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How to Install the Stub Version of the Service Oriented Solution

The following steps describe how to prepare your computer before you install the stub version of the service oriented solution, and then how to install the solution on your computer.

Prepare the computer for installing the stub version of the Service Oriented Solution

To prepare the computer for installing the stub version of the Service Oriented Solution

  1. Make sure that the Default Web Site is configured to use ASP.NET 2.X.

    1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

    2. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, the machine name, expand Sites, expand Default Web Site, expand aspnet_client, expand system_web.

    3. Make sure that the sub-folder is 2.X.

  2. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Services. Using the Services console, make sure that the following services are running:

    • World Wide Web Publishing
  3. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, click Computer Management console, and then add the BizTalk service account to the local Administrators group.

  4. If you installed Windows SharePoint Services, exclude the (root) of the Default Web Site from Windows SharePoint Services Managed Paths as follows: Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click SharePoint Central Administration.

    1. Under Virtual Server Configuration, select Configure virtual server settings.

    2. On the Virtual Server List page, click Default Web Site.

    3. On the Virtual Server Settings page, click Define managed paths.

    4. In the Included Paths section of the Defined Managed Path page, select Root and then click Remove selected paths.

    5. At a command prompt, perform an IISReset.

  5. Log off the computer, and then log on to the computer as the BizTalk service account.

  6. Open a command prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER to set the %BTSSolutionsPath% environment. Then, exit the command prompt.

    • setx BTSSolutionsPath "\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk Server <VERSION>SDK\Scenarios"


      If you are using a 64-bit computer, use %ProgramFiles(x86)% instead of %ProgramFiles%.


      For more information about the SETX command, see the Microsoft TechNet Web site at

Install the IBM WebSphere MQ Client for Windows

To install the IBM WebSphere MQ Client for Windows

  1. Download the latest version of IBM WebSphere MQ Client for Windows.


    Even if the stub version of the solution doesn't require IBM WebSphere Server, the client application references the amqmdnet.dll file provided by IBM WebSphere MQ Client for Windows, so you must install it. The client of the stub version does not actually call an API in the DLL. It is required only for compiling and running the client application. You can download IBM WebSphere MQ Client for Windows from the IBM Web site.

  2. Install IBM WebSphere MQ Client for Windows.


    You don't need to configure IBM WebSphere MQ Client for Windows. Keep all of the default settings.

  3. Add WebSphere MQ classes for the .NET assembly to the global assembly cache (GAC).

    1. At the Visual Studio command prompt, navigate to the directory <IBM MQSeries Installation Directory>\bin.

    2. Run the following command (make sure gacutil.exe is in the path environment):

      gacutil.exe /i amqmdnet.dll

Create the virtual directories in IIS for the Service Oriented Solution

To create the virtual directories in IIS for the Service Oriented Solution

  1. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, right-click Application Pools, select Add Application Pool.

    On the Add Application Pool dialog box, type SSOStubAppPool in the Name text box, and then click OK.

    The virtual directories that service-oriented solution uses include the published Web service for the stub version of orchestrations, the stub SAP Web service, the stub Payment Tracker Web service, and the stub Pending Transaction Web service.

  2. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, right-click the application pool that you just created, and then click Advanced Settings.

  3. Click in the column to the right of the Identity property, and then click the ellipsis () button.

  4. In the Application Pool Identity dialog box, select the Custom Account option, and then click Set.

  5. In the Set Credentials dialog box, specify a username and password, confirm the password, and then click OK.


    This user must have permission to execute the Orchestration Proxy Web service, and must be added to one of the BizTalk Server Administrators, SSO Administrators, or SSO Affiliated Administrators groups

  6. Click OK to close the Application Pool Identity dialog box.

  7. Click OK to close the Advanced Settings dialog box.

  8. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, expand Web Sites, right-click the Default Web Site, point to New, and then click Virtual Directory to run Virtual Directory Creation Wizard.

    1. Using the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard, create the following virtual directory for the proxy Web service for the adapter version:

      Alias = Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.OrchProxy.Stub

      PATH = <BizTalk Install Directory>\SDK\Scenarios\SO\BTSSoln\OrchProxy\Stub

      Access Permissions = Read, Run scripts

    2. Using the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard, create the following virtual directory for the proxy Web service for the adapter version:

      Alias = Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.StubSAP

      PATH = <BizTalk Install Directory>\SDK\Scenarios\SO\BTSSoln\StubWebServices\SAP

      Access Permissions = Read, Run scripts

    3. Using the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard, create the following virtual directory for the proxy Web service for the adapter version:

      Alias = Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.StubPendingTransactions

      PATH = <BizTalk Install Directory>\SDK\Scenarios\SO\BTSSoln\StubWebServices\PendingTrans

      Access Permissions = Read, Run scripts

    4. Using the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard, create the following virtual directory for the proxy Web service for the adapter version:

      Alias = Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.StubPaymentTracker

      PATH = <BizTalk Install Directory>\SDK\Scenarios\SO\BTSSoln\StubWebServices\PaymentTrack

      Access Permissions = Read, Run scripts

  9. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, expand Web Sites, expand the Default Web Site, right-click Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.OrchProxy.Stub, click Properties, and then modify the settings as follows:

    1. On the Virtual directory tab, set the Application Pool to SSOStubAppPool you just created.

    2. Click Directory Security tab, click Edit in the Authentication and access control group box, select Only Integrated Windows Authentication enabled, and then clear other Authentication access checkboxes. Click OK to exit.

  10. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, expand Web Sites, expand the Default Web Site, right-click Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.StubSAP, click Properties, and then modify the settings as follows:

    1. On the Virtual directory tab, set the Application Pool to SSOStubAppPool you just created.

    2. Click Directory Security tab, click Edit in the Authentication and access control group box, and then select Enable Anonymous Access. Click OK to exit.

  11. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, expand Web Sites, expand the Default Web Site, right-click Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.StubPendingTransactions, click Properties, and then modify the settings as follows:

    1. On the Virtual directory tab, set the Application Pool to SSOStubAppPool you just created.

    2. Click Directory Security tab, click Edit in the Authentication and access control group box, and then select Enable Anonymous Access. Click OK to exit.

  12. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, expand Web Sites, expand the Default Web Site, right-click Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.StubPaymentTracker, click Properties, and then modify the settings as follows:

    1. On the Virtual directory tab, set the Application Pool to SSOStubAppPool you just created.

    2. Click Directory Security tab, click Edit in the Authentication and access control group box, and then select Enable Anonymous Access. Click OK to exit.

Build the Service Oriented Solution

To build the Service Oriented Solution

  1. Start Visual Studio Command Prompt.


    In the files %BTSInstallPath%\Scenarios\SO\BTSSoln\OrchProxy\Inline\app_code\customerserviceport.asmx.cs and %BTSInstallPath%\Scenarios\SO\BTSSoln\OrchProxy\Stub\app_code\customerserviceport.asmx.cs, replace all the instances of 17f20caea2afcc8c with a1054514fc67bded.

  2. At the Visual Studio Command Prompt, change the directory to the %BTSSolutionsPath%\SO\BTSSoln folder, and then run the following command to build the stub version of service-oriented solution.

    • SetupBTSSoln.bat


    In the files listed below, replace all the instances of 17f20caea2afcc8c with the current public key token.

    • %BTSInstallPath%\Scenarios\SO\BTSSoln\Maps\Aggregate_To_CustomerServiceResponse.btm.cs
      • %BTSInstallPath%\Scenarios\SO\BTSSoln\Maps\Aggregate_To_ErrorResponse.btm.cs
      • %BTSInstallPath%\Scenarios\SO\BTSSoln\Maps\CustomerServiceRequest_To_CreditLimitResponse.btm.cs
      • %BTSInstallPath%\Scenarios\SO\BTSSoln\Maps\CustomerServiceRequest_To_CustomerServiceResponseDenied.btm.cs
      • %BTSInstallPath%\Scenarios\SO\BTSSoln\Maps\CustomerServiceRequest_To_LastPaymentResponseTimeout.btm.cs
      • %BTSInstallPath%\Scenarios\SO\BTSSoln\Maps\CustomerServiceRequest_To_PendingTransactionResponse.btm.cs

Create the Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) entries and values in the SSO database

To create the Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) entries and values in the SSO database

  1. Open a command prompt, change the current directory to the %BTSSolutionsPath%\SO\BTSSoln\Scripts, and then run the following command to set the PATH environment for the Enterprise Single Sign-On folder.

    • Set PATH=%PATH%;%ProgramFiles%\"Common Files\Enterprise Single Sign-On"
  2. At the command prompt, change the directory to the %BTSSolutionsPath%\SO\BTSSoln\Scripts folder, open ConfigStoreApp.xml using Notepad, and then review the contents of the file.


    This file defines the configuration store application in SSO that the scenario uses to store configuration parameters. Some of the configuration parameters include the Timeout value used to communicate with SAP (for all three versions). No changes to this file are necessary.

  3. At the command prompt, run the following command to create the SSO configuration store application.

    • ssomanage -createapps ConfigStoreApp.xml
  4. At the command prompt, open SetConfigValuesInSSO.cmd using Notepad, and then review the contents of the file


    This command file sets the values of the configuration parameters in the SSO database. It contains several set statements that set the values in local variables in the beginning of the command file. The SAPAdapterTimeout, PendingTransactionsAdapterTimeout, and PaymentTrackingAdapterTimeout values are used in the stub and adapter version. The remaining values are used in the inline version. No changes to this file are necessary for stub version.

  5. At the command prompt, type SetConfigValuesInSSO.cmd, and then press ENTER to store the values in the SSO configuration store application.

  6. At the command prompt, run the following command to enable tickets in SSO:

    • ssomanage -tickets yes yes

Deploy the BAM definition for the Service Oriented Solution

To deploy the BAM definition for the Service Oriented Solution

  1. At a command prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER. This sets the path to find the BAM utility:

    • SET PATH=%PATH%;%programfiles%\Microsoft BizTalk Server\Tracking
  2. At the command prompt, change the directory to the %BTSSolutionsPath%\SO\BTSSoln\BAM folder, and type the following command, and then press ENTER:

    • bm deploy-all -DefinitionFile:ServiceLevelTracking.xml


      On a system that supports User Account Control (UAC), you may need to run the tool with Administrative privileges.

Deploy the Service Oriented Solution

To deploy the Service Oriented Solution

  1. Open a command prompt and change the directory to the %BTSSolutionsPath%\SO\BTSSoln\Scripts folder.

  2. Modify the DeployStubBinding.cmd file by replacing all the instances of “debug” and “development” with “release”.

  3. Open a command prompt and change the directory to the %BTSSolutionsPath%\SO\BTSSoln\Scripts folder. Type the following command, and then press ENTER:

    • DeployStubBinding.cmd
  4. At the command prompt, run the following command to start the orchestrations for the stub version

    • Startstub.vbs

Next Steps

You test how the stub version of the service-oriented solution works in How to Run the Service Oriented Solution.

See Also

Before Installing the Service Oriented Solution How to Install the Inline and Adapter Versions of the Service Oriented Solution Developer Machine Setup for the Service Oriented Solution