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Post deployment configuration


The Unreal Cloud Derived Data Cache (DDC) offering has been removed from the Azure Marketplace. As such, we're retiring this documentation on March 31, 2024. Until then, this documentation exists for reference only, with no official support available from Microsoft.

Please contact your Epic Games representative for more information about using Unreal Cloud DDC.

You can either use the following script, or manually complete the configuration in the Azure Portal.

Azure CLI

echo "Subscription Name?           (Type and press enter to continue)" && read -r SUBSCRIPTION_NAME
echo "Resource Group Name?         (Type and press enter to continue)" && read -r RG
echo "Managed Resource Group Name? (Type and press enter to continue)" && read -r RESOURCE_GROUP
echo "Managed App Name?            (Type and press enter to continue)" && read -r APP_NAME
echo "Traffic Manager?             (Type and press enter to continue)" && read -r TM_NAME

az account set -s "$SUBSCRIPTION_NAME"
az account show

Setup IP Addresses

managedResourceGroupId=$(az managedapp show --name $APP_NAME --resource-group $RG --query managedResourceGroupId --output tsv)
resourceGroup=$(echo ${managedResourceGroupId##*/})
nodeResourceGroups=$(az aks list --resource-group $resourceGroup --query [].[nodeResourceGroup] --output tsv)
for nodeResourceGroup in $nodeResourceGroups; do
    ipName=$(az network public-ip list --resource-group $nodeResourceGroup --query "[?contains(name,'kub')].[name]" --output tsv)
    ipID=$(az network public-ip list --resource-group $nodeResourceGroup --query "[?contains(name,'kub')].[id]" --output tsv)
    location=$(az network public-ip list --resource-group $nodeResourceGroup --query "[?contains(name,'kub')].[location]" --output tsv)
    az network public-ip update \
        --name $ipName \
        --dns-name $ipName \
        --resource-group $nodeResourceGroup
    az network traffic-manager endpoint create \
        --resource-group $RG \
        --profile-name $TM_NAME \
        -n $location \
        --type azureEndpoints \
        --target-resource-id $ipID \
        --endpoint-status enabled

Setup Azure Cosmos DB

account=$(az cosmosdb list --resource-group $resourceGroup --query [].[name] --output tsv)

declare -A tables=(


for table in ${!tables[@]}; do
    az cosmosdb cassandra table throughput update \
        --account-name $account \
        --resource-group $resourceGroup \
        --keyspace-name $keySpace \
        --name $table \
        --throughput ${tables[${table}]} \
    && az cosmosdb cassandra table throughput migrate \
        --account-name $account \
        --resource-group $resourceGroup \
        --keyspace-name $keySpace \
        --name $table \
        --throughput-type "autoscale"

declare -A REGION_TABLES=( \
    [replication_log]="4000" \
    [replication_namespace]="4000" \

KEY_VAULTS=$(az keyvault list -g "$resourceGroup" --query [].[name] --output tsv)
for table in ${!REGION_TABLES[@]}; do
    for KEY_VAULT in $KEY_VAULTS; do
        LOCATION=$(echo "$KEY_VAULT" | awk -F'-' '{print $1}')
        az cosmosdb cassandra table throughput update \
            --account-name $account \
            --resource-group $resourceGroup \
            --keyspace-name "${keySpace}_local_${LOCATION}" \
            --name $table \
            --throughput ${REGION_TABLES[${table}]} \
        && az cosmosdb cassandra table throughput migrate \
            --account-name $account \
            --resource-group $resourceGroup \
            --keyspace-name "${keySpace}_local_${LOCATION}" \
            --name $table \
            --throughput-type "autoscale"

Azure Portal

Configure the Public IP Addresses

  • Navigate to each Kubernetes service
  • In the Properties blade, select the Infrastructure resource group
  • Select the Public IP Address resource which starts with kubernetes-
  • In the Configuration blade, provide a DNS name label.

Connect to Traffic Manager

  • Navigate to the Traffic Manager Profile which is registered with your chosen DNS.
  • Add each Public IP Address Traffic Manager Profile from the Managed Resource Group as a nested profile.
    • Go to Settings>Endpoint
    • Select Add at the top of the page to start configuring the new endpoint properties
    • Under Type, select Azure endpoint
    • Under Target resource type, select "Public IP Address" and then select the resource name of the public IP address
    • Select the Add button to complete
    • Repeat the steps above for each public IP address

Cosmos DB

Adjust the RUs on Cosmos DB Collections. If you encounter 429 errors from Cosmos DB when syncing, the values can be increased further.

  • blob_index 32k RU
  • buckets 8k RU
  • objects 4k RU
  • content_id 4k RU
  • replication_log 4k RU
  • replication_namespace 4k RU

Health test

Test the deployment was successful by navigating to https://<hostname>/health/live/. This page should display "healthy", and be secured with your HTTPS certificate. If Healthy is not displayed and you need help to debug common issues, see Troubleshooting and support.

Healthy deployment screenshot

Advanced Configurations

If you would like to further customzie the deployment you can modify the following helm script. This can also be used if the AKS configurations where not properly set during deployment.

Check Helm Deployment

Check that the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) pods have started successfully. If they have, skip to the next section. Otherwise, use this script. Then, restart the AKS pods.

echo "Service Principal Client ID? (Type and press enter to continue)" && read -r APP_ID
echo "Worker Client ID?            (Type and press enter to continue)" && read -r WORKER_ID
echo "Hostname?                    (Type and press enter to continue)" && read -r HOSTNAME
echo "Namespace?                   (Type and press enter to continue)" && read -r Namespace

function setup_ddc(){
    # Disable History Expansion for key vault pointers that contain "!" per
    set +H

    TENANT_ID=$(az account show --query "tenantId" --output tsv)
    SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$(az account show --query "id" --output tsv)

    FEDERATED_ID=$(az identity list -g "$RESOURCE_GROUP" --query "[?contains(name,'""$LOCATION""')].[clientId]" --output tsv)


    declare -A locations=( [eastus]="East US" [westus]="West US" [southcentralus]="South Central US" [japaneast]="Japan East" [australiaeast]="Australia East")

    helm upgrade $HELM_NAME $HELM_CHART \
        --namespace $HELM_NAMESPACE \
        --set horde-storage.env[0].name=AZURE_CLIENT_ID \
        --set horde-storage.env[0].value="$FEDERATED_ID" \
        --set horde-storage.env[1].name=AZURE_TENANT_ID \
        --set horde-storage.env[1].value="$TENANT_ID" \
        --set horde-storage.env[2].name=AZURE_FEDERATED_TOKEN_FILE, \
        --set horde-storage.env[2].value='/var/run/secrets/tokens/azure-identity-token' \
        --set horde-storage.service.extraPort[0].name="internal-http" \
        --set horde-storage.service.extraPort[0].port="8080" \
        --set horde-storage.service.extraPort[0].targetPort="internal-http" \
        --set horde-storage.config.Azure.ConnectionString="$AzureConnectionString" \
        --set horde-storage.config.Scylla.ConnectionString="$ScyllaConnectionString" \
        --set horde-storage.config.Scylla.LocalDatacenterName="$LocalDatacenterName" \
        --set horde-storage.config.Scylla.LocalKeyspaceSuffix="$LocalKeyspaceSuffix" \
        --set horde-storage.ingress.hostname=$HOSTNAME \
        --set horde-storage.ingress.tlsCertName='unreal-cloud-ddc-cert' \
        --set horde-storage.secretStore.clientID="$FEDERATED_ID" \
        --set horde-storage.secretStore.keyvaultName="$KEY_VAULT" \
        --set horde-storage.secretStore.resourceGroup="$RESOURCE_GROUP" \
        --set horde-storage.secretStore.subscriptionId="$SUBSCRIPTION_ID" \
        --set horde-storage.secretStore.tenantId="$TENANT_ID" \
        --set\\.workload\\.identity/client-id="$FEDERATED_ID" \
        --set global.ServiceCredentials.OAuthClientId="$WORKER_ID" \
        --set global.ServiceCredentials.OAuthClientSecret="$OAuthClientPointer" \
        --set global.ServiceCredentials.OAuthLoginUrl="$TENANT_ID/oauth2/v2.0/token" \
        --set global.ServiceCredentials.OAuthScope="api://$OAuthClient/.default" \
        --set global.auth.schemes.Bearer.jwtAuthority="$TENANT_ID" \
        --set global.auth.schemes.Bearer.jwtAudience="api://$OAuthClient" \
        --set horde-storage.podForceRestart=true \
        --set horde-storage.worker.env[0].name=AZURE_CLIENT_ID \
        --set horde-storage.worker.env[0].value=$FEDERATED_ID \
        --set horde-storage.worker.env[1].name=AZURE_TENANT_ID \
        --set horde-storage.worker.env[1].value=$TENANT_ID \
        --set horde-storage.worker.env[2].name=AZURE_FEDERATED_TOKEN_FILE \
        --set horde-storage.worker.env[2].value=/var/run/secrets/tokens/azure-identity-token \
        --set horde-storage.worker.Replication.Enabled=true \
        --set horde-storage.worker.Replication[0].ReplicatorName=Replicator \
        --set horde-storage.worker.Replication[0].Namespace=$Namespace \
        --set horde-storage.worker.Replication[0].ConnectionString=$HOSTNAME \
        --create-namespace \

KEY_VAULTS=$(az keyvault list -g "$RESOURCE_GROUP" --query [].[name] --output tsv)

    LOCATION=$(echo "$KEY_VAULT" | awk -F'-' '{print $1}')

    az aks get-credentials \
        --resource-group "$RESOURCE_GROUP" \
        --name "$CLUSTER_NAME" \


Next steps