Assign an address book policy to mail users in Exchange 2013
Applies to: Exchange Server 2013
After you create an address book policy (ABP), you must assign it to mailbox users. Users aren't assigned a default ABP when their user account is created. If you don't assign an ABP to a user, the global address list (GAL) for your entire organization will be accessible to the user through Outlook and Outlook Web App. To learn more, see Address book policies.
Interested in scenarios that use this procedure? See Scenario: Deploying address book policies.
What do you need to know before you begin?
Estimated time to complete: Less than 5 minutes.
You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure or procedures. To see what permissions you need, see the "Address book policies" entry in the Email address and address book permissions topic.
For information about keyboard shortcuts that may apply to the procedures in this topic, see Keyboard shortcuts for the Exchange admin center in Exchange 2013.
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Use the EAC to assign an ABP to a mailbox user
Navigate to Recipients > Mailboxes.
In the list view, select the user that you want to assign the policy to, and then click Edit
Click Mailbox features.
In the Address book policy list, select the ABP that you want to apply to this user.
Click Save.
Use the EAC to assign an ABP to multiple mailbox users
Navigate to Recipients > Mailboxes.
In the list view use the Ctrl key to select multiple users.
In the details pane, click More options.
Under Address Book Policy, click Update.
In the Select Address Book Policy list, select the ABP that you want to apply to these users.
Click Save.
Use the Shell to assign an ABP to mailbox users
This example assigns the ABP All Fabrikam to the existing mailbox user
Set-Mailbox -Identity -AddressBookPolicy "All Fabrikam"
This example assigns the ABP ABP_EngineeringDepartment to all mailbox users whose CustomAttribute11
value contains "Engineering Department".
Get-Mailbox -Filter "CustomAttribute11 -like 'Engineering Department'" | Set-Mailbox -AddressBookPolicy ABP_EngineeringDepartment
For detailed syntax and parameter information, see Set-Mailbox and Get-Mailbox.