
Delen via

oidcIdentityProvider resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

Represents OpenID Connect identity providers in a Microsoft Entra external tenant.

Configuring an OpenID Connect provider in an external tenant enables users to sign up and sign in to any application using their custom OpenID Connect identity provider.

Inherits from identityProviderBase.

For more information, see Add OpenID Connect as an external identity provider (preview).



For the list of API operations for managing the oidcIdentityProvider resource, see the identityProviderBase resource type.


Property Type Description
clientAuthentication oidcClientAuthentication The client authentication settings.
  • Use the oidcClientSecretAuthentication derived complex type for setting up your identity provider with client_secret_post or client_secret_jwt authentication methods.
  • Use the oidcPrivateJwtKeyClientAuthentication type for setting up your identity provider with private_key_jwt authentication method.

    Due to security reasons, client_secret_basic authentication method isn't supported.
  • clientId String The client ID for the application obtained when registering the application with the identity provider.
    displayName String The display name of the identity provider. Inherited from identityProviderBase.
    id String The identifier of the identity provider.Required. Inherited from identityProviderBase. Inherits from entity
    inboundClaimMapping oidcInboundClaimMappingOverride After the OIDC provider sends an ID token back to Microsoft Entra External ID, Microsoft Entra External ID needs to be able to map the claims from the received token to the claims that Microsoft Entra ID recognizes and uses. This complex type captures that mapping.
    issuer String The issuer URI. Issuer URI is a case-sensitive URL using https scheme contains scheme, host, and optionally, port number and path components and no query or fragment components.
    Note: Configuring other Microsoft Entra tenants as an external identity provider is currently not supported. As a result, the domain in the issuer URI is not accepted.
    responseType oidcResponseType The response type describes the type of information sent back in the initial call to the authorization_endpoint of the custom identity provider. Possible values:
  • code: As per the authorization code flow, a code is returned back to Entra External ID. Entra External ID proceeds to call the token_endpoint to exchange the code for the token.
  • id_token: An ID token is returned back to Entra External ID from the custom identity provider. (This value is not supported at the moment).
  • token: An access token is returned back to Entra External ID from the custom identity provider. This value is currently unsupported.
  • scope String Scope defines the information and permissions you are looking to gather from your custom identity provider.
    wellKnownEndpoint String The URL for the metadata document of the OpenID Connect identity provider. Every OpenID Connect identity provider describes a metadata document that contains most of the information required to perform sign-in. This includes information such as the URLs to use and the location of the service's public signing keys. The OpenID Connect metadata document is always located at an endpoint that ends in .well-known/openid-configuration.
    Note: The metadata document should, at minimum, contain the following properties: issuer, authorization_endpoint, token_endpoint, token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported, response_types_supported, subject_types_supported and jwks_uri. Visit OpenID Connect Discovery specifications for more details.



    JSON representation

    The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

      "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.oidcIdentityProvider",
      "id": "String (identifier)",
      "displayName": "String",
      "supportedTenantTypes": "String",
      "clientId": "String",
      "issuer": "String",
      "wellKnownEndpoint": "String",
      "responseType": "String",
      "scope": "String",
      "clientAuthentication": {
        "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.oidcClientAuthentication"
      "inboundClaimMapping": {
        "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.oidcInboundClaimMappingOverride"