
Delen via

auditActor resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

A class containing the properties for Audit Actor.


Property Type Description
type String Actor Type.
auditActorType String Actor Type.
userPermissions String collection List of user permissions when the audit was performed.
applicationId String AAD Application Id.
applicationDisplayName String Name of the Application.
userPrincipalName String User Principal Name (UPN).
servicePrincipalName String Service Principal Name (SPN).
ipAddress String IPAddress.
userId String User Id.
userRoleScopeTags roleScopeTagInfo collection List of user scope tags when the audit was performed.
remoteTenantId String Remote Tenant Id
remoteUserId String Remote User Id



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.auditActor",
  "type": "String",
  "auditActorType": "String",
  "userPermissions": [
  "applicationId": "String",
  "applicationDisplayName": "String",
  "userPrincipalName": "String",
  "servicePrincipalName": "String",
  "ipAddress": "String",
  "userId": "String",
  "userRoleScopeTags": [
      "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.roleScopeTagInfo",
      "displayName": "String",
      "roleScopeTagId": "String"
  "remoteTenantId": "String",
  "remoteUserId": "String"