Create(DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken)
The Create(DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken) operation creates a directory.
If the directory already exists, it will be overwritten. If you don't intent to overwrite
an existing directory, consider using the CreateIfNotExists(DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken) API.
For more information, see
Create(PathResourceType, DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken)
The Create(PathResourceType, DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken) operation creates a file or directory.
If the path already exists, it will be overwritten. If you don't intent to overwrite
an existing path, consider using the CreateIfNotExists(PathResourceType, DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken) API.
For more information, see
(Inherited from DataLakePathClient)
CreateAsync(DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken)
The CreateAsync(DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken) operation creates a directory.
If the directory already exists, it will be overwritten. If you don't intent to overwrite
an existing directory, consider using the CreateIfNotExistsAsync(DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken) API.
For more information, see
CreateAsync(PathResourceType, DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken)
The CreateAsync(PathResourceType, DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken) operation creates a file or directory.
If the path already exists, it will be overwritten. If you don't intent to overwrite
an existing path, consider using the CreateIfNotExistsAsync(PathResourceType, DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken) API.
For more information, see
(Inherited from DataLakePathClient)
CreateFile(String, DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken)
The CreateFile(String, DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken) operation creates a file in this directory.
If the file already exists, it will be overwritten. If you don't intent to overwrite
an existing file, consider using the CreateIfNotExistsAsync(DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken) API.
For more information, see
CreateFileAsync(String, DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken)
The CreateFileAsync(String, DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken) operation creates a new file in this directory.
If the file already exists, it will be overwritten. If you don't intent to overwrite
an existing file, consider using the CreateIfNotExistsAsync(DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken) API.
For more information, see
CreateIfNotExists(DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken)
The CreateIfNotExists(DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken) operation creates a file or directory.
For more information, see
CreateIfNotExists(PathResourceType, DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken)
The Azure.Storage.Files.DataLake.DataLakePathClient.CreateIfNotExists(Azure.Storage.Files.DataLake.Models.PathResourceType,Azure.Storage.Files.DataLake.Models.PathHttpHeaders,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.String},System.String,System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)
operation creates a file or directory. If the file or directory already exists, it is not changed.
For more information, see
(Inherited from DataLakePathClient)
CreateIfNotExistsAsync(DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken)
The CreateIfNotExistsAsync(DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken) operation creates a file or directory.
For more information, see
CreateIfNotExistsAsync(PathResourceType, DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken)
The Azure.Storage.Files.DataLake.DataLakePathClient.CreateIfNotExistsAsync(Azure.Storage.Files.DataLake.Models.PathResourceType,Azure.Storage.Files.DataLake.Models.PathHttpHeaders,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.String},System.String,System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)
operation creates a file or directory. If the file or directory already exists, it is not changed.
For more information, see
(Inherited from DataLakePathClient)
CreateSubDirectory(String, DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken)
The CreateSubDirectory(String, DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken)
operation creates a sub directory in this directory.
For more information, see
CreateSubDirectoryAsync(String, DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken)
The CreateSubDirectoryAsync(String, DataLakePathCreateOptions, CancellationToken)
operation creates a sub directory in this directory.
For more information, see
Delete(DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken)
The Delete(DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken) operation marks the specified path
For more information, see
Delete Path.
Delete(Nullable<Boolean>, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken)
The Delete(Nullable<Boolean>, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken) operation marks the specified path
For more information, see
Delete Path.
(Inherited from DataLakePathClient)
DeleteAsync(DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken)
The DeleteAsync(DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken) operation marks the specified path
For more information, see
Delete Path.
DeleteAsync(Nullable<Boolean>, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken)
The DeleteAsync(Nullable<Boolean>, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken) operation marks the specified path
For more information, see
Delete Path.
(Inherited from DataLakePathClient)
DeleteFile(String, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken)
The DeleteFile(String, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken) operation deletes a file
in this directory.
For more information, see
Delete Path.
DeleteFileAsync(String, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken)
The DeleteFileAsync(String, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken) operation deletes a file
in this directory.
For more information, see
Delete Path.
DeleteIfExists(DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken)
The DeleteIfExists(DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken) operation marks the specified directory
for deletion, if the directory exists.
For more information, see
Delete Path.
DeleteIfExists(Nullable<Boolean>, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken)
The DeleteIfExists(Nullable<Boolean>, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken) operation marks the specified path
for deletion, if the path exists.
For more information, see
Delete Path.
(Inherited from DataLakePathClient)
DeleteIfExistsAsync(DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken)
The DeleteIfExistsAsync(DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken) operation marks the specified directory
for deletion, if the directory exists.
For more information, see
Delete Path.
DeleteIfExistsAsync(Nullable<Boolean>, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken)
The DeleteIfExistsAsync(Nullable<Boolean>, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken) operation marks the specified path
deletion, if the path exists.
For more information, see
Delete Path.
(Inherited from DataLakePathClient)
DeleteSubDirectory(String, String, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken)
The DeleteSubDirectory(String, String, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken) deletes a sub directory in this directory.
For more information, see
Delete Path.
DeleteSubDirectoryAsync(String, String, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken)
The DeleteSubDirectoryAsync(String, String, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken) deletes a sub directory in this directory.
For more information, see
Delete Path.
The Exists(CancellationToken) operation can be called on a
DataLakePathClient to see if the associated
file or director exists in the file system.
(Inherited from DataLakePathClient)
The ExistsAsync(CancellationToken) operation can be called on a
DataLakePathClient to see if the associated
file or directory exists in the file system.
(Inherited from DataLakePathClient)
The GenerateSasUri(DataLakeSasBuilder) returns a Uri
that generates a DataLake Directory Service
Shared Access Signature (SAS) Uri based on the Client properties
and and builder. The SAS is signed by the shared key credential
of the client.
To check if the client is able to sign a Service Sas see
For more information, see
Constructing a Service SAS.
GenerateSasUri(DataLakeSasPermissions, DateTimeOffset)
The GenerateSasUri(DataLakeSasPermissions, DateTimeOffset)
returns a Uri that generates a DataLake Directory Service
Shared Access Signature (SAS) Uri based on the Client properties and
parameters passed. The SAS is signed by the shared key credential
of the client.
To check if the client is able to sign a Service Sas see
For more information, see
Constructing a service SAS.
GenerateUserDelegationSasUri(DataLakeSasBuilder, UserDelegationKey)
The GenerateUserDelegationSasUri(DataLakeSasBuilder, UserDelegationKey)
returns a Uri that generates a DataLake Directory Service Shared Access Signature (SAS)
Uri based on the Client properties and builder passed. The SAS is signed by the user delegation key passed in.
For more information, see
Creating an user delegation SAS.
GenerateUserDelegationSasUri(DataLakeSasPermissions, DateTimeOffset, UserDelegationKey)
The GenerateUserDelegationSasUri(DataLakeSasPermissions, DateTimeOffset, UserDelegationKey)
returns a Uri that generates a DataLake Directory Service Shared Access Signature (SAS)
Uri based on the Client properties and parameter passed. The SAS is signed by the user delegation key passed in.
For more information, see
Creating an user delegation SAS.
GetAccessControl(Nullable<Boolean>, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken)
The GetAccessControl(Nullable<Boolean>, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken) operation returns the
access control data for a path.
For more information, see
Get Properties.
GetAccessControlAsync(Nullable<Boolean>, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken)
The GetAccessControlAsync(Nullable<Boolean>, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken) operation returns the
access control data for a path.
For more information, see
Get Properties.
Creates a new DataLakeFileClient object by appending
fileName to the end of Uri. The
new DataLakeFileClient uses the same request policy
pipeline as the DataLakeDirectoryClient.
Create a new DataLakeDirectoryClient that pointing to this DataLakePathClient's parent container.
The new DataLakeDirectoryClient
uses the same request policy pipeline as the
(Inherited from DataLakePathClient)
Create a new DataLakeFileSystemClient that pointing to this DataLakePathClient's parent container.
The new DataLakeFileSystemClient
uses the same request policy pipeline as the
(Inherited from DataLakePathClient)
GetPaths(Boolean, Boolean, CancellationToken)
The GetPaths(Boolean, Boolean, CancellationToken) operation returns an async sequence
of paths in this directory. Enumerating the paths may make
multiple requests to the service while fetching all the values.
For more information, see
List Path(s).
GetPathsAsync(Boolean, Boolean, CancellationToken)
The GetPaths(Boolean, Boolean, CancellationToken) operation returns an async sequence
of paths in this directory. Enumerating the paths may make
multiple requests to the service while fetching all the values.
For more information, see
List Path(s).
GetProperties(DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken)
The GetProperties(DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken) operation returns all
user-defined metadata, standard HTTP properties, and system
properties for the path. It does not return the content of the
For more information, see
Get Properties.
GetPropertiesAsync(DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken)
The GetPropertiesAsync(DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken) operation returns all
user-defined metadata, standard HTTP properties, and system
properties for the path. It does not return the content of the
For more information, see
Get Properties.
Creates a new DataLakeDirectoryClient object by appending
subdirectoryName to the end of Uri.
The new DataLakeDirectoryClient uses the same request policy
pipeline as the DataLakeDirectoryClient.
RemoveAccessControlRecursive(IList<RemovePathAccessControlItem>, String, AccessControlChangeOptions, CancellationToken)
The RemoveAccessControlRecursive(IList<RemovePathAccessControlItem>, String, AccessControlChangeOptions, CancellationToken) operation removes the
Access Control on a path and subpaths
For more information, see
Update Path.
(Inherited from DataLakePathClient)
RemoveAccessControlRecursiveAsync(IList<RemovePathAccessControlItem>, String, AccessControlChangeOptions, CancellationToken)
The RemoveAccessControlRecursiveAsync(IList<RemovePathAccessControlItem>, String, AccessControlChangeOptions, CancellationToken) operation removes the
Access Control on a path and subpaths
For more information, see
Update Path.
(Inherited from DataLakePathClient)
Rename(String, String, DataLakeRequestConditions, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken)
The Rename(String, String, DataLakeRequestConditions, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken) operation renames a Directory.
For more information, see
RenameAsync(String, String, DataLakeRequestConditions, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken)
The RenameAsync(String, String, DataLakeRequestConditions, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken) operation renames a file or directory.
For more information, see
SetAccessControlList(IList<PathAccessControlItem>, String, String, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken)
The SetAccessControlList(IList<PathAccessControlItem>, String, String, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken) operation sets the
Access Control on a path
For more information, see
Update Path.
SetAccessControlListAsync(IList<PathAccessControlItem>, String, String, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken)
The SetAccessControlListAsync(IList<PathAccessControlItem>, String, String, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken) operation sets the
Access Control on a path
For more information, see
Update Path.
SetAccessControlRecursive(IList<PathAccessControlItem>, String, AccessControlChangeOptions, CancellationToken)
The SetAccessControlRecursive(IList<PathAccessControlItem>, String, AccessControlChangeOptions, CancellationToken) operation sets the
Access Control on a path and subpaths
For more information, see
Update Path.
(Inherited from DataLakePathClient)
SetAccessControlRecursiveAsync(IList<PathAccessControlItem>, String, AccessControlChangeOptions, CancellationToken)
The SetAccessControlRecursiveAsync(IList<PathAccessControlItem>, String, AccessControlChangeOptions, CancellationToken) operation sets the
Access Control on a path and subpaths
For more information, see
Update Path.
(Inherited from DataLakePathClient)
SetHttpHeaders(PathHttpHeaders, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken)
The SetHttpHeaders(PathHttpHeaders, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken) operation sets system
properties on the path.
For more information, see
Set Blob Properties.
SetHttpHeadersAsync(PathHttpHeaders, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken)
The SetHttpHeadersAsync(PathHttpHeaders, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken) operation sets system
properties on the PATH.
For more information, see
Set Blob Properties.
SetMetadata(IDictionary<String,String>, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken)
The SetMetadata(IDictionary<String,String>, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken) operation sets user-defined
metadata for the specified path as one or more name-value pairs.
For more information, see
Set Metadata.
SetMetadataAsync(IDictionary<String,String>, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken)
The SetMetadataAsync(IDictionary<String,String>, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken) operation sets user-defined
metadata for the specified path as one or more name-value pairs.
For more information, see
Set Metadata.
SetPermissions(PathPermissions, String, String, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken)
The SetPermissions(PathPermissions, String, String, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken) operation sets the
file permissions on a path.
For more information, see
Update Path.
SetPermissionsAsync(PathPermissions, String, String, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken)
The SetPermissionsAsync(PathPermissions, String, String, DataLakeRequestConditions, CancellationToken) operation sets the
file permissions on a path.
For more information, see
Update Path.
UpdateAccessControlRecursive(IList<PathAccessControlItem>, String, AccessControlChangeOptions, CancellationToken)
The UpdateAccessControlRecursive(IList<PathAccessControlItem>, String, AccessControlChangeOptions, CancellationToken) operation modifies the
Access Control on a path and subpaths
For more information, see
Update Path.
(Inherited from DataLakePathClient)
UpdateAccessControlRecursiveAsync(IList<PathAccessControlItem>, String, AccessControlChangeOptions, CancellationToken)
The UpdateAccessControlRecursiveAsync(IList<PathAccessControlItem>, String, AccessControlChangeOptions, CancellationToken) operation modifies the
Access Control on a path and subpaths
For more information, see
Update Path.
(Inherited from DataLakePathClient)
Initializes a new instance of the DataLakeDirectoryClient
class with an identical Uri source but the specified
customerProvidedKey .