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IUITableViewDelegate Interface


Interface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol UITableViewDelegate.

[Foundation.Protocol(Name="UITableViewDelegate", WrapperType=typeof(UIKit.UITableViewDelegateWrapper))]
public interface IUITableViewDelegate : IDisposable, UIKit.IUIScrollViewDelegate
type IUITableViewDelegate = interface
    interface INativeObject
    interface IDisposable
    interface IUIScrollViewDelegate


This interface contains the required methods (if any) from the protocol defined by UITableViewDelegate.

If developers create classes that implement this interface, the implementation methods will automatically be exported to Objective-C with the matching signature from the method defined in the UITableViewDelegate protocol.

Optional methods (if any) are provided by the UITableViewDelegate_Extensions class as extension methods to the interface, allowing developers to invoke any optional methods on the protocol.



Handle (pointer) to the unmanaged object representation.

(Inherited from INativeObject)

Extension Methods

DecelerationEnded(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView)

Indicates that deceleration relating to a scroll event has ended.

DecelerationStarted(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView)

Indicates that deceleration of a scrolling event has begun.

DidChangeAdjustedContentInset(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView)

Method that is called when the inset values change.

DidZoom(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView)

Indicates that the specified scrollView has zoomed.

DraggingEnded(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView, Boolean)

Indicates that dragging has completed.

DraggingStarted(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView)

Indicates that dragging has begun.

ScrollAnimationEnded(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView)

Indicates that all animations relating to scrolling have completed.

Scrolled(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView)

Indicates that the specified scrollView has scrolled.

ScrolledToTop(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView)

Indicates that the specified scrollView's scrolling has ended at the top.

ShouldScrollToTop(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView)

Whether a scroll to the beginning of the scrollView should be permitted.

ViewForZoomingInScrollView(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView)

The UIView to scale when zooming is requested.

WillEndDragging(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView, CGPoint, CGPoint)

Indicates that dragging is about to end.

ZoomingEnded(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView, UIView, nfloat)

Indicates that zooming has completed.

ZoomingStarted(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView, UIView)

Indicates that zooming has begun.

AccessoryButtonTapped(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, NSIndexPath)

Indictes that the user has tapped the accessory / disclosure buttom at the specified indexPath.

AccessoryForRow(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, NSIndexPath)

Developers should not use this deprecated method.

CanFocusRow(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, NSIndexPath)

Whether the row at the specified indexPath may receive focus.

CanPerformAction(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, Selector, NSIndexPath, NSObject)

Whether the cell at the specified indexPath can perform the specified Copy or Paste operation.

CellDisplayingEnded(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, UITableViewCell, NSIndexPath)

Indicates that the cell has just been removed.

CustomizeMoveTarget(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, NSIndexPath, NSIndexPath)

Used to change a cell move destination, for example, to prevent dropping a cell in a certain position.

DidEndEditing(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, NSIndexPath)

Indicates that editing of the cell at the specified indexPath has finished.

DidUpdateFocus(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, UITableViewFocusUpdateContext, UIFocusAnimationCoordinator)

Indicates that the focus changed as detailed in the context.

EditActionsForRow(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, NSIndexPath)

Returns an array of row actions to display after the user swipes the row in the tableView table view that is identified by indexPath.

EditingStyleForRow(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, NSIndexPath)

The UITableViewCellEditingStyle for the specified indexPath.

EstimatedHeight(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, NSIndexPath)

An estimate of the height for the specified indexPath. Implementations should perform minimal calculation, as it is called repeatedly.

EstimatedHeightForFooter(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, nint)

The estimated height of the footer of the specified section.

EstimatedHeightForHeader(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, nint)

The estimated height of the header of the specified section.

FooterViewDisplayingEnded(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, UIView, nint)

Indicates that the footerView of the specified section has been removed.

GetHeightForFooter(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, nint)

The height of the footer for the specified section.

GetHeightForHeader(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, nint)

The height of the header for the specified section.

GetHeightForRow(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, NSIndexPath)

The height of the cell at the specified indexPath.

GetIndexPathForPreferredFocusedView(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView)

The index path of the table's preferred focus view.

GetLeadingSwipeActionsConfiguration(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, NSIndexPath)

Returns the swipe action configuration for swipes that begin from the leading edge.

GetTrailingSwipeActionsConfiguration(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, NSIndexPath)

Returns the swipe action configuration for swipes that begin from the trailing edge.

GetViewForFooter(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, nint)

The view used for the footer of the specified section.

GetViewForHeader(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, nint)

The view used for the header of the specified section.

HeaderViewDisplayingEnded(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, UIView, nint)

Indicates that the header of the specified section has been removed.

IndentationLevel(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, NSIndexPath)

The indentation level for the cell at the specified indexPath.

PerformAction(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, Selector, NSIndexPath, NSObject)

Performs the specified Copy or Paste action.

RowDeselected(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, NSIndexPath)

Indicates that the cell at the specified indexPath has been deselected.

RowHighlighted(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, NSIndexPath)

Indicates that the cell at the specified indexPath has been highlighted.

RowSelected(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, NSIndexPath)

Indicates that the call at the specified indexPath has been selected.

RowUnhighlighted(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, NSIndexPath)

Indicates that the cell at the specified indexPath has been unhighlighted.

ShouldHighlightRow(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, NSIndexPath)

Whether the cell at the specified indexPath should be highlighted.

ShouldIndentWhileEditing(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, NSIndexPath)

Whether the cell at the specified indexPath should be indented while it is being edited.

ShouldShowMenu(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, NSIndexPath)

Whether the cell at the specified rowAtIndexPath should show an action menu.

ShouldSpringLoadRow(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, NSIndexPath, IUISpringLoadedInteractionContext)

Method that is called to indicate whether the identified row should springload in the specified context.

ShouldUpdateFocus(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, UITableViewFocusUpdateContext)

TCalled prior to the tableView either losing or receiving focus. If either focus environment returns false, the focus update is canceled.

TitleForDeleteConfirmation(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, NSIndexPath)

When overridden, changes the default title of the delete confirmation button.

WillBeginEditing(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, NSIndexPath)

Indicates that the cell at the specified indexPath is about to be edited.

WillDeselectRow(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, NSIndexPath)

Indicates that the cell at the specified indexPath is about to be deselected.

WillDisplay(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, UITableViewCell, NSIndexPath)

Indicates that the cell at the specified indexPath is about to be shown.

WillDisplayFooterView(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, UIView, nint)

Indicates that the footer view for the specified section is about to be shown.

WillDisplayHeaderView(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, UIView, nint)

Indicates that the header view of the specified section is about to be shown.

WillSelectRow(IUITableViewDelegate, UITableView, NSIndexPath)

Indicates the the cell at the specified indexPath is about to be selected.

Applies to