Create an app to run basic queries
Artikel 11/28/2024
3 inzenders
In dit artikel
Applies to: ✅ Microsoft Fabric ✅ Azure Data Explorer
In this article, you learn how to:
Set up your development environment to use the Kusto client library.
Run a basic query and process the results
In your preferred IDE or text editor, create a project or file named basic query using the convention appropriate for your preferred language. Then add the following code:
Create a client app that connects to the help cluster .
using Kusto.Data;
using Kusto.Data.Net.Client;
namespace BasicQuery {
class BasicQuery {
static void Main(string[] args) {
var clusterUri = "";
var kcsb = new KustoConnectionStringBuilder(clusterUri)
using (var kustoClient = KustoClientFactory.CreateCslQueryProvider(kcsb)) {
from import KustoClient, KustoConnectionStringBuilder
def main():
cluster_uri = ""
kcsb = KustoConnectionStringBuilder.with_interactive_login(cluster_uri)
with KustoClient(kcsb) as kusto_client:
if __name__ == "__main__":
import { Client as KustoClient, KustoConnectionStringBuilder } from "azure-kusto-data";
import { InteractiveBrowserCredentialInBrowserOptions } from "@azure/identity";
async function main() {
const clusterUri = "";
const authOptions = {
clientId: "00001111-aaaa-2222-bbbb-3333cccc4444",
redirectUri: "http://localhost:5173",
} as InteractiveBrowserCredentialInBrowserOptions;
const kcsb = KustoConnectionStringBuilder.withUserPrompt(clusterUri, authOptions);
const kustoClient = new KustoClient(kcsb);
For Node.js apps, use InteractiveBrowserCredentialNodeOptions
instead of InteractiveBrowserCredentialInBrowserOptions
public class BasicQuery {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
try {
String clusterUri = "";
ConnectionStringBuilder kcsb = ConnectionStringBuilder.createWithUserPrompt(clusterUri);
try (Client kustoClient = ClientFactory.createClient(kcsb)) {
Define the database and query to run. The query returns the date, state, and total tornado related damage where the total damage exceeded 100 million dollars.
var database = "Samples";
var query = @"StormEvents
| where EventType == 'Tornado'
| extend TotalDamage = DamageProperty + DamageCrops
| summarize DailyDamage=sum(TotalDamage) by State, bin(StartTime, 1d)
| where DailyDamage > 100000000
| order by DailyDamage desc";
database = "Samples"
query = "StormEvents" \
"| where EventType == 'Tornado'" \
"| extend TotalDamage = DamageProperty + DamageCrops" \
"| summarize DailyDamage=sum(TotalDamage) by State, bin(StartTime, 1d)" \
"| where DailyDamage > 100000000" \
"| order by DailyDamage desc"
const database = "Samples";
const query = `StormEvents
| where EventType == 'Tornado'
| extend TotalDamage = DamageProperty + DamageCrops
| summarize DailyDamage=sum(TotalDamage) by State, bin(StartTime, 1d)
| where DailyDamage > 100000000
| order by DailyDamage desc`;
String database = "Samples";
String query = "StormEvents\n" +
"| where EventType == 'Tornado'\n" +
"| extend TotalDamage = DamageProperty + DamageCrops\n" +
"| summarize DailyDamage=sum(TotalDamage) by State, bin(StartTime, 1d)\n" +
"| where DailyDamage > 100000000\n" +
"| order by DailyDamage desc";
Run the query and print the result.
using (var response = kustoClient.ExecuteQuery(database, query, null)) {
int columnNoStartTime = response.GetOrdinal("StartTime");
int columnNoState = response.GetOrdinal("State");
int columnNoDailyDamage = response.GetOrdinal("DailyDamage");
Console.WriteLine("Daily tornado damages over 100,000,000$:");
while (response.Read()) {
Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}, {2}",
response = kusto_client.execute(database, query)
print("Daily tornado damages over 100,000,000$:")
for row in response.primary_results[0]:
print(row["StartTime"], "-", row["State"], ",", row["DailyDamage"], "$")
const response = await kustoClient.execute(database, query);
console.log("Daily tornado damages over 100,000,000$:");
for (row of response.primaryResults[0].rows()) {
console.log(row["StartTime"].toString(), "-", row["State"].toString(), ",", row["DailyDamage"].toString(), "$");
KustoOperationResult response = kusto_client.execute(database, query);
KustoResultSetTable primaryResults = response.getPrimaryResults();
System.out.println("Daily tornado damages over 100,000,000$:");
while ( {
System.out.println(primaryResults.getString("StartTime") + " - " + primaryResults.getString("State") + " , " + primaryResults.getString("DailyDamage"));
The complete code should look like this:
using Kusto.Data;
using Kusto.Data.Net.Client;
namespace BasicQuery {
class BasicQuery {
static void Main(string[] args) {
string clusterUri = "";
var kcsb = new KustoConnectionStringBuilder(clusterUri)
using (var kustoClient = KustoClientFactory.CreateCslQueryProvider(kcsb)) {
string database = "Samples";
string query = @"StormEvents
| where EventType == 'Tornado'
| extend TotalDamage = DamageProperty + DamageCrops
| summarize DailyDamage=sum(TotalDamage) by State, bin(StartTime, 1d)
| where DailyDamage > 100000000
| order by DailyDamage desc";
using (var response = kustoClient.ExecuteQuery(database, query, null)) {
int columnNoStartTime = response.GetOrdinal("StartTime");
int columnNoState = response.GetOrdinal("State");
int columnNoDailyDamage = response.GetOrdinal("DailyDamage");
Console.WriteLine("Daily tornado damages over 100,000,000$:");
while (response.Read()) {
Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}, {2}",
from import KustoClient, KustoConnectionStringBuilder
def main():
cluster_uri = ""
kcsb = KustoConnectionStringBuilder.with_interactive_login(cluster_uri)
with KustoClient(kcsb) as kusto_client:
database = "Samples"
query = "StormEvents" \
"| where EventType == 'Tornado'" \
"| extend TotalDamage = DamageProperty + DamageCrops" \
"| summarize DailyDamage=sum(TotalDamage) by State, bin(StartTime, 1d)" \
"| where DailyDamage > 100000000" \
"| order by DailyDamage desc"
response = kusto_client.execute(database, query)
print("Daily tornado damages over 100,000,000$:")
for row in response.primary_results[0]:
print(row["StartTime"], "-", row["State"], ",", row["DailyDamage"], "$")
if __name__ == "__main__":
import { Client as KustoClient, KustoConnectionStringBuilder } from "azure-kusto-data";
import { InteractiveBrowserCredentialInBrowserOptions } from "@azure/identity";
async function main() {
const clusterUri = "";
const authOptions = {
clientId: "00001111-aaaa-2222-bbbb-3333cccc4444",
redirectUri: "http://localhost:5173",
} as InteractiveBrowserCredentialInBrowserOptions;
const kcsb = KustoConnectionStringBuilder.withUserPrompt(clusterUri, authOptions);
const kustoClient = new KustoClient(kcsb);
const database = "Samples";
const query = `StormEvents
| where EventType == 'Tornado'
| extend TotalDamage = DamageProperty + DamageCrops
| where DailyDamage > 100000000
| order by DailyDamage desc`;
const response = await kustoClient.execute(database, query);
console.log("Daily tornado damages over 100,000,000$:");
for (row of response.primaryResults[0].rows()) {
console.log(row["StartTime"].toString(), "-", row["State"].toString(), ",", row["DailyDamage"].toString(), "$");
For Node.js apps, use InteractiveBrowserCredentialNodeOptions
instead of InteractiveBrowserCredentialInBrowserOptions
public class BasicQuery {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
try {
String clusterUri = "";
ConnectionStringBuilder kcsb = ConnectionStringBuilder.createWithUserPrompt(clusterUri);
try (Client kustoClient = ClientFactory.createClient(kcsb)) {
String database = "Samples";
String query = "StormEvents\n" +
"| where EventType == 'Tornado'\n" +
"| extend TotalDamage = DamageProperty + DamageCrops\n" +
"| summarize DailyDamage=sum(TotalDamage) by State, bin(StartTime, 1d)\n" +
"| where DailyDamage > 100000000\n" +
"| order by DailyDamage desc";
KustoOperationResult response = kustoClient.execute(database, query);
KustoResultSetTable primaryResults = response.getPrimaryResults();
System.out.println("Daily tornado damages over 100,000,000$:");
while ( {
System.out.println(primaryResults.getString("StartTime") + " - " + primaryResults.getString("State") + " , " + primaryResults.getString("DailyDamage"));
Run your app
In a command shell, use the following command to run your app:
# Change directory to the folder that contains the basic queries project
dotnet run .
In a Node.js environment:
node basic-query.js
In a browser environment, use the appropriate command to run your app. For example, for Vite-React:
npm run dev
mvn install exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="<groupId>.BasicQuery"
You should see a result similar to the following:
Daily damages tornado with damages over 100,000,000$:
2007-02-02 00:00:00+00:00 - FLORIDA , 270004000 $
2007-03-01 00:00:00+00:00 - ALABAMA , 266853000 $
2007-05-04 00:00:00+00:00 - KANSAS , 251625000 $
2007-03-01 00:00:00+00:00 - GEORGIA , 143688000 $
Use ordinal positions to access column values
When the order of columns in a query result is known, it's more efficient to access the values of the columns by their ordinal position in the result set than by their column name. Optionally, at runtime you can use a library method to determine a column ordinal from its column name.
You can control the presence and order of columns in a query result by using the project
or project-away
For example, you can modify the previous code to access the values of the StartTime
, State
, and DailyDamage
columns by their ordinal positions in the result set:
In C#, you can only access the values of the columns by their ordinal positions in the result set. You can't use the column names; hence, the code remains the same.
int columnNoStartTime = response.GetOrdinal("StartTime");
int columnNoState = response.GetOrdinal("State");
int columnNoDailyDamage = response.GetOrdinal("DailyDamage");
Console.WriteLine("Daily tornado damages over 100,000,000$:");
while (response.Read()) {
Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}, {2}",
state_col = 0
start_time_col = next(col.ordinal for col in response.primary_results[0].columns if col.column_name == "StartTime")
damage_col = 2
print("Daily damages over 100,000,000$:")
for row in response.primary_results[0]:
print(row[start_time_col], "-", row[state_col], ",", row[damage_col], "$")
const columnNoState = 0;
const columnNoStartTime = response.primaryResults[0].columns.find(c => == "StartTime").ordinal;
const columnNoDailyDamage = 2;
console.log("Daily tornado damages over 100,000,000$:");
for (row of response.primaryResults[0].rows()) {
console.log(row.getValueAt(columnNoStartTime).toString(), "-", row.getValueAt(columnNoState).toString(), ",", row.getValueAt(columnNoDailyDamage).toString(), "$");
Integer columnNoState = 0;
Integer columnNoStartTime = primaryResults.findColumn("StartTime");
Integer columnNoDailyDamage = 2;
while ( {
System.out.println(primaryResults.getString(columnNoStartTime) + " - " + primaryResults.getString(columnNoState) + " , " + primaryResults.getString(columnNoDailyDamage));
Customize query behavior with client request properties
You can customize the behavior of a query by setting client request properties. For more information on available options, see client request properties .
For example, you can replace the kusto_client.execute_query
call in the previous code to pass a custom request ID and set the query timeout to 1 minute. To use the client request properties, you must import the ClientRequestProperties
using Kusto.Data.Common;
var crp = new ClientRequestProperties();
// Set a custom client request identifier
crp.ClientRequestId = "QueryDemo" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
// Set the query timeout to 1 minute
crp.SetOption(ClientRequestProperties.OptionServerTimeout, "1m");
using (var response = kustoClient.ExecuteQuery(database, query, crp)) {
from import ClientRequestProperties
from datetime import datetime
import uuid;
crp = ClientRequestProperties()
# Set a custom client request identifier
crp.client_request_id = "QueryDemo" + str(uuid.uuid4())
# Set the query timeout to 1 minute
crp.set_option(crp.request_timeout_option_name, datetime.timedelta(minutes=1))
response = kusto_client.execute_query(database, query, crp)
import { ClientRequestProperties } from "azure-kusto-data";
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid";
const crp = new ClientRequestProperties();
// Set a custom client request identifier
crp.clientRequestId = "QueryDemo" + uuidv4();
// Set the query timeout to 1 minute
crp.setServerTimeout(1000 * 60);
const response = await kustoClient.execute(database, query, crp);
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
ClientRequestProperties crp = new ClientRequestProperties();
// Set a custom client request identifier
crp.setClientRequestId("QueryDemo" + UUID.randomUUID());
// Set the query timeout to 1 minute
KustoOperationResult response = kusto_client.execute(database, query, crp);
Query parameters are important for maintaining the security and protection of your data. It safeguards it from potential malicious actors that may attempt to gain unauthorized access to or corrupt your data. For more information about parameterized queries, see Query parameters declaration statement .
For example, you can modify the previous code to pass the EventType value and DailyDamage minimum value as parameters to the query. To use parameters:
Declare the parameters in the query text
Substitute the property values in the query text with the parameter names
Set the parameter values in the client request properties passed to the execute method
string query = @"declare query_parameters(event_type:string, daily_damage:int);
| where EventType == event_type
| extend TotalDamage = DamageProperty + DamageCrops
| summarize DailyDamage=sum(TotalDamage) by State, bin(StartTime, 1d)
| where DailyDamage > daily_damage
| order by DailyDamage desc";
var crp = new ClientRequestProperties();
crp.SetParameter("event_type", "Flash Flood");
crp.SetParameter("daily_damage", 200000000.ToString());
using (var response = kustoClient.ExecuteQuery(database, query, crp)) {
int columnNoStartTime = response.GetOrdinal("StartTime");
int columnNoState = response.GetOrdinal("State");
int columnNoDailyDamage = response.GetOrdinal("DailyDamage");
Console.WriteLine("Daily flash flood damages over 200,000,000$:");
while (response.Read()) {
Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}, {2}",
query = "declare query_parameters(event_type:string, daily_damage:int);"\
"StormEvents" \
"| where EventType == event_type" \
"| extend TotalDamages = DamageProperty + DamageCrops" \
"| summarize DailyDamage=sum(TotalDamages) by State, bin(StartTime, 1d)" \
"| where DailyDamage > daily_damage" \
"| order by DailyDamage desc"
crp = ClientRequestProperties()
crp.set_parameter("event_type", "Flash Flood")
crp.set_parameter("daily_damage", str(200000000))
response = kusto_client.execute_query(=database, query, crp)
print("Daily flash flood damages over 200,000,000$:")
for row in response.primary_results[0]:
print(row["StartTime"], "-", row["State"], ",", row["DailyDamage"], "$")
const query = `declare query_parameters(event_type:string, daily_damage:int);
| where EventType == event_type
| extend TotalDamage = DamageProperty + DamageCrops
| summarize DailyDamage=sum(TotalDamage) by State, bin(StartTime, 1d)
| where DailyDamage > daily_damage
| order by DailyDamage desc`;
const crp = new ClientRequestProperties();
crp.setParameter("event_type", "Flash Flood");
crp.setParameter("daily_damage", 200000000);
const response = await kustoClient.execute(database, query, crp);
console.log("Daily flash flood damages over 200,000,000$:");
for (row of response.primaryResults[0].rows()) {
console.log(row.getValueAt(columnNoStartTime).toString(), "-", row.getValueAt(columnNoState).toString(), ",", row.getValueAt(columnNoDailyDamage).toString(), "$");
String query = "declare query_parameters(event_type:string, daily_damage:int);\n" +
"StormEvents\n" +
"| where EventType == event_type\n" +
"| extend TotalDamage = DamageProperty + DamageCrops\n" +
"| summarize DailyDamage=sum(TotalDamage) by State, bin(StartTime, 1d)\n" +
"| where DailyDamage > daily_damage\n" +
"| order by DailyDamage desc";
ClientRequestProperties crp = new ClientRequestProperties();
crp.setParameter("event_type", "Flash Flood");
crp.setParameter("daily_damage", 200000000);
KustoOperationResult response = kusto_client.execute(database, query, crp);
KustoResultSetTable primary_results = response.getPrimaryResults();
System.out.println("Daily flash flood damages over 200,000,000$:");
while ( {
System.out.println("DEBUG: " + primary_results.getString(columnNoStartTime) + " - " + primary_results.getString(columnNoState) + " , " + primary_results.getString(columnNoDailyDamage));
The complete code using ordinal positions to access column values and parameters should look like this:
using Kusto.Data;
using Kusto.Data.Common;
using Kusto.Data.Net.Client;
namespace BasicQuery {
class BasicQuery {
static void Main(string[] args) {
string clusterUri = "";
var kcsb = new KustoConnectionStringBuilder(clusterUri)
using (var kustoClient = KustoClientFactory.CreateCslQueryProvider(kcsb)) {
string database = "Samples";
string query = @"declare query_parameters(event_type:string, daily_damage:int);
| where EventType == event_type
| extend TotalDamage = DamageProperty + DamageCrops
| summarize DailyDamage=sum(TotalDamage) by State, bin(StartTime, 1d)
| where DailyDamage > daily_damage
| order by DailyDamage desc";
var crp = new ClientRequestProperties();
crp.ClientRequestId = "QueryDemo" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
crp.SetOption(ClientRequestProperties.OptionServerTimeout, "1m");
crp.SetParameter("event_type", "Flash Flood");
crp.SetParameter("daily_damage", 200000000.ToString());
using (var response = kustoClient.ExecuteQuery(database, query, crp)) {
int columnNoStartTime = response.GetOrdinal("StartTime");
int columnNoState = response.GetOrdinal("State");
int columnNoDailyDamage = response.GetOrdinal("DailyDamage");
Console.WriteLine("Daily flash flood damages over 200,000,000$:");
while (response.Read()) {
Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}, {2}",
from import KustoClient, KustoConnectionStringBuilder, ClientRequestProperties
from datetime import timedelta
import uuid;
def main():
cluster_uri = ""
kcsb = KustoConnectionStringBuilder.with_interactive_login(cluster_uri)
crp = ClientRequestProperties()
crp.client_request_id = "QueryDemo" + str(uuid.uuid4())
crp.set_option(crp.request_timeout_option_name, timedelta(minutes=1))
crp.set_parameter("event_type", "Flash Flood")
crp.set_parameter("daily_damage", str(200000000))
with KustoClient(kcsb) as kusto_client:
database = "Samples"
query = "declare query_parameters(event_type:string, daily_damage:int);"\
"StormEvents" \
"| where EventType == event_type" \
"| extend TotalDamages = DamageProperty + DamageCrops" \
"| summarize DailyDamage=sum(TotalDamages) by State, bin(StartTime, 1d)" \
"| where DailyDamage > daily_damage" \
"| order by DailyDamage desc"
response = kusto_client.execute_query(database, query, crp)
state_col = 0
start_time_col = next(col.ordinal for col in response.primary_results[0].columns if col.column_name == "StartTime")
damage_col = 2
print("Daily flash flood damages over 200,000,000$:")
for row in response.primary_results[0]:
print(row[start_time_col], "-", row[state_col], ",", row[damage_col], "$")
if __name__ == "__main__":
import {
Client as KustoClient,
} from "azure-kusto-data";
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid";
async function main() {
const clusterUri = "";
const kcsb = KustoConnectionStringBuilder.withUserPrompt(clusterUri);
const kustoClient = new KustoClient(kcsb);
const database = "Samples";
const query = `declare query_parameters(event_type:string, daily_damage:int);
| where EventType == event_type
| extend TotalDamage = DamageProperty + DamageCrops
| summarize DailyDamage=sum(TotalDamage) by State, bin(StartTime, 1d)
| where DailyDamage > daily_damage
| order by DailyDamage desc`;
const crp = new ClientRequestProperties();
// Set a custom client request identifier
crp.clientRequestId = "QueryDemo" + uuidv4();
// Set the query timeout to 1 minute
crp.setTimeout(1000 * 60);
crp.setParameter("event_type", "Flash Flood");
crp.setParameter("daily_damage", 200000000);
const response = await kustoClient.execute(database, query, crp);
const columnNoState = 0;
const columnNoStartTime = response.primaryResults[0].columns.find(c => == "StartTime").ordinal;
const columnNoDailyDamage = 2;
console.log("Daily flash flood damages over 200,000,000$:");
for (row of response.primaryResults[0].rows()) {
console.log(row.getValueAt(columnNoStartTime).toString(), "-", row.getValueAt(columnNoState).toString(), ",", row.getValueAt(columnNoDailyDamage).toString(), "$");
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class BasicQuery {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
try {
String clusterUri = "";
ConnectionStringBuilder kcsb = ConnectionStringBuilder.createWithUserPrompt(clusterUri);
try (Client kustoClient = ClientFactory.createClient(kcsb)) {
String database = "Samples";
String query = "declare query_parameters(event_type:string, daily_damage:int);\n" +
"StormEvents\n" +
"| where EventType == event_type\n" +
"| extend TotalDamage = DamageProperty + DamageCrops\n" +
"| summarize DailyDamage=sum(TotalDamage) by State, bin(StartTime, 1d)\n" +
"| where DailyDamage > daily_damage\n" +
"| order by DailyDamage desc";
ClientRequestProperties crp = new ClientRequestProperties();
// Set a custom client request identifier
crp.setClientRequestId("QueryDemo" + UUID.randomUUID());
// Set the query timeout to 1 minute
crp.setParameter("event_type", "Flash Flood");
crp.setParameter("daily_damage", 200000000);
KustoOperationResult response = kustoClient.execute(database, query, crp);
KustoResultSetTable primaryResults = response.getPrimaryResults();
Integer columnNoState = 0;
Integer columnNoStartTime = primaryResults.findColumn("StartTime");
Integer columnNoDailyDamage = 2;
System.out.println("Daily flash flood damages over 200,000,000$:");
while ( {
System.out.println("DEBUG: " + primaryResults.getString(columnNoStartTime) + " - " + primaryResults.getString(columnNoState) + " , " + primaryResults.getString(columnNoDailyDamage));
You should see a result similar to the following:
Daily flash flood damages over 200,000,000$:
2007-08-21 00:00:00+00:00 - OHIO , 253320000 $
Next step