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Specifies the different notification types used for Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO).


__value public enum SSO_NOTIFICATION_FLAG  


Member Name Value Direction Description
SSO_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NONE 0x00000000 ENTSSO to adapter No notifications are pending. This notification type is supported by group adapters. It is not necessary to confirm this notification.
SSO_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_SHUTDOWN 0x00000001 ENTSSO to adapter The ENTSSO service requires the adapter to shutdown. The adapter should respond by calling ISSONotification.ShutdownAdapter Method.

This notification type is supported by group adapters. It indicates that the group adapter only should shut down. Each individual adapter that is part of the adapter group gets its own SHUTDOWN notification.

It is not necessary to confirm this notification.
SSO_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE 0x00000002 ENTSSO to adapter The ENTSSO service has processed the ShutdownAdapter method. This is the last notification that is received by the adapter using the current event handle.

This notification type is supported by group adapters.

It is not necessary to confirm this notification.
SSO_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_PASSWORD_CHANGE 0x00000003 Both A password has changed.

When sending a password change from an adapter to ENTSSO, the password change is considered to be accepted, and durable, on return from the notification to ENTSSO through SendNotification. That does not indicate that the password change is complete, but rather that it has been accepted, is durable, and is likely to be accomplished. Under some error conditions queues could fill up, in which case older password changes could be discarded. In general, you should perform more recent password changes than older ones.

An adapter should make password changes received through ReceiveNotification, The adapter should make that change durable or effect the change immediately. The adapter should then call SendNotification with PASSWORD_CHANGE_COMPLETE for that password change to delete it from the database queue.

This notification type is not supported by group adapters.

An adapter must confirm this notification. It is optional for ENTSSO to confirm this notification.
SSO_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_PASSWORD_CHANGE_COMPLETE 0x00000004 Both The ENTSSO service completed the password change. Note that the definition of complete may vary depending on what is configured. For more information, see the Remarks section of ReceiveNotification.

You can use the tracking ID to correlate the original request with the response.

This notification type is not supported by group adapters.

It is not necessary to confirm this notification.
SSO_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_PASSWORD_EXPIRED 0x00000005 Both The password for an account has expired. For ENTSSO, this causes the stored password for this account to be flagged as expired.

This notification type is not supported by group adapters.

It is necessary for an adapter to confirm this notification. It is optional for ENTSSO to confirm this notification.

Note that this notification is currently not implemented. ENTSSO will ignore any SSO_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_PASSWORD_EXPIRE messages, and will never send a message of this type to an adapter.
SSO_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_STATUS_REQUEST 0x00000006 Both An inquiry regarding the status of the adapter or ENTSSO service, or as a response.

If the ENTSSO service detects that a password sync adapter has not sent any password changes for some time, it may send a STATUS notification to that adapter as a "keep alive". The adapter should respond with a STATUS_ONLINE or STATUS_OFFLINE notification.

This notification type is supported by group adapters. It applies only for the status of the group adapter, not for the adapters within the adapter group.

It is not necessary to confirm this notification.
SSO_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_STATUS_ONLINE 0x00000007 Both The status of an adapter or ENTSSO service is online.

If the ENTSSO service detects that a password sync adapter has not sent any password changes for some time, it may send a STATUS notification to that adapter as a "keep alive". If online, the adapter should respond with a STATUS_ONLINE.

If the adapter detects that it is offline, it can send these notifications unsolicited.

This notification type is supported by group adapters. It applies only for the status of the group adapter, not for the adapters within the adapter group.

It is not necessary to confirm this notification.
SSO_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_STATUS_OFFLINE 0x00000008 Both The adapter or ENTSSO service is offline.

If the ENTSSO service detects that a password sync adapter has not sent any password changes for some time, it may send a STATUS notification to that adapter as a "keep alive". If your adapter is offline, it should respond with a STATUS_OFFLINE notification.

If the adapter detects that it is offline, it can send these notifications unsolicited.

This notification type is supported by group adapters. It applies only for the status of the group adapter, not for the adapters within the adapter group.

It is not necessary to confirm this notification.
SSO_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ADAPTERS_IN_GROUP 0x00001000 ENTSSO to adapter An adapter is contained within a specified adapter group. It is one of the first notifications received by a group adapter after initialization.

The adapter names are contained within the "new external credentials array" parameter. If there are a very large number of adapters in this adapter group, it is possible that this notification is received by the group adapter more than once with the remaining adapter names.

This notification type is only issued to group adapters. It is not necessary to confirm this notification.
SSO_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ADD_ADAPTER 0x00001001 ENTSSO to adapter An adapter has been added to the adapter group.

The adapter name that has been added is contained within the "notification string" parameter.

This notification type is only issued to group adapters. It is not necessary to confirm this notification.
SSO_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_DELETE_ADAPTER 0x00001002 ENTSSO to adapter An adapter has been deleted from the adapter group.

The adapter name that has been deleted is contained within the "notification string" parameter.

This notification type is only issued to group adapters. It is not necessary to confirm this notification.


There is no online or offline notification for adapters to the group adapter. This is because control of the individual adapters is handled by each adapter itself.

In general, the notifications that require confirmation are those that are durable in the database queue. The other notifications are control and status information which are transient. Notifications that require confirmation have one of the confirm flags set.

There is no notification to or from the adapter about enabled or disabled status. This is because the enable and disable is handled by the enable and disable of the underlying configuration store application. Thus, when the adapter is disabled by an administrator, the adapter receives access denied messages from all calls to ENTSSO.


Type Library: SSOLookup 1.0 Type Library (SSOLookup.dll)

Platforms: Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows 11, and Windows 10

See Also

Programming with Enterprise Single Sign-On