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SqlCommand.RetryLogicProvider Property


Gets or sets a value that specifies the SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider object bound to this command.

 property Microsoft::Data::SqlClient::SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider ^ RetryLogicProvider { Microsoft::Data::SqlClient::SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider ^ get(); void set(Microsoft::Data::SqlClient::SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider ^ value); };
public Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider RetryLogicProvider { get; set; }
public Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider RetryLogicProvider { get; set; }
member this.RetryLogicProvider : Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider with get, set
member this.RetryLogicProvider : Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider with get, set
Public Property RetryLogicProvider As SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider

Property Value

When set to null (default), the default non-retriable provider will be used.



You must set the value for this property before the command is executed for it to take effect.

To apply the retry logic, do the following steps before executing the command:

  1. Define the configuration parameters by using SqlRetryLogicOption type.
  2. Create a SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider by using one of the following static methods of the SqlConfigurableRetryFactory class:
  3. Assign the SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider object to the RetryLogicProvider property.


Detecting retriable exceptions is a vital part of the retry pattern. Before applying retry logic, it is important to investigate exceptions and choose a retry provider that best fits your scenario. First, log your exceptions and find transient faults.


The command timeout restarts for each execution of a command within the retry logic and after applying the retry time delay. There is no timing overlap between these two actions.


The default retry logic provider is not enabled unless it is configured in an application configuration file. For more information, see Configurable retry logic configuration file.


A command with CommandBehavior.CloseConnection isn't compatible with the built-in retry logic. The underlying connection is immediately closed after the first execution attempt and is no longer available for subsequent retries.


The following sample creates a database and establishes an active connection to it. While the database has an active connection, it tries to drop it with a new SqlConnection and a SqlCommand that uses a SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider. You should kill the active connection through the database to unblock the second command before exceeding the number of retries.
The blocking connection simulates a situation like a command still running in the database and unlikely to finish.

/// Detecting retriable exceptions is a vital part of the retry pattern.
/// Before applying retry logic it is important to investigate exceptions and choose a retry provider that best fits your scenario.
/// First, log your exceptions and find transient faults.
/// The purpose of this sample is to illustrate how to use this feature and the condition might not be realistic.

    private const string DefaultDB = "Northwind";
    private const string CnnStringFormat = "Server=localhost; Initial Catalog={0}; Integrated Security=true; pooling=false;";
    private const string DropDatabaseFormat = "DROP DATABASE {0}";
    private const string CreateDatabaseFormat = "CREATE DATABASE {0}";

    // For general use
    private static SqlConnection s_generalConnection = new SqlConnection(string.Format(CnnStringFormat, DefaultDB));

    static void Main(string[] args)
        // 1. Define the retry logic parameters
        var options = new SqlRetryLogicOption()
            NumberOfTries = 5,
            MaxTimeInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20),
            DeltaTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
            AuthorizedSqlCondition = null,
            // error number 3702 : Cannot drop database "xxx" because it is currently in use.
            TransientErrors = new int[] {3702}

        // 2. Create a retry provider
        var provider = SqlConfigurableRetryFactory.CreateExponentialRetryProvider(options);

        // define the retrying event to report execution attempts
        provider.Retrying += (object s, SqlRetryingEventArgs e) =>
                int attempts = e.RetryCount + 1;
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                Console.WriteLine($"attempt {attempts} - current delay time:{e.Delay} \n");
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
                if (e.Exceptions[e.Exceptions.Count - 1] is SqlException ex)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{e.Exceptions[e.Exceptions.Count - 1].Message}\n");

                // It is not good practice to do time-consuming tasks inside the retrying event which blocks the running task.
                // Use parallel programming patterns to mitigate it.
                if (e.RetryCount == provider.RetryLogic.NumberOfTries - 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("This is the last chance to execute the command before throwing the exception.");
                    Console.WriteLine("Press Enter when you're ready:");
                    Console.WriteLine("continue ...");

        // Open a general connection.

            // Assume the database is creating and other services are going to connect to it.
            // exception is thrown if connecting to the database isn't successful.

    private static void ExecuteCommand(SqlConnection cn, string command)
        using var cmd = cn.CreateCommand();
        cmd.CommandText = command;

    private static void FindActiveSessions(SqlConnection cnn, string dbName)
        using var cmd = cnn.CreateCommand();
        cmd.CommandText = "DECLARE @query NVARCHAR(max) = '';" + Environment.NewLine +
            $"SELECT @query = @query + 'KILL ' + CAST(spid as varchar(50)) + ';' FROM sys.sysprocesses WHERE dbid = DB_ID('{dbName}')" + Environment.NewLine +
            "SELECT @query AS Active_sessions;";
        var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
        if (reader.Read())
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
            Console.Write($">> Execute the '{reader.GetString(0)}' command in SQL Server to unblock the running task.");

How to use with synchronous commands

private static void RetryCommand(SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider)
    // Change this if you already have a database with the same name in your database.
    string dbName = "RetryCommand_TestDatabase";

    // Subscribe a new event on retry event and discover the active sessions on a database
    EventHandler<SqlRetryingEventArgs> retryEvent = (object s, SqlRetryingEventArgs e) =>
        // Run just at first execution
        if (e.RetryCount == 1)
            FindActiveSessions(s_generalConnection, dbName);
            Console.WriteLine($"Before exceeding {provider.RetryLogic.NumberOfTries} attempts.");

    provider.Retrying += retryEvent;

    // Create a new database.
    ExecuteCommand(s_generalConnection, string.Format(CreateDatabaseFormat, dbName));
    Console.WriteLine($"The '{dbName}' database is created.");

    // Open a connection to the newly created database to block it from being dropped.
    using var blockingCnn = new SqlConnection(string.Format(CnnStringFormat, dbName));
    Console.WriteLine($"Established a connection to '{dbName}' to block it from being dropped.");

    Console.WriteLine($"Dropping `{dbName}`...");
    // Try to drop the new database.
    RetryCommandSync(provider, dbName);

    Console.WriteLine("Command executed successfully.");

    provider.Retrying -= retryEvent;

private static void RetryCommandSync(SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider, string dbName)
    using var cmd = s_generalConnection.CreateCommand();
    cmd.CommandText = string.Format(DropDatabaseFormat, dbName);
    // 3. Assign the `provider` to the command
    cmd.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
    Console.WriteLine("The first attempt, before getting into the retry logic.");

How to use with asynchoronous commands

private static void RetryCommand(SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider)
    // Change this if you already have a database with the same name in your database.
    string dbName = "RetryCommand_TestDatabase";

    // Subscribe to the retry event and discover active sessions in a database
    EventHandler<SqlRetryingEventArgs> retryEvent = (object s, SqlRetryingEventArgs e) =>
        // Run just at first execution
        if (e.RetryCount == 1)
            FindActiveSessions(s_generalConnection, dbName);
            Console.WriteLine($"Before exceeding {provider.RetryLogic.NumberOfTries} attempts.");

    provider.Retrying += retryEvent;

    // Create a new database.
    ExecuteCommand(s_generalConnection, string.Format(CreateDatabaseFormat, dbName));
    Console.WriteLine($"The '{dbName}' database is created.");

    // Open a connection to the newly created database to block it from being dropped.
    using var blockingCnn = new SqlConnection(string.Format(CnnStringFormat, dbName));
    Console.WriteLine($"Established a connection to '{dbName}' to block it from being dropped.");

    Console.WriteLine("Dropping the database...");
    // Try to drop the new database.
    RetryCommandAsync(provider, dbName).Wait();

    Console.WriteLine("Command executed successfully.");

    provider.Retrying -= retryEvent;

private static async Task RetryCommandAsync(SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider, string dbName)
    using var cmd = s_generalConnection.CreateCommand();
    cmd.CommandText = string.Format(DropDatabaseFormat, dbName);
    // 3. Assign the `provider` to the command
    cmd.RetryLogicProvider = provider;
    Console.WriteLine("The first attempt, before getting into the retry logic.");
    await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

How to use with legacy asynchronous commands

Besides assigning the provider to the command and executing the command, it's possible to run it directly using the following SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider methods:

private static void RetryCommand(SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider)
    // Change this if you already have a database with the same name in your database.
    string dbName = "RetryCommand_TestDatabase";

    // Subscribe to the retry event and discover the active sessions in a database
    EventHandler<SqlRetryingEventArgs> retryEvent = (object s, SqlRetryingEventArgs e) =>
        // Run just at first execution
        if (e.RetryCount == 1)
            FindActiveSessions(s_generalConnection, dbName);
            Console.WriteLine($"Before exceeding {provider.RetryLogic.NumberOfTries} attempts.");

    provider.Retrying += retryEvent;

    // Create a new database.
    ExecuteCommand(s_generalConnection, string.Format(CreateDatabaseFormat, dbName));
    Console.WriteLine($"The '{dbName}' database is created.");

    // Open a connection to the newly created database to block it from being dropped.
    using var blockingCnn = new SqlConnection(string.Format(CnnStringFormat, dbName));
    Console.WriteLine($"Established a connection to '{dbName}' to block it from being dropped.");

    Console.WriteLine("Dropping the database...");
    // Try to drop the new database.
    RetryCommandBeginExecuteAsync(provider, dbName).Wait();

    Console.WriteLine("Command executed successfully.");

    provider.Retrying -= retryEvent;

private static async Task RetryCommandBeginExecuteAsync(SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider, string dbName)
    using var cmd = s_generalConnection.CreateCommand();
    cmd.CommandText = string.Format(DropDatabaseFormat, dbName);
    // Execute the BeginExecuteXXX and EndExecuteXXX functions by using Task.Factory.FromAsync().
    // Apply the retry logic by using the ExecuteAsync function of the configurable retry logic provider.
    Console.WriteLine("The first attempt, before getting into the retry logic.");
    await provider.ExecuteAsync(cmd, () => Task.Factory.FromAsync(cmd.BeginExecuteNonQuery(), cmd.EndExecuteNonQuery));


The Asynchronous Programming Model (APM) is a legacy pattern that uses a pair of methods starting with Begin and End, and an interface called IAsyncResult. It's not recommended to use this pattern in new applications. These methods are for backwards compatibility.

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