currently, this metric is broken down into viralPostViewJobApplyClicks (if the member performed the action after viewing the viral ad) and viralPostClickJobApplyClicks (if the member performed the action after clicking the viral ad).
viralLandingPageClicks long The count of clicks on viral impressions to take the user to the creative landing page. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralLikes long The count of likes from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralOneClickLeadFormOpens long The count of times users opened the lead form for viral impressions from a Lead Gen campaign. See viral impressions definition.
viralOneClickLeads long The count of leads generated through One Click Lead Gen from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition.
viralOtherEngagements long The count of user interactions with viral impressions that do not fit into any other more specific category. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralPostClickJobApplications BigDecimal The number of times a member completed a job application after clicking on a viral ad.
viralPostClickJobApplyClicks BigDecimal The number of times a member clicked on the job’s apply button on an LinkedIn jobs page after clicking on a viral ad which has a LinkedIn job landing page.
viralPostClickRegistrations BigDecimal The number of times a member has registered for an event or seminar after clicking on a viral ad which has a LinkedIn landing page. See viralImpressions definition. This includes gross registrations and does not account for a user unregistering.
viralPostViewJobApplications BigDecimal The number of times a member completed a job application after viewing a viral ad.
viralPostViewJobApplyClicks BigDecimal The number of times a member clicked on the job’s apply button on an LinkedIn jobs page after viewing a viral ad which has a LinkedIn job landing page.
viralPostViewRegistrations BigDecimal The number of times a member has registered for an event or seminar after viewing a viral ad which has a LinkedIn event landing page. See viralImpressions definition. This includes gross registrations and does not account for a user unregistering.
viralReactions long The count of positive reactions on viral Sponsored Content which can capture like, interest, praise, and other responses. See viral impressions definition for details on viral engagements.
viralRegistrations BigDecimal The number of times a member has registered for an event or seminar after viewing or clicking on a viral ad which has a LinkedIn event landing page. See viralImpressions definition. This includes gross registrations and does not account for a user unregistering.
viralShares long The count of shares from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralTotalEngagements long The count of all user interactions with a viral ad unit. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralVideoCompletions long The count of viral video ads that played 97-100% of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point. See viralImpressions definition.
viralVideoFirstQuartileCompletions long The count of viral video ads that played through the first quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point. See viralImpressions definition.
viralVideoMidpointCompletions long The count of viral video ads that played through the midpoint of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point. See viralImpressions definition.
viralVideoStarts long The count of viral video ads that were started by users. See viralImpressions definition. Since viral videos are automatically played for ON_SITE, this will be the same as viralImpressions if the servingLocation is ON_SITE.
viralVideoThirdQuartileCompletions long The count of viral video ads that played through the third quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point. See viralImpressions definition
viralVideoViews long A viral video ad playing for at least 2 continuous seconds 50% in-view, or a click on the CTA, whichever comes first. An interaction with the video (like going to full screen mode) does not count as a view. See viralImpressions definition.
Field Name Type Description
actionClicks long The count of clicks on the action button of the Sponsored Messaging ad.
adUnitClicks long The count of clicks on the ad unit displayed alongside the Sponsored Messaging ad.
approximateUniqueImpressions long The estimated number of unique member accounts with at least one impression. Some offsite traffic is excluded from this metric, so it may be underestimated for campaigns running on the LinkedIn Audience Network. This metric is only available when the number of days in the date range is less than or equal to 92 days.
cardClicks long Non-demographic pivots only (i.e. not MEMBER_). The number of clicks for each card of a carousel ad. The first card click of the carousel ad results in an immediate cardClick and click, whereas scrolling to other cards and clicking will count as additional cardClick.
cardImpressions long Non-demographic pivots only (i.e. not MEMBER_). The number of impressions shown for each card of a carousel ad. The first card of the carousel ad results in an immediate cardImpression and impression, whereas scrolling to other cards will count as additional cardImpressions.
clicks long The count of chargeable clicks. Despite not charging for clicks for CPM campaigns, this field still represents those clicks for which we would otherwise charge advertisers based on objective (for example, clicks to view the landing page or company page).
commentLikes long The count of likes of a comment. Sponsored Content only.
comments long The count of comments. Sponsored Content only.
companyPageClicks long The count of clicks to view the company page.
conversionValueInLocalCurrency BigDecimal Non-demographic pivots only (i.e. not MEMBER_). Value of the conversions in the account's local currency based on rules defined by the advertiser. Conversion value is set by the advertiser at a per conversion level, and aggregated across the query time range.
costInLocalCurrency BigDecimal Cost in the account's local currency based on the pivot and timeGranularity. For example, this would be spend by member company size per month if the pivot is MEMBER_COMPANY_SIZE and timeGranularity is MONTHLY. Cost is not adjusted for over delivery when a member professional demographic pivot is specified in the request.
costInUsd BigDecimal Cost in USD based on the pivot and timeGranularity. For example, this would be spend by campaign on a given day if the pivot is CAMPAIGN and timeGranularity is DAILY. Cost is not adjusted for over delivery when a member professional demographic pivot is specified in the request.
dateRange DateRange Date range covered by the report data point. Date is specified in UTC. Start and end date are inclusive. Start date is required. End date is optional and defaults to today.
documentCompletions long The number of times users reached 100% of the document’s length, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions.
documentFirstQuartileCompletions long The number of times users reached the first quartile of the document’s length, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions.
documentMidpointCompletions long The number of times users reached the second quartile of the document’s length, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions.
documentThirdQuartileCompletions long The number of times users reached the third quartile of the document’s length, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions.
downloadClicks long The number of times users have indicated the intent to download the media in an ad by clicking the download icon. This may or may not result in an actual download (e.g. if the user rejects a browser download prompt). This metric is only available for ad formats supporting media downloads.
externalWebsiteConversions long, default="0" Total number of times users took a desired action after clicking on or seeing your ad. When conversions cannot be attributed to individual users, group level attribution or estimation may be used.
externalWebsitePostClickConversions long, default="0" Total number of times users took a desired action after clicking on your ad. When conversions cannot be attributed to individual users, group level attribution or estimation may be used.
externalWebsitePostViewConversions long, default="0" Total number of times users took a desired action after seeing your ad. When conversions cannot be attributed to individual users, group level attribution or estimation may be used.
follows long The count of follows. Sponsored Content and Follower ads only.
fullScreenPlays long Number of times members click on the full screen button or on the video(mobile only) to go into full screen mode.
impressions long The number of times an ad was shown.
jobApplications BigDecimal The number of times a member completed a job application after viewing or clicking on an ad. Currently, this metric is broken down into postViewJobApplications (if the member applied after viewing the ad) and postClickJobApplications (if the member applied after clicking the ad).
jobApplyClicks BigDecimal The number of times a member clicked on the job’s apply button on an LinkedIn jobs page after viewing or clicking on an ad which has a LinkedIn job landing page. Currently, this metric is broken down into postViewJobApplyClicks (if the member performed the action after viewing the ad) and postClickJobApplyClicks (if the member performed the action after clicking the ad).
landingPageClicks long The count of clicks which take the user to the creative landing page.
leadGenerationMailContactInfoShares long The number of times users shared contact info through the One Click Lead Gen for Sponsored Messaging ads.
leadGenerationMailInterestedClicks long The count of Sponsored Messaging ad recipients who clicked to demonstrate interest.
likes long The count of likes. Sponsored Content only.
oneClickLeadFormOpens long The count of times users opened the lead form for a One Click Lead Gen campaign.
oneClickLeads long The count of leads generated through One Click Lead Gen.
opens long The count of opens of Sponsored Messaging ads.
otherEngagements long The count of user interactions with the ad unit that do not fit into any other more specific category.
pivotValues string[], default="[]" The value of the pivots for a specific record returned. For example, supplying pivots of CREATIVE and CONVERSION results in a list of records, one for each creative/conversion combination. The pivotValues contain serialized URNs for the specific creative and conversion for a record.
postClickJobApplications BigDecimal The number of times a member completed a job application after clicking on an ad. See also jobApplications.
postClickJobApplyClicks BigDecimal The number of times a member clicked on the job’s apply button on an LinkedIn jobs page after clicking on an ad which has a LinkedIn job landing page. See also jobApplyClicks.
postClickRegistrations BigDecimal The number of times a member has registered for an event or seminar after clicking on an ad which has a LinkedIn landing page. This includes gross registrations and does not account for a user unregistering.
postViewJobApplications BigDecimal The number of times a member completed a job application after viewing an ad. See also jobApplications.
postViewJobApplyClicks BigDecimal The number of times a member clicked on the job’s apply button on an LinkedIn jobs page after clicking an ad which has a LinkedIn job landing page. See also jobApplyClicks.
postViewRegistrations BigDecimal The number of times a member has registered for an event or seminar after viewing an ad which has a LinkedIn event landing page. This includes gross registrations and does not account for a user unregistering. See also registrations.
reactions long The count of positive reactions on Sponsored Content which can capture, like, interest, praise, and other responses.
registrations BigDecimal The number of times a member has registered for an event or seminar after viewing or clicking on an ad which has a LinkedIn event landing page. This includes gross registrations and does not account for a user unregistering.
sends long The count of sends of Sponsored Messaging ads.
shares long The count of shares. Sponsored Content only.
talentLeads long Number of leads captured through a talent media campaign.
textUrlClicks long The count of clicks on any links (anchor tags) that were included in the body of the Sponsored Messaging ad.
totalEngagements long The count of all user interactions with the ad unit.
videoCompletions long The count of video ads that played 97-100% of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point if the serving location is ON_SITE.
videoFirstQuartileCompletions long The count of video ads that played through the first quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point if the serving location is ON_SITE.
videoMidpointCompletions long The count of video ads that played through the midpoint of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point if the serving location is ON_SITE.
videoStarts long The count of video ads that were started by users.
videoThirdQuartileCompletions long The count of video ads that played through the third quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point if the serving location is ON_SITE.
videoViews long A video ad playing for at least 2 continuous seconds 50% in-view, or a click on the CTA, whichever comes first. An interaction with the video (like going to fullscreen mode) does not count as a view.
viralCardClicks long Non-demographic pivots only (i.e. not MEMBER_). The number of viralClicks for each card of a carousel ad. The first viralCardClick of the carousel ad results in an immediate viralCardClick and viralClick, whereas scrolling to other cards and clicking will count as additional viralCardClick.
viralCardImpressions long Non-demographic pivots only (i.e. not MEMBER_). The number of viralImpressions shown for each card of a carousel ad. The first card of the carousel ad results in an immediate viralCardImpression and viralImpression, whereas scrolling to other cards will count as additional viralCardImpressions.
viralClicks long The count of clicks on viral impressions. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralCommentLikes long The count of likes on comments from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralComments long The count of comments from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralCompanyPageClicks long The count of clicks to view the company page from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralDocumentCompletions long The number of times users reached 100% of the document’s length on a viral post, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads.
viralDocumentFirstQuartileCompletions long The number of times users reached the first quartile of the document’s length on a viral post, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads.
viralDocumentMidpointCompletions long The number of times users reached the second quartile of the document’s length on a viral post, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads.
viralDocumentThirdQuartileCompletions long The number of times users reached the third quartile of the document’s length on a viral post, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads.
viralDownloadClicks long The number of times users have indicated the intent to download the media in a viral ad by clicking the download icon. This may or may not result in an actual download (e.g. if the user rejects a browser download prompt). Only available for ads supporting media downloads.
viralExternalWebsiteConversions long The count of conversions that are attributed to your ads driven by a viral event. See viral impressions definition.
viralExternalWebsitePostClickConversions long The count of post-click conversions that are attributed to your ads driven by a viral click. See viral impressions definition.
viralExternalWebsitePostViewConversions long The count of post-view conversions that are attributed to your ads driven by a viral impression. See viral impressions definition.
viralFollows long The count of follows from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralFullScreenPlays long Number of times members click on the full screen button or on the video(mobile only) to go into full screen mode. See viralImpressions definition.
viralImpressions long The count of viral impressions for this activity. Viral impressions are those resulting from users sharing sponsored content to their own network of connections. Viral impressions are not counted as regular impressions. Sponsored Content only.
viralJobApplications BigDecimal The number of times a member completed a job application after viewing or clicking on a viral ad. Currently, this metric is broken down into viralPostViewJobApplications (if the member performed the action after viewing the viral ad) and viralPostClickJobApplications (if the member performed the action after clicking the viral ad).
viralJobApplyClicks BigDecimal The number of times a member clicked on the job’s apply button on an LinkedIn jobs page after viewing or clicking on a viral ad which has a LinkedIn job landing page during the date range.Currently, this metric is broken down into viralPostViewJobApplyClicks (if the member performed the action after viewing the viral ad) and viralPostClickJobApplyClicks (if the member performed the action after clicking the viral ad).
viralLandingPageClicks long The count of clicks on viral impressions to take the user to the creative landing page. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralLikes long The count of likes from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralOneClickLeadFormOpens long The count of times users opened the lead form for viral impressions from a Lead Gen campaign. See viral impressions definition.
viralOneClickLeads long The count of leads generated through One Click Lead Gen from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition.
viralOtherEngagements long The count of user interactions with viral impressions that do not fit into any other more specific category. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralPostClickJobApplications BigDecimal The number of times a member completed a job application after clicking on a viral ad.
viralPostClickJobApplyClicks BigDecimal The number of times a member clicked on the job’s apply button on an LinkedIn jobs page after clicking on a viral ad which has a LinkedIn job landing page.
viralPostClickRegistrations BigDecimal The number of times a member has registered for an event or seminar after clicking on a viral ad which has a LinkedIn landing page. See viralImpressions definition. This includes gross registrations and does not account for a user unregistering.
viralPostViewJobApplications BigDecimal The number of times a member completed a job application after viewing a viral ad.
viralPostViewJobApplyClicks BigDecimal The number of times a member clicked on the job’s apply button on an LinkedIn jobs page after viewing a viral ad which has a LinkedIn job landing page.
viralPostViewRegistrations BigDecimal The number of times a member has registered for an event or seminar after viewing a viral ad which has a LinkedIn event landing page. See viralImpressions definition. This includes gross registrations and does not account for a user unregistering.
viralReactions long The count of positive reactions on viral Sponsored Content which can capture like, interest, praise, and other responses. See viral impressions definition for details on viral engagements.
viralRegistrations BigDecimal The number of times a member has registered for an event or seminar after viewing or clicking on a viral ad which has a LinkedIn event landing page. See viralImpressions definition. This includes gross registrations and does not account for a user unregistering.
viralShares long The count of shares from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralTotalEngagements long The count of all user interactions with a viral ad unit. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.
viralVideoCompletions long The count of viral video ads that played 97-100% of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point. See viralImpressions definition.
viralVideoFirstQuartileCompletions long The count of viral video ads that played through the first quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point. See viralImpressions definition.
viralVideoMidpointCompletions long The count of viral video ads that played through the midpoint of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point. See viralImpressions definition.
viralVideoStarts long The count of viral video ads that were started by users. See viralImpressions definition. Since viral videos are automatically played for ON_SITE, this will be the same as viralImpressions if the servingLocation is ON_SITE.
viralVideoThirdQuartileCompletions long The count of viral video ads that played through the third quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point. See viralImpressions definition
viralVideoViews long A viral video ad playing for at least 2 continuous seconds 50% in-view, or a click on the CTA, whichever comes first. An interaction with the video (like going to full screen mode) does not count as a view. See viralImpressions definition.

Professional Demographic Pivot Fields Restrictions

The following fields are present only for non-demographic pivots (i.e. not MEMBER_)

  • conversionValueInLocalCurrency
  • cardImpressions
  • cardClicks
  • viralCardImpressions
  • viralCardClicks
  • conversionValueInLocalCurrency
  • cardImpressions
  • cardClicks
  • viralCardImpressions
  • viralCardClicks
  • conversionValueInLocalCurrency
  • cardImpressions
  • cardClicks
  • viralCardImpressions
  • viralCardClicks
  • approximateMemberReach

Analytics Finder

The Analytics Finder should be used when specifying a single pivot.


Query Parameters

Parameter Description Format Required
q Designates the query finder. Must be analytics for the Analytics Finder. String Yes
pivot Pivot of results, by which each report data point is grouped. The following enum values are supported:
  • COMPANY - Group results by advertiser's company.
  • ACCOUNT - Group results by account.
  • SHARE - Group results by sponsored share.
  • CAMPAIGN - Group results by campaign.
  • CREATIVE - Group results by creative.
  • CAMPAIGN_GROUP - Group results by campaign group.
  • CONVERSION - Group results by conversion.
  • CONVERSATION_NODE - The element row in the conversation will be the information for each individual node of the conversation tree.
  • CONVERSATION_NODE_OPTION_INDEX - Used actionClicks are deaggregated and reported at the Node Button level. The second value of the pivot_values will be the index of the button in the node.
  • SERVING_LOCATION - Group results by serving location, onsite or offsite. UNKNOWN means the serving location cannot be determined, which can result from metrics produced by machine learning models.
  • CARD_INDEX - Group results by the index of where a card appears in a carousel ad creative. Metrics are based on the index of the card at the time when the user's action (impression, click, etc.) happened on the creative (Carousel creatives only).
  • MEMBER_COMPANY_SIZE - Group results by member company size.
  • MEMBER_INDUSTRY - Group results by member industry.
  • MEMBER_SENIORITY - Group results by member seniority.
  • MEMBER_JOB_TITLE - Group results by member job title.
  • MEMBER_JOB_FUNCTION - Group results by member job function.
  • MEMBER_COUNTRY_V2 - Group results by member country.
  • MEMBER_REGION_V2 - Group results by member region.
  • MEMBER_COMPANY - Group results by member company.
String No
dateRange.start Represents the inclusive start time range of the analytics. If unset, it indicates an open range up to the end time. Date object Yes
dateRange.end Represents the inclusive end time range of the analytics. Must be after start time if it's present. If unset, it indicates an open range from start time to everything after. Date object No
timeGranularity Time granularity of results. Valid enum values:
  • ALL - Results grouped into a single result across the entire time range of the report.
  • DAILY - Results grouped by day.
  • MONTHLY - Results grouped by month.
  • YEARLY - Results grouped by year.
String Yes
campaignType Match result by a campaign type. Supported types are [TEXT_AD, SPONSORED_UPDATES, SPONSORED_INMAILS, DYNAMIC]. Requires at least one other facet. Defaults to empty. String No
shares Match result by share facets. Defaults to empty. Array of Share URN Yes unless another facet is provided.
campaigns Match result by campaign facets. Defaults to empty. Array of Sponsored Campaign URN Yes unless another facet is provided.
campaignGroups Match result by campaign group facets. Defaults to empty. Array of Campaign Group URN Yes unless another facet is provided.
accounts Match result by sponsored ad account facets. Defaults to empty. Array of Account URN Yes unless another facet is provided.
companies Match result by company facets. Defaults to empty. Array of Organization URN Yes unless another facet is provided.
Fields The list of metric fields that you can fetch by passing the required fields. You can refer to the Supported fields from the Metrics available in the table. String Yes

Query Parameters

Parameter Description Format Required
q Designates the query finder. Must be analytics for the Analytics Finder. String Yes
pivot.value Pivot of results, by which each report data point is grouped. The following enum values are supported:
  • COMPANY - Group results by advertiser's company.
  • ACCOUNT - Group results by account.
  • SHARE - Group results by sponsored share.
  • CAMPAIGN - Group results by campaign.
  • CREATIVE - Group results by creative.
  • CAMPAIGN_GROUP - Group results by campaign group.
  • CONVERSION - Group results by conversion.
  • CONVERSATION_NODE - The element row in the conversation will be the information for each individual node of the conversation tree.
  • CONVERSATION_NODE_OPTION_INDEX - Used actionClicks are deaggregated and reported at the Node Button level. The second value of the pivot_values will be the index of the button in the node.
  • SERVING_LOCATION - Group results by serving location, onsite or offsite. UNKNOWN means the serving location cannot be determined, which can result from metrics produced by machine learning models.
  • CARD_INDEX - Group results by the index of where a card appears in a carousel ad creative. Metrics are based on the index of the card at the time when the user's action (impression, click, etc.) happened on the creative (Carousel creatives only).
  • MEMBER_COMPANY_SIZE - Group results by member company size.
  • MEMBER_INDUSTRY - Group results by member industry.
  • MEMBER_SENIORITY - Group results by member seniority.
  • MEMBER_JOB_TITLE - Group results by member job title.
  • MEMBER_JOB_FUNCTION - Group results by member job function.
  • MEMBER_COUNTRY_V2 - Group results by member country.
  • MEMBER_REGION_V2 - Group results by member region.
  • MEMBER_COMPANY - Group results by member company.
  • PLACEMENT_NAME - Group results by placement. UNKNOWN means the placement cannot be determined, which can result from metrics produced by machine learning models.
  • IMPRESSION_DEVICE_TYPE - Group results by the device type the ad made an impression on. Reach metrics and conversion metrics will not be available when this pivot is used. More details can be found here.
  • EVENT_STAGE - Organize results based on the stage of the live event. (PRE_LIVE, LIVE, POST_LIVE).
String No
dateRange.start Represents the inclusive start time range of the analytics. If unset, it indicates an open range up to the end time. Date object Yes
dateRange.end Represents the inclusive end time range of the analytics. Must be after start time if it's present. If unset, it indicates an open range from start time to everything after. Date object No
timeGranularity.value Time granularity of results. Valid enum values:
  • ALL - Results grouped into a single result across the entire time range of the report.
  • DAILY - Results grouped by day.
  • MONTHLY - Results grouped by month.
  • YEARLY - Results grouped by year.
String Yes
campaignType.value Match result by a campaign type. Supported types are [TEXT_AD, SPONSORED_UPDATES, SPONSORED_INMAILS, DYNAMIC]. Requires at least one other facet. Defaults to empty. String No
shares Match result by share facets. Defaults to empty. Array of Share URN Yes unless another facet is provided.
campaigns Match result by campaign facets. Defaults to empty. Array of Sponsored Campaign URN Yes unless another facet is provided.
campaignGroups Match result by campaign group facets. Defaults to empty. Array of Campaign Group URN Yes unless another facet is provided.
accounts Match result by sponsored ad account facets. Defaults to empty. Array of Account URN Yes unless another facet is provided.
companies Match result by company facets. Defaults to empty. Array of Organization URN Yes unless another facet is provided.
sortBy.field The field by which the results are sorted. Supported values include:
String Yes if sortBy.order is provided.
sortBy.order The order of the results. Supported values include:
String Yes if sortBy.field is provided.
Fields The list of metric fields that you can fetch by passing the required fields. You can refer to the Supported fields from the Metrics available in the table. String Yes

Sample Request

The following sample gets analytics for a particular campaign beginning in 2021.


Sample Response

    "elements": [
            "actionClicks": 0,
            "adUnitClicks": 0,
            "clicks": 177,
            "costInLocalCurrency": "244.85000",
            "costInUsd": "244.85000",
            "dateRange": {
                "end": {
                    "day": 20,
                    "month": 3,
                    "year": 2021
                "start": {
                    "day": 12,
                    "month": 10,
                    "year": 2020
            "externalWebsiteConversions": 0,
            "impressions": 54494,
            "pivotValues": [
            "videoStarts": 0
    "paging": {
        "count": 10,
        "links": [],
        "start": 0

Sample Response

  "elements": [
      "actionClicks": 0,
      "adUnitClicks": 0,
      "clicks": 177,
      "comments": 0,
      "companyPageClicks": 15,
      "conversionValueInLocalCurrency": "0.0",
      "costInLocalCurrency": "244.85000",
      "costInUsd": "244.85000",
      "dateRange": {
        "end": {
          "day": 20,
          "month": 3,
          "year": 2021
        "start": {
          "day": 12,
          "month": 10,
          "year": 2020
      "externalWebsiteConversions": 0,
      "externalWebsitePostClickConversions": 0,
      "externalWebsitePostViewConversions": 0,
      "follows": 0,
      "fullScreenPlays": 0,
      "impressions": 54494,
      "landingPageClicks": 67,
      "leadGenerationMailContactInfoShares": 0,
      "leadGenerationMailInterestedClicks": 0,
      "likes": 8,
      "oneClickLeadFormOpens": 0,
      "oneClickLeads": 0,
      "opens": 0,
      "otherEngagements": 1,
      "pivotValues": [
      "reactions": 0,
      "sends": 0,
      "shares": 0,
      "textUrlClicks": 0,
      "totalEngagements": 186,
      "videoCompletions": 0,
      "videoFirstQuartileCompletions": 0,
      "videoMidpointCompletions": 0,
      "videoStarts": 0,
      "videoThirdQuartileCompletions": 0,
      "videoViews": 0,
      "viralClicks": 0,
      "viralComments": 0,
      "viralCommentLikes": 0,
      "viralCompanyPageClicks": 0,
      "viralExternalWebsiteConversions": 0,
      "viralExternalWebsitePostClickConversions": 0,
      "viralExternalWebsitePostViewConversions": 0,
      "viralFollows": 0,
      "viralFullScreenPlays": 0,
      "viralImpressions": 86,
      "viralLandingPageClicks": 0,
      "viralLikes": 0,
      "viralOneClickLeadFormOpens": 0,
      "viralOneClickLeads": 0,
      "viralOtherEngagements": 0,
      "viralReactions": 0,
      "viralShares": 0,
      "viralTotalEngagements": 0,
      "viralVideoCompletions": 0,
      "viralVideoFirstQuartileCompletions": 0,
      "viralVideoMidpointCompletions": 0,
      "viralVideoStarts": 0,
      "viralVideoThirdQuartileCompletions": 0,
      "viralVideoViews": 0
  "paging": {
    "count": 10,
    "links": [],
    "start": 0


  • We currently do not support queries to get analytics for deleted shares that were promoted as Sponsored Content. As creatives for Sponsored Content reference a particular share, you can retrieve analytics for the deleted share by requesting analytics for the creatives that sponsored the deleted share.
  • To retrieve analytics data on a video entity, you can refer to the Video Analytics API

Requesting Specific Metrics in the Analytics Finder

When using pivots in the adAnalytics endpoint with projection and response decoration, the finder sometimes generates errors, including 400 or 500, indicating too much data is being called.

As of September 30, 2020, LinkedIn requires you to issue specific metrics in a request, using the fields parameter. You can request up to 20 metrics.

Please note that the projection parameter is not sufficient to fix errors related to too much data requested.

As of September 30, 2020, LinkedIn requires you to issue specific metrics in a request, using the fields parameter. You can request up to 20 metrics.

In the sample below, the fields parameter specifies a limited set of metrics.

  • externalWebsiteConversions
  • dateRange
  • impressions
  • landingPageClicks
  • likes
  • shares
  • costInLocalCurrency
  • approximateUniqueImpressions
  • pivotValues

Note that each metric is separated by a comma after the fields= keyword.

In the sample below, the fields parameter specifies a limited set of metrics.

  • externalWebsiteConversions
  • dateRange
  • impressions
  • landingPageClicks
  • likes
  • shares
  • costInLocalCurrency
  • pivotValues

Note that each metric is separated by a comma after the fields= keyword.

In the sample below, the fields parameter specifies a limited set of metrics.

  • externalWebsiteConversions
  • dateRange
  • impressions
  • landingPageClicks
  • likes
  • shares
  • costInLocalCurrency
  • approximateUniqueImpressions
  • pivotValues

Note that each metric is separated by a comma after the fields= keyword.


Sample Response

{ "elements": [
            "pivotValues": [
             ] ,
            "dateRange": {
                "start": {
                    "month": 5,
                    "year": 2019,
                    "day": 28
                "end": {
                    "month": 5,
                    "year": 2019,
                    "day": 28
            "landingPageClicks": 0,
            "costInLocalCurrency": "0.0",
            "impressions": 6,
            "shares": 0,
            "approximateUniqueImpressions": 2,
            "externalWebsiteConversions": 0,
            "pivotValues~": [
                          "localizedName": "ACME"
            "likes": 0
             "pivotValues": [
             ] ,
            "dateRange": {
                "start": {
                    "month": 5,
                    "year": 2019,
                    "day": 29
                "end": {
                    "month": 5,
                    "year": 2019,
                    "day": 29
            "landingPageClicks": 11,
            "costInLocalCurrency": "19.91833",
            "impressions": 165,
            "shares": 0,
            "approximateUniqueImpressions": 52,
            "externalWebsiteConversions": 0,
            "pivotValues~": [
                    "localizedName": "ACME"
            "likes": 0


Sample Response

{ "elements": [
            "pivotValues": [
            "dateRange": {
                "start": {
                    "month": 5,
                    "year": 2019,
                    "day": 28
                "end": {
                    "month": 5,
                    "year": 2019,
                    "day": 28
            "landingPageClicks": 0,
            "costInLocalCurrency": "0.0",
            "impressions": 6,
            "shares": 0,
            "approximateUniqueImpressions": 2,
            "externalWebsiteConversions": 0,
            "pivotValues~": [
                    "localizedName": "ACME"
            "likes": 0
            "pivotValues": [
            "dateRange": {
                "start": {
                    "month": 5,
                    "year": 2019,
                    "day": 29
                "end": {
                    "month": 5,
                    "year": 2019,
                    "day": 29
            "landingPageClicks": 11,
            "costInLocalCurrency": "19.91833",
            "impressions": 165,
            "shares": 0,
            "approximateUniqueImpressions": 52,
            "externalWebsiteConversions": 0,
            "pivotValues~": [
                    "localizedName": "ACME"
            "likes": 0

For detail on using Field Projections, refer to Field Projections.

Data Throttling

As of August 31, 2020, LinkedIn is setting an upper bound on the data that can be requested in a short window of time from this endpoint. LinkedIn will start throttling the requests from an application that exceeds the upper limit of data that can be returned in a 5 min window. In order to reduce the data load on each request we encourage you to use field parameters as specified above in Requesting Specific Fields in the Analytics Finder section.

Data limit for all queries over a 5 min interval: 45 million metric values(where metric value is the value for a metric specified in the fields parameter).

Example of data limit computation for the above request/response:

  • Metrics requested: 9
  • Number of records returned: 2 (1 per day)
  • Total data cost of query: 9 *2 = 18 metrics values

Statistics Finder

The Statistics Finder can be used when specifying up to three pivots.

As of September 30, 2020, LinkedIn requires you to issue specific metrics in a request, using the fields parameter. You can request up to 20 metrics. For an example of a request that calls specific metrics, see Requesting Specific Fields in the Analytics Finder


Query Parameters

Parameter Description Format Required
q Designates the query finder. Must be statistics for the Statistics Finder. String Yes
pivots Pivot of results, by which each report data point is grouped. Accepts up to 3 values. The following enum values are supported:
  • COMPANY - Group results by advertiser's company.
  • ACCOUNT - Group results by account.
  • SHARE - Group results by sponsored share.
  • CAMPAIGN - Group results by campaign.
  • CREATIVE - Group results by creative.
  • CAMPAIGN_GROUP - Group results by campaign group.
  • CONVERSION - Group results by conversion.
  • CONVERSATION_NODE - The element row in the conversation will be the information for each individual node of the conversation tree.
  • CONVERSATION_NODE_OPTION_INDEX - Used actionClicks are deaggregated and reported at the Node Button level. The second value of the pivot_values will be the index of the button in the node.
  • SERVING_LOCATION - Group results by serving location, onsite or offsite. UNKNOWN means the serving location cannot be determined, which can result from metrics produced by machine learning models.
  • OBJECTIVE_TYPE: Group results by campaign's objective type.
  • CARD_INDEX - Group results by the index of where a card appears in a carousel ad creative. Metrics are based on the index of the card at the time when the user's action (impression, click, etc.) happened on the creative (Carousel creatives only).
Array of Strings Yes
dateRange.start Represents the inclusive start time range of the analytics. If unset, it indicates an open range up to the end time. Date object Yes
dateRange.end Represents the inclusive end time range of the analytics. Must be after start time if it's present. If unset, it indicates an open range from start time to everything after. Date object No
objectiveType Filters results by objective type. The following enum values are supported:
String No
timeGranularity Time granularity of results. Valid enum values:
  • ALL - Results grouped into a single result across the entire time range of the report.
  • DAILY - Results grouped by day.
  • MONTHLY - Results grouped by month.
  • YEARLY - Results grouped by year.
String Yes
campaignType Match result by a campaign type. Supported types are [TEXT_AD, SPONSORED_UPDATES, SPONSORED_INMAILS, DYNAMIC]. Requires at least one other facet. Defaults to empty. String No
shares Match result by share facets. Defaults to empty. Array of Share URN Yes unless another facet is provided.
campaigns Match result by campaign facets. Defaults to empty. Array of Sponsored Campaign URN Yes unless another facet is provided.
campaignGroups Match result by campaign group facets. Defaults to empty. Array of Campaign Group URN Yes unless another facet is provided.
accounts Match result by sponsored ad account facets. Defaults to empty. Array of Account URN Yes unless another facet is provided.
companies Match result by company facets. Defaults to empty. Array of Organization URN Yes unless another facet is provided.

Query Parameters

Parameter Description Format Required
q Designates the query finder. Must be statistics for the Statistics Finder. String Yes
pivots.value Pivot of results, by which each report data point is grouped. Accepts up to 3 values. The following enum values are supported:
  • COMPANY - Group results by advertiser's company.
  • ACCOUNT - Group results by account.
  • SHARE - Group results by sponsored share.
  • CAMPAIGN - Group results by campaign.
  • CREATIVE - Group results by creative.
  • CAMPAIGN_GROUP - Group results by campaign group.
  • CONVERSION - Group results by conversion.
  • CONVERSATION_NODE - The element row in the conversation will be the information for each individual node of the conversation tree.
  • CONVERSATION_NODE_OPTION_INDEX - Used actionClicks are deaggregated and reported at the Node Button level. The second value of the pivot_values will be the index of the button in the node.
  • SERVING_LOCATION - Group results by serving location, onsite or offsite. UNKNOWN means the serving location cannot be determined, which can result from metrics produced by machine learning models.
  • OBJECTIVE_TYPE: Group results by campaign's objective type.
  • CARD_INDEX - Group results by the index of where a card appears in a carousel ad creative. Metrics are based on the index of the card at the time when the user's action (impression, click, etc.) happened on the creative (Carousel creatives only).
  • PLACEMENT_NAME - Group results by placement. UNKNOWN means the placement cannot be determined, which can result from metrics produced by machine learning models.
  • IMPRESSION_DEVICE_TYPE - Group results by the device type the ad made an impression on. Reach metrics and conversion metrics will not be available when this pivot is used. More details can be found here.
  • EVENT_STAGE - Organize results based on the stage of the live event. (PRE_LIVE, LIVE, POST_LIVE).
Array of Strings Yes
dateRange.start Represents the inclusive start time range of the analytics. If unset, it indicates an open range up to the end time. Date object Yes
dateRange.end Represents the inclusive end time range of the analytics. Must be after start time if it's present. If unset, it indicates an open range from start time to everything after. Date object No
objectiveType.value Filters results by objective type. The following enum values are supported:
String No
timeGranularity.value Time granularity of results. Valid enum values:
  • ALL - Results grouped into a single result across the entire time range of the report.
  • DAILY - Results grouped by day.
  • MONTHLY - Results grouped by month.
  • YEARLY - Results grouped by year.
String Yes
campaignType.value Match result by a campaign type. Supported types are [TEXT_AD, SPONSORED_UPDATES, SPONSORED_INMAILS, DYNAMIC]. Requires at least one other facet. Defaults to empty. String No
shares Match result by share facets. Defaults to empty. Array of Share URN Yes unless another facet is provided.
campaigns Match result by campaign facets. Defaults to empty. Array of Sponsored Campaign URN Yes unless another facet is provided.
campaignGroups Match result by campaign group facets. Defaults to empty. Array of Campaign Group URN Yes unless another facet is provided.
accounts Match result by sponsored ad account facets. Defaults to empty. Array of Account URN Yes unless another facet is provided.
companies Match result by company facets. Defaults to empty. Array of Organization URN Yes unless another facet is provided.
sortBy.field The field by which the results are sorted. Supported values include:
String Yes if sortBy.order is provided.
sortBy.order The order of the results. Supported values include:
String Yes if sortBy.field is provided.

Sample Request

The following sample gets statistics for a particular campaign beginning in 2021.


Sample Response

    "elements": [
            "actionClicks": 0,
            "adUnitClicks": 0,
            "clicks": 177,
            "costInLocalCurrency": "244.85000",
            "costInUsd": "244.85000",
            "dateRange": {
                "end": {
                    "day": 20,
                    "month": 3,
                    "year": 2021
                "start": {
                    "day": 12,
                    "month": 10,
                    "year": 2020
            "externalWebsiteConversions": 0,
            "impressions": 54494,
            "pivotValues": [
            "totalEngagements": 186
    "paging": {
        "count": 10,
        "links": [],
        "start": 0

Sample Response

    "elements": [
            "actionClicks": 0,
            "adUnitClicks": 0,
            "clicks": 177,
            "comments": 0,
            "companyPageClicks": 15,
            "conversionValueInLocalCurrency": "0.0",
            "costInLocalCurrency": "244.85000",
            "costInUsd": "244.85000",
            "dateRange": {
                "end": {
                    "day": 20,
                    "month": 3,
                    "year": 2021
                "start": {
                    "day": 12,
                    "month": 10,
                    "year": 2020
            "externalWebsiteConversions": 0,
            "externalWebsitePostClickConversions": 0,
            "externalWebsitePostViewConversions": 0,
            "follows": 0,
            "impressions": 54494,
            "landingPageClicks": 67,
            "leadGenerationMailContactInfoShares": 0,
            "leadGenerationMailInterestedClicks": 0,
            "likes": 8,
            "oneClickLeadFormOpens": 0,
            "oneClickLeads": 0,
            "opens": 0,
            "otherEngagements": 1,
            "pivotValues": [
            "reactions": 0,
            "sends": 0,
            "shares": 0,
            "textUrlClicks": 0,
            "totalEngagements": 186,
            "viralClicks": 0,
            "viralComments": 0,
            "viralCommentLikes": 0,
            "viralCompanyPageClicks": 0,
            "viralExternalWebsiteConversions": 0,
            "viralExternalWebsitePostClickConversions": 0,
            "viralExternalWebsitePostViewConversions": 0,
            "viralFollows": 0,
            "viralImpressions": 86,
            "viralLandingPageClicks": 0,
            "viralLikes": 0,
            "viralOneClickLeadFormOpens": 0,
            "viralOneClickLeads": 0,
            "viralOtherEngagements": 0,
            "viralReactions": 0,
            "viralShares": 0,
            "viralTotalEngagements": 0
    "paging": {
        "count": 10,
        "links": [],
        "start": 0

Reporting Microsoft Bing Locations

The LMS Ad reporting mechanism now uses the Microsoft Bing location dataset. In addition to targeting, the adAnalystics endpoint adds new professional demographic pivots for Bing location information for the following professional demographic categories:


Handling Pivot Errors

When trying to use pivots in the adAnalytics endpoint with projection and response decoration, errors sometimes occur when too much data is called. If you receive a 400 or 500 error because of handling too much data, consider the following. Understanding Requesting Specific Metrics in the Analytics Finder can help.

Reporting Microsoft Bing Locations

The LMS Ad reporting mechanism now uses the Microsoft Bing location dataset. In addition to targeting, the adAnalysticsV2 endpoint adds new professional demographic pivots for Bing location information for the following professional demographic categories:



All use of the Microsoft Bing Maps location data is subject to Microsoft Bing Maps and MapPoint Web Service End User Terms of Use and Embedded Maps Service Terms of Use and the Microsoft Privacy Statement. By accessing any Microsoft Bing Maps location data, you are agreeing to be bound by these Microsoft terms.

Sample Requests

Member Country


Sample Response

         "pivotValues": [
         "pivotValues": [
         "pivotValues": [

Member Region


Sample Response

         "pivotValues": [
         "pivotValues": [
         "pivotValues": [

Member County


Sample Response

         "pivotValues": [
         "pivotValues": [
         "pivotValues": [

URN Resolution

The URNs returned in the pivotValues field can be resolved to a human-readable name using the APIs in API URN Resolution

Sample Ad Analytics Request

The following sample gets analytics for each member country/region.


Sample Ad Analytics Response

         "pivotValues": [
         "pivotValues": [
         "pivotValues": [

To resolve the above geo URN, we can use the Geo API to retrieve the country/region name.

Sample Geo Request


Sample Geo Response

  "defaultLocalizedName": {
    "locale": {
      "country": "US",
      "language": "en"
    "value": "United States"
  "id": 1