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WebDDA Events

The Web data-driven adapter (WebDDA) provides a set of events that can be used in automations. The events can be divided in page events and control events. They map to the same event names used in the DOM. For more information about the events see Events

When registering Action for page events the control parameter in the RegisterActionForEvent(For more information, see Automate hosted applications using HAT automation activities) activity is ignored. For control events the ControlName parameter must contain the control name that is specified in the bindings.

Some of the events also provide additional data about the event. This data can be accessed via the GetActionData activity. (For more information, see Automate hosted applications using HAT automation activities) The following example shows the format they’re provided in.

<EventArgs[flags] [frame] [headers ] [navigationcontext] [postdata] [url] [urlcontext] [cancel] [type] [key][button]>  

The arguments provide additional options for the events:

Argument Description
flags A constant or a value that specifies a combination of the values defined by the BrowserNavConstants enumeration.
frame A case-sensitive string expression that evaluates to the name of the frame to display the resource. It is NULL, if no named frame is targeted for the resource.
headers A string that contains additional HTTP headers to send to the server. These headers are added to the web browser. This parameter is ignored if the URL isn’t an HTTP URL.
navigationcontext Flags used when opening a new window. These values are used to decide if a pop-up window should be displayed.
postdata Data that is sent to the server as part of an HTTPPOST transaction. A POST transaction is typically used to send data gathered by an HTML form. If this parameter doesn’t specify any post data, this method issues an HTTPGET transaction. This parameter is ignored if the URL is not an HTTP URL.
url URL of the page to that the event was navigated to.
urlcontext URL of the page that is opening the new window. This parameter is a part of web browser’s NewWindow event.
cancel Page creation was canceled (True) or was finished (False).
type Event type, is usually the same as the event itself.
key Mouse button that was clicked at the event (1=left, 2=right, and so on).
button Code of the button that was pressed (for example, the Enter key code is 13).

Control Events

Control events are the events associated with a control.

The following table lists the control events that are available with the respective parameters:

Element Description
BeforeNavigate flags, frame, headers, navigationcontext, postdata, url
onblur type
onchange type
onclick type, button
ondblclick type, button
onfocus type
onkeydown type, key
onmousedown type, button
onreset type
onsubmit type

Page Events

When registering actions for page events, the control parameter in the RegisterActionForEvent activity is ignored. (For more information, see Automate hosted applications using HAT automation activities)

The following table lists the page events that are available with the respective parameters:

Element Description
BeforeNavigate flags, frame, headers, navigationcontext, postdata, url
BeforeNewWindow flags, url, urlcontext
DocumentCompleted Notification, flag, url
DownloadStarted Notification, flag, url
DownloadCompleted Notification, flag, url
NewWindow2 Cancel
NewWindow3 flags, url, urlcontext, cancel

See also

Use Data Driven Adapters (DDAs)