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IWithRequestRoutingRuleOrCreate Interface


The stage of an application gateway definition allowing to continue adding more request routing rules, or start specifying optional settings, or create the application gateway.

public interface IWithRequestRoutingRuleOrCreate : Microsoft.Azure.Management.Network.Fluent.ApplicationGateway.Definition.IWithCreate, Microsoft.Azure.Management.Network.Fluent.ApplicationGateway.Definition.IWithRequestRoutingRule, Microsoft.Azure.Management.Network.Fluent.HasPrivateIPAddress.Definition.IWithPrivateIPAddress<Microsoft.Azure.Management.Network.Fluent.ApplicationGateway.Definition.IWithCreate>, Microsoft.Azure.Management.Network.Fluent.HasPublicIPAddress.Definition.IWithExistingPublicIPAddress<Microsoft.Azure.Management.Network.Fluent.ApplicationGateway.Definition.IWithCreate>, Microsoft.Azure.Management.Network.Fluent.HasPublicIPAddress.Definition.IWithNewPublicIPAddressNoDnsLabel<Microsoft.Azure.Management.Network.Fluent.ApplicationGateway.Definition.IWithCreate>, Microsoft.Azure.Management.Network.Fluent.HasPublicIPAddress.Definition.IWithPublicIPAddressNoDnsLabel<Microsoft.Azure.Management.Network.Fluent.ApplicationGateway.Definition.IWithCreate>, Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent.Core.HasSubnet.Definition.IWithSubnet<Microsoft.Azure.Management.Network.Fluent.ApplicationGateway.Definition.IWithCreate>, Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent.Core.IBeta, Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent.Core.Resource.Definition.IDefinitionWithTags<Microsoft.Azure.Management.Network.Fluent.ApplicationGateway.Definition.IWithCreate>, Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent.Core.ResourceActions.ICreatable<Microsoft.Azure.Management.Network.Fluent.IApplicationGateway>
type IWithRequestRoutingRuleOrCreate = interface
    interface IWithRequestRoutingRule
    interface IWithCreate
    interface ICreatable<IApplicationGateway>
    interface IIndexable
    interface IDefinitionWithTags<IWithCreate>
    interface IWithSku
    interface IWithWebApplicationFirewall
    interface IWithInstanceCount
    interface IWithSslCert
    interface IWithFrontendPort
    interface IWithListener
    interface IWithBackendHttpConfig
    interface IWithBackend
    interface IWithExistingSubnet
    interface IWithSubnet<IWithCreate>
    interface IWithPrivateIPAddress
    interface IWithPrivateIPAddress<IWithCreate>
    interface IWithPrivateFrontend
    interface IWithPublicFrontend
    interface IWithPublicIPAddress
    interface IWithPublicIPAddressNoDnsLabel<IWithCreate>
    interface IWithExistingPublicIPAddress<IWithCreate>
    interface IWithNewPublicIPAddressNoDnsLabel<IWithCreate>
    interface IWithProbe
    interface IWithDisabledSslProtocol
    interface IWithDisabledSslProtocolBeta
    interface IBeta
    interface IWithAuthenticationCertificate
    interface IWithAuthenticationCertificateBeta
    interface IWithRedirectConfiguration
    interface IWithRedirectConfigurationBeta
    interface IWithManagedServiceIdentity
    interface IWithAvailabilityZone
Public Interface IWithRequestRoutingRuleOrCreate
Implements IBeta, ICreatable(Of IApplicationGateway), IDefinitionWithTags(Of IWithCreate), IWithCreate, IWithExistingPublicIPAddress(Of IWithCreate), IWithNewPublicIPAddressNoDnsLabel(Of IWithCreate), IWithPrivateIPAddress(Of IWithCreate), IWithPublicIPAddressNoDnsLabel(Of IWithCreate), IWithRequestRoutingRule, IWithSubnet(Of IWithCreate)


Key (Inherited from IIndexable)

Gets the name of the creatable resource.

(Inherited from ICreatable<T>)



Execute the create request.

(Inherited from ICreatable<T>)
CreateAsync(CancellationToken, Boolean)

Puts the request into the queue and allow the HTTP client to execute it when system resources are available.

(Inherited from ICreatable<T>)

Begins the definition of a new application gateway authentication certificate to be attached to the gateway for use by the backends.

(Inherited from IWithAuthenticationCertificateBeta)

Begins the definition of a new application gateway backend to be attached to the gateway.

(Inherited from IWithBackend)

Begins the definition of a new application gateway backend HTTP configuration to be attached to the gateway.

(Inherited from IWithBackendHttpConfig)

Begins the definition of a new application gateway listener to be attached to the gateway.

(Inherited from IWithListener)

Begins the definition of a new probe.

(Inherited from IWithProbe)

Begins the definition of a new application gateway redirect configuration to be attached to the gateway.

(Inherited from IWithRedirectConfigurationBeta)

Begins the definition of a request routing rule for this application gateway.

(Inherited from IWithRequestRoutingRule)

Begins the definition of a new application gateway SSL certificate to be attached to the gateway for use in HTTPS listeners.

(Inherited from IWithSslCert)
WithAutoscale(Int32, Int32)

Specifies the min and max auto scale bound.

(Inherited from IWithInstanceCount)

Specifies the availability zone for the application gateway. Note, this functionality is not enabled for most subscriptions and is subject to significant redesign and/or removal in the future.

(Inherited from IWithAvailabilityZone)

Disables the specified SSL protocol.

(Inherited from IWithDisabledSslProtocolBeta)

Disables the specified SSL protocols.

(Inherited from IWithDisabledSslProtocolBeta)

Enables HTTP2 traffic on the Application Gateway.

(Inherited from IWithCreate)

Associates an existing public IP address with the resource.

(Inherited from IWithExistingPublicIPAddress<ReturnT>)

Associates an existing public IP address with the resource.

(Inherited from IWithExistingPublicIPAddress<ReturnT>)
WithExistingSubnet(INetwork, String)

Specifies the subnet the application gateway gets its private IP address from. This will create a new IP configuration, if it does not already exist. Private (internal) frontends, if any have been enabled, will be configured to use this subnet as well.

(Inherited from IWithExistingSubnet)

Specifies the subnet the application gateway gets its private IP address from. This will create a new IP configuration, if it does not already exist. Private (internal) frontends, if any have been enabled, will be configured to use this subnet as well.

(Inherited from IWithExistingSubnet)
WithExistingSubnet(String, String)

Assigns the specified subnet to this resource.

(Inherited from IWithSubnet<ReturnT>)
WithFrontendPort(Int32, String)

Creates a frontend port with the specified name and port number, unless a port matching this name and/or number already exists.

(Inherited from IWithFrontendPort)

Creates a frontend port with an auto-generated name and the specified port number, unless one already exists.

(Inherited from IWithFrontendPort)

Specifies an identity to be associated with the application gateway.

(Inherited from IWithManagedServiceIdentity)

Specifies the capacity (number of instances) for the application gateway. By default, 1 instance is used.

(Inherited from IWithInstanceCount)

Creates a new public IP address in the same region and group as the resource and associates it with the resource. The internal name and DNS label for the public IP address will be derived from the resource's name.

(Inherited from IWithNewPublicIPAddressNoDnsLabel<ReturnT>)

Creates a new public IP address to associate with the resource.

(Inherited from IWithNewPublicIPAddressNoDnsLabel<ReturnT>)

Disables HTTP2 traffic on the Application Gateway.

(Inherited from IWithCreate)

Specifies that no private (internal) frontend should be enabled.

(Inherited from IWithPrivateFrontend)

Specifies that the application gateway should not be Internet-facing.

(Inherited from IWithPublicFrontend)

Enables a private (internal) default frontend within the subnet containing the application gateway. A frontend with an automatically generated name will be created if none exists.

(Inherited from IWithPrivateFrontend)

Enables dynamic private IP address allocation within the associated subnet.

(Inherited from IWithPrivateIPAddress<ReturnT>)

Assigns the specified static private IP address within the associated subnet.

(Inherited from IWithPrivateIPAddress<ReturnT>)

Specifies the size of the application gateway to create within the context of the selected tier. By default, the smallest size is used.

(Inherited from IWithSku)
WithTag(String, String)

Adds a tag to the resource.

(Inherited from IDefinitionWithTags<T>)

Specifies tags for the resource as a {@link Map}.

(Inherited from IDefinitionWithTags<T>)

Set tier of an application gateway. Possible values include: 'Standard', 'WAF', 'Standard_v2', 'WAF_v2'.

(Inherited from IWithSku)

Specifies web application firewall configuration.

(Inherited from IWithWebApplicationFirewall)
WithWebApplicationFirewall(Boolean, ApplicationGatewayFirewallMode)

Specifies web application firewall configuration with default values.

(Inherited from IWithWebApplicationFirewall)

Applies to