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How to Configure APPC LUs for TPs or 5250 Emulation

The following is an overview of the procedures to add and configure APPC LUs:

  1. Assign the local APPC LU to a server.

  2. Configure the local APPC LUs:

    • For an independent LU, specify the LU Alias, Network Name, and LU Name. Depending on system configuration, you may need to specify other information.

    • For a dependent LU, specify LU Alias, LU Number, and LU Name. Depending on system configuration, you may need to specify other information.

  3. Create a remote APPC LU on a connection and configure the remote APPC LU:

    • For a remote LU to be used with an independent local LU, specify the LU Alias, Network Name, and LU Name. Depending on system configuration, you may need to specify other information. For communication with an IBM i computer, make the remote LU name the same as the name of the IBM i computer.

    • For a remote LU to be used with a dependent local LU, specify the LU Alias, Network Name, LU Name, and Uninterpreted LU Name. Depending on system configuration, you may need to specify other information.

  4. Optionally, configure session security for the remote LU.

  5. You must configure an appropriate mode if it has not already been done.

  6. Optionally, assign a default local APPC LU and a default remote APPC LU to users and groups.

  7. If you are using Common Programming Interface for Communications (CPI-C), configure one or more CPI-C symbolic destination names.

  8. If you are using the display verb, you may want to change the default connection that Host Integration Server uses for the verb. To ensure that all changes take effect, restart the server.


APPC LUs are used for transaction programs (TPs) or for 5250 emulation. APPC LUs used with TPs are generally for communication between TPs on different systems, not communication between TPs on a single system.

To add local and remote APPC LUs

  1. In the Host Integration Server console tree, double-click SNA service, and then click Local APPC LUs.

  2. On the Action menu, point to New, and click Local LU.

  3. Configure the properties for the local LU, and then click OK.

  4. To add the remote LU, click Remote APPC LUs.

  5. On the Action menu, point to New, and click Remote LU.

  6. Configure the properties for the remote LU, and click OK.

  7. On the Action menu, click Save Configuration.


APPC uses both local and remote LUs. These LUs need to be properly configured before Host Integration Server can communicate with the IBM i computer.


The option, Member of Outgoing Local APPC LU Pool, differs from other types of LU pools, such as the 3270, LUA, and downstream LU pools.


Configuring session security for remote LUs is optional.

To configure incoming APPC sessions

  1. Verify that you have configured a remote LU to represent the incoming host or that you have configured one remote LU for each host.

  2. In the Host Integration Server console tree, double-click Local APPC LUs, and then click the local LU that you want to configure.

  3. On the Action menu, click Properties.

  4. Click the Advanced tab, specify the Implicit Incoming Remote LU, which is the name of the incoming host, and then click OK.

  5. Repeat steps 2–4 for each local APPC LU that you want to configure.

  6. On the Action menu, click Save Configuration.


All incoming requests must specify a local LU name that is recognized by Host Integration Server, even when using an Implicit Incoming Remote LU and Implicit Incoming Mode.

To assign default APPC LUs to users or groups

  1. In the Host Integration Server console tree, double-click Configured Users, and click the user or group that you want to configure.

  2. On the Action menu, click Properties.

  3. Click the APPC Defaults tab.

  4. In the Local APPC LU box, select a default local APPC LU.

  5. In the Remote APPC LU box, select a default remote APPC LU, and then click OK.

  6. On the Action menu, click Save Configuration.

See Also

Creating and Configuring LUs