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Xamarin Apple project migration

A .NET 8 project for a .NET for iOS app is similar to the following example:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

For a library project, omit the $(OutputType) property completely or specify Library as the property value.

Changes to MSBuild properties

The following table shows how to map properties in Xamarin Apple projects to .NET projects:

Property Description .NET Project conversion
MtouchExtraArgs Additional arguments to mtouch. Some arguments are still applicable, some arguments aren't. Copy
MtouchArch App architecture(s). N/A Convert to RuntimeIdentifier. For more information, see Convert to RuntimeIdentifier.
XamMacArch App architecture(s). N/A Convert to RuntimeIdentifier. For more information, see Convert to RuntimeIdentifier.
HttpClientHandler The default HttpClientHandler. UseNativeHttpHandler Convert to UseNativeHttpHandler. For more information, see Convert to UseNativeHttpHandler.
MtouchHttpClientHandler The default MtouchHttpClientHandler. UseNativeHttpHandler Convert to UseNativeHttpHandler. For more information, see Convert to UseNativeHttpHandler.
EnableCodeSigning Specifies if code signing is enabled. Copy
CodeSigningKey Specifies the code signing key. Rename to CodesignKey
CodesignKey Specifies the code signing key. Copy
CodesignProvision Specifies the provisioning profile. Copy
CodesignEntitlements The path to the entitlements file. Copy
CodesignExtraArgs Extra code signing arguments. Copy
PackageSigningKey Specifies the code signing key to sign the package. Copy
PackagingExtraArgs Specifies the extra arguments to the packaging tool. Copy
ProductDefinition The path to the product definition file to use when packaging. Copy
MtouchEnableSGenConc Rename to EnableSGenConc.
EnableSGenConc Copy

Convert to RuntimeIdentifier

The following table shows how to convert the MtouchArch and XamMacArch properties to the RuntimeIdentifier property, or the RuntimeIdentifiers property, when migrating a Xamarin.iOS project to .NET for iOS:

Value RuntimeIdentifier RuntimeIdentifiers
ARMv7 ios-arm
ARMv7s ios-arm
ARMv7+ARMv7s ios-arm
ARM64 ios-arm64
ARMv7+ARM64 ios-arm;ios-arm64
ARMv7+ARMv7s+ARM64 ios-arm;ios-arm64
x86_64 iossimulator-x64
i386 iossimulator-x86
x86_64+i386 iossimulator-x86;iossimulator-x64


If you have multiple runtime identifiers, use the RuntimeIdentifiers property rather than the RuntimeIdentifier property.

The following table shows how to convert the MtouchArch and XamMacArch properties to the RuntimeIdentifier property when migrating a Xamarin.Mac project to .NET for macOS+:

Property RuntimeIdentifier
x86_64 osx-x64

The following table shows how to convert the MtouchArch and XamMacArch properties to the RuntimeIdentifier property when migrating a Xamarin.tvOS project to .NET for tvOS:

Property RuntimeIdentifier
ARM64 tvos-arm64
x86_64 tvossimulator-x64

For more information about the RuntimeIdentifier property, see RuntimeIdentifier. For more information about runtime identifiers, see .NET RID Catalog.

Convert to UseNativeHttpHandler

The following table shows how to convert the HttpClientHandler and MtouchHttpClientHandler properties to the UseNativeHttpHandler property when migrating a Xamarin Apple project to .NET 8:

Value UseNativeHttpHandler
HttpClientHandler false
NSUrlSessionHandler don't set
CFNetworkHandler don't set

Changes to other items

The following table shows how to map other items in Xamarin Apple projects to .NET projects:

Item Description .NET Project conversion
LinkDescription Additional XML files to the managed linker. Identical Copy

Changes to Info.plist

Some values have moved from Info.plist to the project file.

MinimumOSVersion and LSMinimumSystemVersion

The MinimumOSVersion and LSMinimumSystemVersion properties should be converted to the SupportedOSPlatformVersion property in .NET 8 projects. For more information, see Ensure MinimumOSVersion is consistent with SupportedOSPlatformVersion.

See also