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How to Convert Network Fabric Cable Validation Report to HTML

In dit artikel wordt uitgelegd hoe u een Nexus Network Fabric Cable Validation Report converteert van JSON-uitvoer naar HTML.


  • Vereist Python 3.11 of hoger
  • Vereist Python 3.11-modules: json pandas as pd datetime

Python-script voor kabelvalidatie JSON naar HTML-conversie

import json
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime

def color_status(val):
    Takes a scalar and returns a string with
    the css property `'color: green'` for compliant,
    `'color: red'` for noncompliant and black for others
    if val == 'Compliant':
        color = 'green'
    elif val == 'NonCompliant':
        color = 'red'
        color = 'black'
    return 'color: %s' % color

now = # current date and time
date_time = now.strftime("%m-%d-%Y-%H-%M")
print("date and time:",date_time)

# Get the file name as input from the user
file_name = input("Please provide post validation json file: ")
# Load the JSON data from the file
with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
    data = json.load(f)

# Prepare two lists to store the data
cable_validation_data = []
cable_specification_validation_data = []

# Loop through each rack in the racks list
for rack in data['racks']:
    # Loop through each device in the networkConfiguration list
    for device in rack['rackInfo']['networkConfiguration']['networkDevices']:
        # Loop through each interface map for the device
        for interface_map in device['fixedInterfaceMaps']:
            # Loop through each validation result for the interface map
            for validation_result in interface_map['validationResult']:
                # Append the data to the list based on validation type
                temp_item = [device['name'], interface_map['name'], validation_result['status'], interface_map['destinationHostname'], interface_map['destinationPort'],validation_result['validationDetails']['deviceConfiguration'], validation_result['validationDetails']['error'] , validation_result['validationDetails']['reason'],'FixedInterface']
                if validation_result['validationType'] == 'CableValidation':
                elif validation_result['validationType'] == 'CableSpecificationValidation':

        # Check if scaleSpecificInterfaceMaps is not None
        if device['scaleSpecificInterfaceMaps'] is not None:   
            # Loop through each scaleSpecificInterface_Map for the interface map
            for scale_map in device['scaleSpecificInterfaceMaps']:
                # Loop through each interface map for the device.
                for interfacemaps in scale_map['InterfaceMaps']:
                    # Loop through each validation result for the scaleSpecificInterface_Map
                    for validation_result in interfacemaps['validationResult']:
                        # Append the data to the list
                        temp_item = [device['name'], interfacemaps['name'], validation_result['status'], interfacemaps['destinationHostname'], interfacemaps['destinationPort'], validation_result['validationDetails']['deviceConfiguration'], validation_result['validationDetails']['error'] , validation_result['validationDetails']['reason'], 'ScaleSpecificInterface']
                        if validation_result['validationType'] == 'CableValidation':
                        elif validation_result['validationType'] == 'CableSpecificationValidation':

# Convert the lists to DataFrames
cable_validation_df = pd.DataFrame(cable_validation_data, columns=['Device Name', 'Interface Map Name', 'Status', 'Destination Hostname', 'Destination Port', 'Device Configuration', 'Error', 'Reason', 'Interface Type'])
cable_specification_validation_df = pd.DataFrame(cable_specification_validation_data, columns=['Device Name', 'Interface Map Name', 'Status', 'Destination Hostname', 'Destination Port', 'Device Configuration', 'Error', 'Reason', 'Interface Type'])

# Group the DataFrames by 'Status' and append each group's HTML representation to a string
#html_string = '<html><head><style>table {border-collapse: collapse;} th, td {border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px;}</style></head><body>'
html_string = """
        body {
            font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
            max-width: 960px;  /* Set the maximum width of the page */
            margin: 0 auto;  /* Center the page */
        h2 {color: #2A2A2A;}
        table {border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%;}
        th, td {border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px;}
        tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #f2f2f2;}
        th {padding-top: 12px; padding-bottom: 12px; text-align: left; background-color: #4CAF50; color: white;}
for status, group_df in cable_validation_df.groupby('Status'):
    styled_group_df =, subset=['Status']).set_table_attributes('class="dataframe"')
    html_string += f'<h2>Cable Validation - {status}</h2>'
    html_string += styled_group_df.to_html()

for status, group_df in cable_specification_validation_df.groupby('Status'):
    styled_group_df =, subset=['Status']).set_table_attributes('class="dataframe"')
    html_string += f'<h2>Cable Specification Validation - {status}</h2>'
    html_string += styled_group_df.to_html()

html_string += '</body></html>'

# Write the string to an HTML file
with open('CableValidationAndSpecification-{filename}.html'.format(filename = date_time), 'w') as f:


Voer de volgende opdracht uit om het conversieprogramma uit te voeren:

Please provide post validation json file: <CABLE_VALIDATION_FILENAME>.json

De rapportuitvoer heeft de bestandsnaam CableValidationAndSpecification-<DATE>.html.

HTML-resultaten van kabelvalidatierapport

Het rapport is onderverdeeld in de volgende secties:

  • Kabelvalidatie - Compatibel
  • Kabelvalidatie - Niet-compatibel
  • Kabelvalidatie - Onbekend
  • Validatie van kabelspecificatie - compatibel
  • Validatie van kabelspecificatie - niet-compatibel
  • Validatie van kabelspecificatie - onbekend

Voorbeeldrapport: Schermopname van het voorbeeldrapport voor kabelvalidatie.