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DbModelBuilderVersion Enum


A value from this enumeration can be provided directly to the DbModelBuilder class or can be used in the DbModelBuilderVersionAttribute applied to a class derived from DbContext. The value used defines which version of the DbContext and DbModelBuilder conventions should be used when building a model from code--also known as "Code First".

[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1709:IdentifiersShouldBeCasedCorrectly", MessageId="Db")]
public enum DbModelBuilderVersion
public enum DbModelBuilderVersion
type DbModelBuilderVersion = 
Public Enum DbModelBuilderVersion


Name Value Description
Latest 0

Indicates that the latest version of the DbModelBuilder and DbContext conventions should be used.

V4_1 1

Indicates that the version of the DbModelBuilder and DbContext conventions shipped with Entity Framework v4.1 should be used.

V5_0_Net4 2

Indicates that the version of the DbModelBuilder and DbContext conventions shipped with Entity Framework v5.0 when targeting .Net Framework 4 should be used.

V5_0 3

Indicates that the version of the DbModelBuilder and DbContext conventions shipped with Entity Framework v5.0 should be used.

V6_0 4

Indicates that the version of the DbModelBuilder and DbContext conventions shipped with Entity Framework v6.0 should be used.


Using DbModelBuilderVersion.Latest ensures that all the latest functionality is available when upgrading to a new release of the Entity Framework. However, it may result in an application behaving differently with the new release than it did with a previous release. This can be avoided by using a specific version of the conventions, but if a version other than the latest is set then not all the latest functionality will be available.

Applies to