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3270 LU Properties: General

LU Number

Enter the LU Number for LUs on 802.2, SDLC, or X.25.
Enter an appropriate LU Number.

LU Name
Type the LU Name.

The connection for this LU is shown. The connection cannot be changed from this dialog box.

If the LU has already been assigned to a pool, the pool name appears here.

Optionally, enter a comment of not more than 25 characters.

Use Compression
Select this option to enable 3270 LU data stream compression. This option must also be set in the host VTAM configuration for the LU.

User Workstation Secured
Select this option to enable a higher level of security. When the option is selected the user can only acquire an LU if:

  • the user's User Record is assigned to this LU, and

  • the user's workstation has been defined with a Workstation Definition.

3270 Display LU Properties: Associated Printer LU

Display LU
Shows the display LU name if you have already created a display LU; otherwise, this will be filled in when you complete the configuration of this display LU.

Associated Printer LU
Click the DOWN arrow to display the list of available printer LUs on this connection. Choose a printer LU to associate with this display LU. If you have not created any printer LUs on this connection, you must do so before they will appear in the list.

See Also

SNA Manager Help