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How to Enable the WCF Extensibility Points with the WCF Adapters

Enable three WCF extensibility points—behavior extension, binding element extension, and binding extension—with the WCF-Custom and WCF-CustomIsolated adapters. To do so, you first install the assemblies implementing the WCF extensibility points in the global assembly cache (GAC), then modify the machine.config file on your computers, and then configure the WCF-Custom or the WCF-CustomIsolated adapter by using the BizTalk Server Administration console.

See Extending WCF for more info on WCF extensibility points.


Sign in with an account that is a member of the BizTalk Server Administrators group. Permissions Required for Deploying and Managing a BizTalk Application provides more info.

Install assemblies implementing a WCF extensibility point in the GAC

  1. Copy the assemblies implementing the WCF extensibility point to a folder on your local computer.

  2. Copy the assemblies that the WCF extensibility point uses, if any, to a folder on your local computer.

  3. Start the Visual Studio Command Prompt.

  4. Type the following command:

    gacutil.exe /if "< path to the assembly .dll file >"

  5. This installs the assembly to the GAC, overwriting any existing assembly that has the same assembly name.

  6. At the Visual Studio command prompt, repeat steps 4 and 5 against all the assemblies you copied in steps 1 and 2 of this procedure.

  7. If you have multiple BizTalk Server runtime computers and administration computers, repeat steps 1 through 6 of this procedure on all the computers.


    To enable WCF extensibility points for the WCF adapters, the BizTalk Host instance running the adapter must be able to load at run time the assemblies where the WCF extensibility points are implemented.

Configure the machine.config file for a WCF binding extension

  1. At a command prompt, go to the %FrameworkDir%\v4.X.XXXXX\CONFIG folder, and then open the machine.config file by using Notepad.

  2. In Notepad, if the machine.config file does not have the <system.serverModel>\<extensions> elements, add those elements inside the <configuration> element of the machine.config file, and then add the <bindingExtensions> element for a WCF binding extension inside the <system.serverModel>\<extensions> elements. For example, to enable a custom binding extension, netHttpBinding, add the following code inside the <configuration> element of the machine.config file:

          <add name="netHttpBinding" type="Microsoft.Samples.Channels.NetHttpBindingCollectionElement, NetHttpBinding, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5b637b51c4aaa2a8" />  


    • You can find the information for the assemblies to register by using the command, gacutil /lr <assembly_name>.
    • See bindingExtensions on this element.
  3. In Notepad, save the machine.config file.

  4. If you have multiple BizTalk Server runtime computers and administration computers, repeat steps 1 through 3 of this procedure on all the computers.


    You have to repeat these steps on all the computers for the WCF infrastructure to process the WCF extensibility point for the BizTalk Host instance and the BizTalk Server Administration console.

Configure a WCF binding extension by using the BizTalk Administration console

  1. Open BizTalk Server Administration.


    If the BizTalk Server Administration console is already opened, restart the BizTalk Server Administration console.

  2. If you use the WCF-Custom adapter, in the BizTalk Server Administration console, expand Platform Settings, expand Host Instances, and then restart the BizTalk Host instance running the adapter.

  3. If you use the WCF-CustomIsolated adapter, in the IIS Management console, restart the application pool associated with the WCF receive location.

  4. If you want to configure a receive location to use a WCF extensibility point, in the BizTalk Server Administration console, expand BizTalk Group, expand <BizTalk application>, expand Receive Locations, and then in the right pane, double-click <Receive location>.

    • In the Receive Location Properties dialog box, in the Type drop-down list, select WCF-Custom or WCF-CustomIsolated depending on the WCF adapter that you want to use, and then click Configure.
  5. If you want to configure a send port to use a WCF extensibility point, in the BizTalk Server Administration console, expand BizTalk Group, expand <BizTalk application>, expand Send Ports, and then in the right pane, double-click <Send port>.

    • In the Send Port Properties dialog box, in the Type drop-down list, select WCF-Custom, and then click Configure.
  6. In the transport properties dialog box, on the Binding tab, select the binding extension, and then configure the rest of the settings for the transport.

  7. In the BizTalk Server Administration console, close all open dialog boxes by clicking the OK buttons, and then make sure that no error messages and erroneous event logs appear.

Configure the machine.config file for a WCF binding element extension

  1. At a command prompt, go to the %FrameworkDir%\v4.X.XXXXX\CONFIG folder, and then open the machine.config file by using Notepad.

  2. In Notepad, if the machine.config file does not have the <system.serverModel>\<extensions> elements, add those elements inside the <configuration> element of the machine.config file, and then add the <bindingElementExtensions> element for a WCF binding element extension inside the <system.serverModel>\<extensions> elements. For example, to enable a custom binding element extension, droppingInterceptor, add the following code inside the <configuration> element of the machine.config file:

          <add name="droppingInterceptor" type="Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples.DroppingServerElement, MessageInterceptor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=098514eef14aa34a"/>  


    • You can find the information for the assemblies to register by using the command, gacutil /lr <assembly_name>.
    • See bindingElementExtensions on this element.
  3. In Notepad, save the machine.config file.

  4. If you have multiple BizTalk Server runtime computers and administration computers, repeat steps 1 through 3 of this procedure on all the computers.


    You have to repeat these steps on all the computers for the WCF infrastructure to process the WCF extensibility point for the BizTalk Host instance and the BizTalk Server Administration console.

Configure a WCF binding element extension by using the BizTalk Administration console

  1. Open BizTalk Server Administration.


    If the BizTalk Server Administration console is already opened, restart the BizTalk Server Administration console.

  2. If you use the WCF-Custom adapter, in the BizTalk Server Administration console, expand Platform Settings, expand Host Instances, and then restart the BizTalk Host instance running the adapter.

  3. If you use the WCF-CustomIsolated adapter, in the IIS Management console, restart the application pool associated with the WCF receive location.

  4. If you want to configure a receive location to use a WCF extensibility point, in the BizTalk Server Administration console, expand BizTalk Group, expand <BizTalk application>, expand Receive Locations, and then in the right pane, double-click <Receive location>.

    • In the Receive Location Properties dialog box, in the Type drop-down list, select WCF-Custom or WCF-CustomIsolated depending on the WCF adapter that you want to use, and then click Configure.
  5. If you want to configure a send port to use a WCF extensibility point, in the BizTalk Server Administration console, expand BizTalk Group, expand <BizTalk application>, expand Send Ports, and then in the right pane, double-click <Send port>.

    • In the Send Port Properties dialog box, in the Type drop-down list, select WCF-Custom, and then click Configure.
  6. In the transport properties dialog box, on the Binding tab, in the Binding Type drop-down list, select customBinding.

  7. In the transport properties dialog box, on the Binding tab, right-click the client area of the Binding list, and then click Add extension.

  8. In the Select Binding Element Extension dialog box, select a binding element extension, and then click OK.

  9. In the transport properties dialog box, on the Binding tab, adjust the order of the binding elements added in the Binding list depending on the type of the binding element extension you added in the previous step as follows:

    • In the Binding list, right-click a binding element extension, and then click Move extension up or Move extension down. The lowest binding element extension in the Binding list corresponds to the bottom component of the channel stack. The highest binding element in the Binding list corresponds to the top component of the communication stack.


      See Custom Bindings for details about the specific order of the binding elements for the custom binding.

  10. In the transport properties dialog box, configure the rest of the settings for the transport.

  11. In the BizTalk Server Administration console, close all open dialog boxes by clicking the OK buttons, and then make sure that no error messages and erroneous event logs appear.

Configure the machine.config file for a WCF behavior extension

  1. At a command prompt, go to the %FrameworkDir%\v4.X.XXXXX\CONFIG folder, and then open the machine.config file by using Notepad.

  2. In Notepad, if the machine.config file does not have the <system.serverModel>\<extensions> elements, add those elements inside the <configuration> element of the machine.config file, and then add the <behaviorExtensions> element for a WCF behavior extension inside the <system.serverModel>\<extensions> elements. For example, To enable a custom behavior extension, schemaValidator, add the following code inside the <configuration> element of the machine.config file:

          <add name="schemaValidator" type="Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples.SchemaValidationBehaviorExtensionElement, MessageInspectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ad307e213604f592"/>  


    • You can find the information for the assemblies to register by using the command, gacutil /lr <assembly_name>.
    • See behaviorExtensions on this element.
  3. In Notepad, save the machine.config file.

  4. If you have multiple BizTalk Server runtime computers and administration computers, repeat steps 1 through 3 of this procedure on all the computers.


    You have to repeat these steps on all the computers for the WCF infrastructure to process the WCF extensibility point for the BizTalk Host instance and the BizTalk Server Administration console.

Configure a WCF behavior extension by using the BizTalk Administration console

  1. Open BizTalk Server Administration.


    If the BizTalk Server Administration console is already opened, restart the BizTalk Server Administration console.

  2. If you use the WCF-Custom adapter, in the BizTalk Server Administration console, expand Platform Settings, expand Host Instances, and then restart the BizTalk Host instance running the adapter.

  3. If you use the WCF-CustomIsolated adapter, in the IIS Management console, restart the application pool associated with the WCF receive location.

  4. If you want to configure a receive location to use a WCF extensibility point, in the BizTalk Administration console, expand BizTalk Group, expand <BizTalk application>, expand Receive Locations, and then in the right pane, double-click <Receive location>.

    • In the Receive Location Properties dialog box, in the Type drop-down list, select WCF-Custom or WCF-CustomIsolated depending on the WCF adapter that you want to use, and then click Configure.
  5. If you want to configure a send port to use a WCF extensibility point, in the BizTalk Administration console, expand BizTalk Group, expand <BizTalk application>, expand Send Ports, and then in the right pane, double-click <Send port>.

    • In the Send Port Properties dialog box, in the Type drop-down list, select WCF-Custom, and then click Configure.
  6. In the transport properties dialog box, on the Behavior tab, right-click ServiceBehavior or EndpointBehavior depending on the type of the behavior extension, and then, in the Select Behavior Extension dialog box, select the behavior extension, and then click OK.

  7. In the transport properties dialog box, configure the rest of the settings for the transport.

  8. In the BizTalk Server Administration console, close all open dialog boxes by clicking the OK buttons, and then make sure that no error messages and erroneous event logs appear.

Configure a WCF-Custom receive location with an SSL certificate

  • If a WCF-Custom receive location happens to use the HTTP kernel-mode driver (HTTP.sys) such as the httpsTransport binding element, for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) communications, the receive location must have a certificate registered for each socket (IP address/port combination). Use the HttpCfg.exe tool to bind an SSL certificate to a port on the computer. For more information, see How To: Configure a Port with An SSL Certificate.