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DataFrame Class


A DataFrame to support indexing, binary operations, sorting, selection and other APIs. This will eventually also expose an IDataView for ML.NET

public class DataFrame : Microsoft.ML.IDataView
type DataFrame = class
    interface IDataView
Public Class DataFrame
Implements IDataView



Constructs a DataFrame with columns.



Returns the columns contained in the DataFrame as a DataFrameColumnCollection


Returns a new DataFrame using the boolean values in rowFilter


Returns a new DataFrame using the row indices in rowIndices


Returns a new DataFrame using the row indices in rowIndices

Item[Int64, Int32]

An Indexer to get or set values.


Returns a new DataFrame using the boolean values in filter


Returns a new DataFrame using the row indices in rowIndices


Returns a new DataFrame using the row indices in rowIndices


An indexer based on Name


Returns a DataFrameRowCollection that contains a view of the rows in this DataFrame


Add<T>(IReadOnlyList<T>, Boolean)
Add<T>(T, Boolean)

Performs an element-wise addition on each column

AddPrefix(String, Boolean)

Adds a prefix to the column names

AddSuffix(String, Boolean)

Adds a suffix to the column names

And(Boolean, Boolean)

Performs an element-wise boolean And on each column

And(IReadOnlyList<Boolean>, Boolean)
Append(IEnumerable<DataFrameRow>, Boolean, CultureInfo)

Appends rows to the DataFrame

Append(IEnumerable<DataFrameRow>, Boolean)
Append(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<String,Object>>, Boolean, CultureInfo)

Appends a row by enumerating column names and values from row

Append(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<String,Object>>, Boolean)
Append(IEnumerable<Object>, Boolean, CultureInfo)

Appends a row to the DataFrame

Append(IEnumerable<Object>, Boolean)
Clamp<U>(U, U, Boolean)

Clamps values beyond the specified thresholds on numeric columns


Returns a full copy


Generates descriptive statistics that summarize each numeric column

Divide<T>(IReadOnlyList<T>, Boolean)
Divide<T>(T, Boolean)

Performs an element-wise division on each column


Returns a DataFrame with no missing values


Performs an element-wise equals on each column


Performs an element-wise greater than on each column


Performs an element-wise greater than or equal on each column


Performs an element-wise less than on each column


Performs an element-wise less than or equal on each column


Performs an element-wise not-equals on each column

FillNulls(IList<Object>, Boolean)

Fills null values in each column with values from values.

FillNulls(Object, Boolean)

Fills null values with value.


Returns a new DataFrame using the boolean values in filter


Returns a new DataFrame using the row indices in rowIndices


Returns a new DataFrame using the row indices in rowIndices


Wraps a DataFrame around an Arrow Apache.Arrow.RecordBatch without copying data


Groups the rows of the DataFrame by unique values in the columnName column.


Groups the rows of the DataFrame by unique values in the columnName column.


Returns the first numberOfRows rows


Generates a concise summary of each column in the DataFrame

Join(DataFrame, String, String, JoinAlgorithm)

Joins columns of another DataFrame

LeftShift(Int32, Boolean)

Performs an element-wise left shift on each column

LoadCsv(Stream, Char, Boolean, String[], Type[], Int64, Int32, Boolean, Encoding, Boolean, CultureInfo, Func<IEnumerable<String>,Type>)

Reads a seekable stream of CSV data into a DataFrame.

LoadCsv(Stream, Char, Boolean, String[], Type[], Int64, Int32, Boolean, Encoding)
LoadCsv(String, Char, Boolean, String[], Type[], Int32, Int32, Boolean, Encoding, Boolean, CultureInfo)

Reads a text file as a DataFrame.

LoadCsv(String, Char, Boolean, String[], Type[], Int32, Int32, Boolean, Encoding)
LoadCsvFromString(String, Char, Boolean, String[], Type[], Int64, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, CultureInfo, Func<IEnumerable<String>,Type>)

Reads CSV data passed in as a string into a DataFrame.

LoadCsvFromString(String, Char, Boolean, String[], Type[], Int64, Int32, Boolean)
LoadFrom(IEnumerable<IList<Object>>, IList<ValueTuple<String,Type>>)
Merge(DataFrame, String[], String[], String, String, JoinAlgorithm)
Merge<TKey>(DataFrame, String, String, String, String, JoinAlgorithm)

Merge DataFrames with a database style join (for backward compatibility)

Modulo<T>(IReadOnlyList<T>, Boolean)
Modulo<T>(T, Boolean)

Performs an element-wise modulus operation on each column

Multiply<T>(IReadOnlyList<T>, Boolean)
Multiply<T>(T, Boolean)

Performs an element-wise multiplication on each column

Or(Boolean, Boolean)

Performs an element-wise boolean Or on each column

Or(IReadOnlyList<Boolean>, Boolean)
OrderBy(String, Boolean, Boolean)

Orders the data frame by a specified column.


Orders the data frame by a specified column.

OrderByDescending(String, Boolean)

Orders the data frame by a specified column in descending order.


Orders the data frame by a specified column in descending order.

ReverseAdd<T>(T, Boolean)

Performs a reversed element-wise addition on each column

ReverseAnd(Boolean, Boolean)

Performs a reversed element-wise boolean And on each column

ReverseDivide<T>(T, Boolean)

Performs a reversed element-wise division on each column

ReverseModulo<T>(T, Boolean)

Performs a reversed element-wise modulus operation on each column

ReverseMultiply<T>(T, Boolean)

Performs a reversed element-wise multiplication on each column

ReverseOr(Boolean, Boolean)

Performs a reversed element-wise boolean Or on each column

ReverseSubtract<T>(T, Boolean)

Performs a reversed element-wise subtraction on each column

ReverseXor(Boolean, Boolean)

Performs a reversed element-wise boolean Xor on each column

RightShift(Int32, Boolean)

Performs an element-wise right shift on each column


Returns a random sample of rows

SaveCsv(DataFrame, Stream, Char, Boolean, Encoding, CultureInfo)

Saves a DataFrame into a CSV.

SaveCsv(DataFrame, String, Char, Boolean, Encoding, CultureInfo)

Saves a DataFrame into a CSV.

SaveTo(DbDataAdapter, DbProviderFactory)
Subtract<T>(IReadOnlyList<T>, Boolean)
Subtract<T>(T, Boolean)

Performs an element-wise subtraction on each column


Returns the last numberOfRows rows


Returns an IEnumerable<T> mostly without copying data


A preview of the contents of this DataFrame as a string.


A preview of the contents of this DataFrame as a string.

WriteCsv(DataFrame, Stream, Char, Boolean, Encoding, CultureInfo)

Writes a DataFrame into a CSV.

WriteCsv(DataFrame, String, Char, Boolean, Encoding, CultureInfo)

Writes a DataFrame into a CSV.

Xor(Boolean, Boolean)

Performs an element-wise boolean Xor on each column

Xor(IReadOnlyList<Boolean>, Boolean)


Addition(Byte, DataFrame)
Addition(DataFrame, Byte)
Addition(DataFrame, Decimal)
Addition(DataFrame, Double)
Addition(DataFrame, Int16)
Addition(DataFrame, Int32)
Addition(DataFrame, Int64)
Addition(DataFrame, SByte)
Addition(DataFrame, Single)
Addition(DataFrame, UInt16)
Addition(DataFrame, UInt32)
Addition(DataFrame, UInt64)
Addition(Decimal, DataFrame)
Addition(Double, DataFrame)
Addition(Int16, DataFrame)
Addition(Int32, DataFrame)
Addition(Int64, DataFrame)
Addition(SByte, DataFrame)
Addition(Single, DataFrame)
Addition(UInt16, DataFrame)
Addition(UInt32, DataFrame)
Addition(UInt64, DataFrame)
Division(Byte, DataFrame)
Division(DataFrame, Byte)
Division(DataFrame, Decimal)
Division(DataFrame, Double)
Division(DataFrame, Int16)
Division(DataFrame, Int32)
Division(DataFrame, Int64)
Division(DataFrame, SByte)
Division(DataFrame, Single)
Division(DataFrame, UInt16)
Division(DataFrame, UInt32)
Division(DataFrame, UInt64)
Division(Decimal, DataFrame)
Division(Double, DataFrame)
Division(Int16, DataFrame)
Division(Int32, DataFrame)
Division(Int64, DataFrame)
Division(SByte, DataFrame)
Division(Single, DataFrame)
Division(UInt16, DataFrame)
Division(UInt32, DataFrame)
Division(UInt64, DataFrame)
LeftShift(DataFrame, Int32)
Modulus(Byte, DataFrame)
Modulus(DataFrame, Byte)
Modulus(DataFrame, Decimal)
Modulus(DataFrame, Double)
Modulus(DataFrame, Int16)
Modulus(DataFrame, Int32)
Modulus(DataFrame, Int64)
Modulus(DataFrame, SByte)
Modulus(DataFrame, Single)
Modulus(DataFrame, UInt16)
Modulus(DataFrame, UInt32)
Modulus(DataFrame, UInt64)
Modulus(Decimal, DataFrame)
Modulus(Double, DataFrame)
Modulus(Int16, DataFrame)
Modulus(Int32, DataFrame)
Modulus(Int64, DataFrame)
Modulus(SByte, DataFrame)
Modulus(Single, DataFrame)
Modulus(UInt16, DataFrame)
Modulus(UInt32, DataFrame)
Modulus(UInt64, DataFrame)
Multiply(Byte, DataFrame)
Multiply(DataFrame, Byte)
Multiply(DataFrame, Decimal)
Multiply(DataFrame, Double)
Multiply(DataFrame, Int16)
Multiply(DataFrame, Int32)
Multiply(DataFrame, Int64)
Multiply(DataFrame, SByte)
Multiply(DataFrame, Single)
Multiply(DataFrame, UInt16)
Multiply(DataFrame, UInt32)
Multiply(DataFrame, UInt64)
Multiply(Decimal, DataFrame)
Multiply(Double, DataFrame)
Multiply(Int16, DataFrame)
Multiply(Int32, DataFrame)
Multiply(Int64, DataFrame)
Multiply(SByte, DataFrame)
Multiply(Single, DataFrame)
Multiply(UInt16, DataFrame)
Multiply(UInt32, DataFrame)
Multiply(UInt64, DataFrame)
RightShift(DataFrame, Int32)
Subtraction(Byte, DataFrame)
Subtraction(DataFrame, Byte)
Subtraction(DataFrame, Decimal)
Subtraction(DataFrame, Double)
Subtraction(DataFrame, Int16)
Subtraction(DataFrame, Int32)
Subtraction(DataFrame, Int64)
Subtraction(DataFrame, SByte)
Subtraction(DataFrame, Single)
Subtraction(DataFrame, UInt16)
Subtraction(DataFrame, UInt32)
Subtraction(DataFrame, UInt64)
Subtraction(Decimal, DataFrame)
Subtraction(Double, DataFrame)
Subtraction(Int16, DataFrame)
Subtraction(Int32, DataFrame)
Subtraction(Int64, DataFrame)
Subtraction(SByte, DataFrame)
Subtraction(Single, DataFrame)
Subtraction(UInt16, DataFrame)
Subtraction(UInt32, DataFrame)
Subtraction(UInt64, DataFrame)

Explicit Interface Implementations

IDataView.GetRowCursor(IEnumerable<DataViewSchema.Column>, Random)
IDataView.GetRowCursorSet(IEnumerable<DataViewSchema.Column>, Int32, Random)

Extension Methods

GetColumn<T>(IDataView, DataViewSchema+Column)

Extract all values of one column of the data view in a form of an IEnumerable<T>.

GetColumn<T>(IDataView, String)

Extract all values of one column of the data view in a form of an IEnumerable<T>.

Preview(IDataView, Int32)

Extract a 'head' of the data view in a view that is convenient to debug.

ToDataFrame(IDataView, Int64, String[])

Returns a DataFrame with the first maxRows of this dataView.

ToDataFrame(IDataView, Int64)

Returns a DataFrame from this dataView.

ToDataFrame(IDataView, String[])

Returns a DataFrame with the first 100 rows of this dataView.

Applies to