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Procedure: Metagegevens van een bitmap lezen

In dit voorbeeld ziet u hoe u bitmapmetagegevens leest met behulp van de metagegevensquerytaal.


// Add the metadata of the bitmap image to the text block.
TextBlock^ myTextBlock = gcnew TextBlock();
myTextBlock->Text = "The Description metadata of this image is: " + pngInplace->GetQuery("/Text/Description")->ToString();

// Add the metadata of the bitmap image to the text block.
TextBlock myTextBlock = new TextBlock();
myTextBlock.Text = "The Description metadata of this image is: " + pngInplace.GetQuery("/Text/Description").ToString();
' Add the metadata of the bitmap image to the text block.
Dim myTextBlock As New TextBlock()
myTextBlock.Text = "The Description metadata of this image is: " + pngInplace.GetQuery("/Text/Description").ToString()