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graph-mark-components operator (Preview)

Applies to: ✅ Microsoft FabricAzure Data ExplorerAzure MonitorMicrosoft Sentinel

The graph-mark-components operator finds all connected components of a graph and marks each node with a component identifier.


This operator is used with the make-graph operator.


G | graph-mark-components [kind = Kind] [with_component_id = ComponentId]


Name Type Required Description
G string ✔️ The graph source.
Kind string The connected component kind, either weak (default) or strong. A weak component is a set of nodes connected by a path, ignoring the direction of edges. A strong component is a set of nodes connected in both directions, considering the edges' directions.
ComponentId string The property name that denotes the component identifier. The default property name is ComponentId.


The graph-mark-components operator returns a graph result, where each node has a component identifier in the ComponentId property. The identifier is a zero-based consecutive index of the components. Each component index is chosen arbitrarily and might not be consistent across runs.


The examples in this section show how to use the syntax to help you get started.

Find families by their relationships

The following example creates a graph from a set of child-parent pairs and identifies connected components using a family identifier.

let ChildOf = datatable(child:string, parent:string) 
  "Alice", "Bob",  
  "Carol", "Alice",  
  "Carol", "Dave",  
  "Greg", "Alice",  
  "Greg", "Dave",  
  "Howard", "Alice",  
  "Howard", "Dave",  
  "Eve", "Frank",  
  "Frank", "Mallory",
  "Eve", "Kirk",
| make-graph child --> parent with_node_id=name
| graph-mark-components with_component_id = family
| graph-to-table nodes


name family
Alice 0
Bob 0
Carol 0
Dave 0
Greg 0
Howard 0
Eve 1
Frank 1
Mallory 1
Kirk 1

Find a greatest common ancestor for each family

The following example uses the connected component family identifier and the graph-match operator to identify the greatest ancestor of each family in a set of child-parent data.

let ChildOf = datatable(child:string, parent:string) 
  "Alice", "Bob",  
  "Carol", "Alice",  
  "Carol", "Dave",  
  "Greg", "Alice",  
  "Greg", "Dave",  
  "Howard", "Alice",  
  "Howard", "Dave",  
  "Eve", "Frank",  
  "Frank", "Mallory",
  "Eve", "Kirk",
| make-graph child --> parent with_node_id=name
| graph-mark-components with_component_id = family
| graph-match (descendant)-[childOf*1..5]->(ancestor)
  project name =, lineage = map(childOf, child), family =
| summarize (generations, name) = arg_max(array_length(lineage),name) by family


family generations name
1 2 Mallory
0 2 Bob