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Using Operators in Expressions

The following XLANG/s operators are available for use in orchestration expressions. They adhere closely to the functionality of the corresponding operators in C#.

Operator Description Example
checked() raise error on arithmetic overflow checked(x = y * 1000)
unchecked() ignore arithmetic overflow unchecked(x = y * 1000)
new create an instance of a class myObject = new MyClass;
typeof Type retrieval myMapType = typeof(myMap)
succeeded() test for successful completion of transactional scope or orchestration succeeded(<transaction ID for child transaction of current scope or service>)
exists test for the existence of a message context property BTS.RetryCount exists Message_In
+ unary plus +(int x)
- unary minus -(int x)
! logical negation !myBool
~ bitwise complement x = ~y
() cast (bool) myInt
* times Weight = MyMsg.numOrders * 20
/ divided by x / y
+ plus x + y
- minus x - y
<< shift left x << 2
>> shift right x >> 2
< less than If (MyMsg.numOrders < 10)...
> greater than If (MyMsg.numOrders > 10)...
<= less than or equal to If (MyMsg.numOrders <= 10)...
>= greater than or equal to If (MyMsg.numOrders >= 10)...
== equal to If (MyMsg.numOrders == 10)...
!= not equal to If (MyMsg.numOrders != 10)...
& and If (myByte & 255)...
^ exclusive or If (myByte ^ 1)...
| or If (myByte | 1)...
&& conditional and If (MyMsg.numOrders > 10) && (MyMsg.numOrders < 100)
|| conditional or If (MyMsg.numOrders < 10) || (MyMsg.numOrders > 100)
// commenting //This is the comment


The rules differ between general expressions and filter expressions that are used with the Receive shape.

See Also

Using Filters With the Receive Message Shape