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Name Type Description
AdCampaignAttributions AdCampaignAttribution Array of ad campaigns player has been attributed to
AvatarUrl String Image URL of the player's avatar.
BannedUntil DateTime Banned until UTC Date. If permanent ban this is set for 20 years after the original ban date.
ContactEmailAddresses ContactEmailInfo Array of contact email addresses associated with the player
Created DateTime Player record created
DisplayName String Player Display Name
LastLogin DateTime Last login
LinkedAccounts PlayerLinkedAccount Array of third party accounts linked to this player
Locations_LastLogin_City String City of the player's geographic location on last login
Locations_LastLogin_ContinentCode ContinentCode The two-character continent code for this location
Locations_LastLogin_CountryCode CountryCode The two-character ISO 3166-1 country code for the country/region associated with the location
Locations_LastLogin_Latitude Real Latitude coordinate of the player's geographic location on last login
Locations_LastLogin_Longitude Real Longitude coordinate of the player's geographic location on last login
Origination LoginIdentityProvider Player account origination
PlayerId String PlayFab Player ID
PlayerMemberships PlayerMemberships Array of memberships this player owns
PlayerStatistics PlayerStatistic Array of player statistics
PublisherId String Publisher this player belongs to
PushNotificationRegistrations PushNotificationRegistration Array of configured push notification end points
Statistics Object Dictionary of player's statistics using only the latest version's value
Tags [] List of player's tags for segmentation.
TitleId String Title ID this profile applies to
TotalValueToDateInUSD uint32 A sum of player's total purchases in USD across all currencies.
ValuesToDate Object Dictionary of player's total purchases by currency.
VirtualCurrencyBalances Object Dictionary of player's virtual currency balances