Query's uitvoeren op gegevens in Azure Cosmos DB voor MongoDB met behulp van JavaScript
Gebruik query's en aggregatiepijplijnen om documenten in een verzameling te zoeken en bewerken.
De voorbeeldcodefragmenten zijn beschikbaar op GitHub als een JavaScript-project.
Api voor MongoDB-referentiedocumentatie | MongoDB-pakket (npm)
Een query uitvoeren voor documenten
Als u documenten wilt zoeken, gebruikt u een query om te definiƫren hoe de documenten worden gevonden.
// assume doc exists
const product = {
_id: ObjectId("62b1f43a9446918500c875c5"),
category: "gear-surf-surfboards",
name: "Yamba Surfboard 7",
quantity: 12,
sale: false
// For unsharded database: use id
const query1 = { _id: ObjectId(product._id) };
const foundById = await client.db("adventureworks").collection('products').findOne(query1);
console.log(`Read doc:\t\n${Object.keys(foundById).map(key => `\t${key}: ${foundById[key]}\n`)}`);
// For sharded database: point read doc from collection using the id and partitionKey
const query2 = { _id: ObjectId(product._id), category: product.category };
const foundByIdAndPartitionKey = await client.db("adventureworks").collection('products').findOne(query2);
console.log(`Read doc 2:\t\n${Object.keys(foundByIdAndPartitionKey).map(key => `\t${key}: ${foundByIdAndPartitionKey[key]}\n`)}`);
// Find one by unique doc property value
const query3 = { name: product.name};
const foundByUniqueValue = await client.db("adventureworks").collection('products').findOne(query3);
console.log(`Read doc 3:\t\n${Object.keys(foundByUniqueValue).map(key => `\t${key}: ${foundByUniqueValue[key]}\n`)}`);
// Find one (with many that match query) still returns one doc
const query4 = { category: product.category };
const foundByNonUniqueValue = await client.db("adventureworks").collection('products').findOne(query4);
console.log(`Read doc 4:\t\n${Object.keys(foundByNonUniqueValue).map(key => `\t${key}: ${foundByNonUniqueValue[key]}\n`)}`);
// Find all that match query
const query5 = { category: product.category };
const foundAll = await client.db("adventureworks").collection('products').find(query5).sort({_id: 1}).toArray();
console.log(`Matching all in product category:\n${foundAll.map(doc => `\t${doc._id}: ${doc.name}\n`)}`);
// Find all in collection with empty query {}
const foundAll2 = await client.db("adventureworks").collection('products').find({}).toArray();
console.log(`All docs:\n${foundAll2.map(doc => `\t${doc._id}: ${doc.name}\n`)}`);
// Pagination - next 5 docs
// sort by name require an index on name
const nextFiveDocs = await client.db("adventureworks").collection('products').find({}).sort({name: 1}).skip(5).limit(5).toArray();
console.log(`All docs:\n${foundAll2.map(doc => `\t${doc._id}: ${doc.name}\n`)}`);
In het voorgaande codefragment wordt de volgende voorbeeldconsoleuitvoer weergegeven:
Read doc:
_id: 62b1f43a9446918500c875c5
, name: Yamba Surfboard-13
, category: gear-surf-surfboards
, quantity: 20
, sale: false
, discontinued: true
Read doc 2:
_id: 62b1f43a9446918500c875c5
, name: Yamba Surfboard-13
, category: gear-surf-surfboards
, quantity: 20
, sale: false
, discontinued: true
Read doc 3:
_id: 62b23a371a09ed6441e5ee31
, category: gear-surf-surfboards
, name: Yamba Surfboard 7
, quantity: 5
, sale: true
, discontinued: true
Read doc 4:
_id: 62b1f43a9446918500c875c5
, name: Yamba Surfboard-13
, category: gear-surf-surfboards
, quantity: 20
, sale: false
, discontinued: true
Matching all in product category:
62b1f43a9446918500c875c5: Yamba Surfboard-13
, 62b1f4670c7af8c2942b7c10: Yamba Surfboard-3
, 62b1f46fa6546d2afb5715ac: Yamba Surfboard-90
, 62b1f474e4b43498c05d295b: Yamba Surfboard-9
All docs:
62b1f43a9446918500c875c5: Yamba Surfboard-13
, 62b1f4670c7af8c2942b7c10: Yamba Surfboard-3
, 62b1f46fa6546d2afb5715ac: Yamba Surfboard-90
, 62b1f474e4b43498c05d295b: Yamba Surfboard-9
, 62b1f47896aa8cfa280edf2d: Yamba Surfboard-55
, 62b1f47dacbf04e86c8abf25: Yamba Surfboard-11
, 62b1f4804ee53f4c5c44778c: Yamba Surfboard-97
, 62b1f492ff69395b30a03169: Yamba Surfboard-93
, 62b23a371a09ed6441e5ee30: Yamba Surfboard 3
, 62b23a371a09ed6441e5ee31: Yamba Surfboard 7
All docs:
62b1f43a9446918500c875c5: Yamba Surfboard-13
, 62b1f4670c7af8c2942b7c10: Yamba Surfboard-3
, 62b1f46fa6546d2afb5715ac: Yamba Surfboard-90
, 62b1f474e4b43498c05d295b: Yamba Surfboard-9
, 62b1f47896aa8cfa280edf2d: Yamba Surfboard-55
, 62b1f47dacbf04e86c8abf25: Yamba Surfboard-11
, 62b1f4804ee53f4c5c44778c: Yamba Surfboard-97
, 62b1f492ff69395b30a03169: Yamba Surfboard-93
, 62b23a371a09ed6441e5ee30: Yamba Surfboard 3
, 62b23a371a09ed6441e5ee31: Yamba Surfboard 7
Aggregatiepijplijnen zijn handig om dure queryberekeningen, transformaties en andere verwerkingen op uw Azure Cosmos DB-server te isoleren in plaats van deze bewerkingen op de client uit te voeren.
Raadpleeg het volgende voor specifieke ondersteuning voor aggregatiepijplijnen:
Syntaxis van aggregatiepijplijn
Een pijplijn is een matrix met een reeks fasen als JSON-objecten.
const pipeline = [
Syntaxis van pijplijnfase
Een fase definieert de bewerking en de gegevens die erop worden toegepast, zoals:
- $match - documenten zoeken
- $addFields : veld toevoegen aan cursor, meestal uit de vorige fase
- $limit : het aantal geretourneerde resultaten beperken in de cursor
- $project - nieuwe of bestaande velden doorgeven, kunnen berekende velden worden berekend
- $group : resultaten groeperen op een veld of velden in de pijplijn
- $sort - resultaten sorteren
// reduce collection to relative documents
const matchStage = {
'$match': {
'categoryName': { $regex: 'Bikes' },
// sort documents on field `name`
const sortStage = {
'$sort': {
"name": 1
De pijplijn samenvoegen om een iterable cursor op te halen
De pijplijn wordt samengevoegd om een iterable cursor te produceren.
const db = 'adventureworks';
const collection = 'products';
const aggCursor = client.db(databaseName).collection(collectionName).aggregate(pipeline);
await aggCursor.forEach(product => {
Een aggregatiepijplijn gebruiken in JavaScript
Gebruik een pijplijn om gegevensverwerking op de server te bewaren voordat u terugkeert naar de client.
Voorbeeld van productgegevens
De onderstaande aggregaties gebruiken de verzameling voorbeeldproducten met gegevens in de vorm van:
"_id": "08225A9E-F2B3-4FA3-AB08-8C70ADD6C3C2",
"categoryId": "75BF1ACB-168D-469C-9AA3-1FD26BB4EA4C",
"categoryName": "Bikes, Touring Bikes",
"sku": "BK-T79U-50",
"name": "Touring-1000 Blue, 50",
"description": "The product called \"Touring-1000 Blue, 50\"",
"price": 2384.0700000000002,
"tags": [
"_id": "0F124781-C991-48A9-ACF2-249771D44029",
"categoryId": "56400CF3-446D-4C3F-B9B2-68286DA3BB99",
"categoryName": "Bikes, Mountain Bikes",
"sku": "BK-M68B-42",
"name": "Mountain-200 Black, 42",
"description": "The product called \"Mountain-200 Black, 42\"",
"price": 2294.9899999999998,
"tags": [
"_id": "3FE1A99E-DE14-4D11-B635-F5D39258A0B9",
"categoryId": "26C74104-40BC-4541-8EF5-9892F7F03D72",
"categoryName": "Components, Saddles",
"sku": "SE-T924",
"name": "HL Touring Seat/Saddle",
"description": "The product called \"HL Touring Seat/Saddle\"",
"price": 52.640000000000001,
"tags": [
Voorbeeld 1: Productsubcategorieƫn, aantal producten en gemiddelde prijs
Gebruik de volgende voorbeeldcode om te rapporteren over de gemiddelde prijs in elke subcategorie van het product.
// Goal: Find the average price of each product subcategory with
// the number of products in that subcategory.
// Sort by average price descending.
// Read .env file and set environment variables
// Use official mongodb driver to connect to the server
const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');
// New instance of MongoClient with connection string
// for Cosmos DB
const url = process.env.COSMOS_CONNECTION_STRING;
const client = new MongoClient(url);
async function main() {
try {
// Use connect method to connect to the server
await client.connect();
// Group all products by category
// Find average price of each category
// Count # of products in each category
const groupByCategory = {
'$group': {
'_id': '$categoryName',
'averagePrice': {
'$avg': '$price'
'countOfProducts': {
'$sum': 1
// Round price to 2 decimal places
// Don't return _id
// Rename category name help in `_id` to `categoryName`
// Round prices to 2 decimal places
// Rename property for countOfProducts to nProducts
const additionalTransformations = {
'$project': {
'_id': 0,
'category': '$_id',
'averagePrice': { '$round': ['$averagePrice', 2] }
// Sort by average price descending
const sort = { '$sort': { '$averagePrice': -1 } };
// stages execute in order from top to bottom
const pipeline = [
const db = 'adventureworks';
const collection = 'products';
// Get iterable cursor
const aggCursor = client.db(db).collection(collection).aggregate(pipeline);
// Display each item in cursor
await aggCursor.forEach(product => {
return 'done';
} catch (err) {
.finally(() => {
// Close the db and its underlying connections
// Results:
// {"averagePrice":51.99,"category":"Clothing, Jerseys","nProducts":8}
// {"averagePrice":1683.36,"category":"Bikes, Mountain Bikes","nProducts":32}
// {"averagePrice":1597.45,"category":"Bikes, Road Bikes","nProducts":43}
// {"averagePrice":20.24,"category":"Components, Chains","nProducts":1}
// {"averagePrice":25,"category":"Accessories, Locks","nProducts":1}
// {"averagePrice":631.42,"category":"Components, Touring Frames","nProducts":18}
// {"averagePrice":9.25,"category":"Clothing, Socks","nProducts":4}
// {"averagePrice":125,"category":"Accessories, Panniers","nProducts":1}
// ... remaining fields ...
Voorbeeld 2: Fietstypen met prijsbereik
Gebruik de volgende voorbeeldcode om te rapporteren over de Bikes
// Goal: Find the price range for the different bike subcategories.
// Read .env file and set environment variables
// Use official mongodb driver to connect to the server
const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');
// New instance of MongoClient with connection string
// for Cosmos DB
const url = process.env.COSMOS_CONNECTION_STRING;
const client = new MongoClient(url);
async function main() {
try {
// Use connect method to connect to the server
await client.connect();
const categoryName = 'Bikes';
const findAllBikes = {
'$match': {
'categoryName': { $regex: categoryName},
// Convert 'Bikes, Touring Bikes' to ['Bikes', 'Touring Bikes']
const splitStringIntoCsvArray = {
$addFields: {
'categories': { '$split': ['$categoryName', ', '] }
// Remove first element from array
// Converts ['Bikes', 'Touring Bikes'] to ['Touring Bikes']
const removeFirstElement = {
$addFields: {
'subcategory': { '$slice': ['$categories', 1, { $subtract: [{ $size: '$categories' }, 1] }] }
// Group items by book subcategory, and find min, avg, and max price
const groupBySubcategory = {
'$group': {
'_id': '$subcategory',
'maxPrice': {
'$max': '$price'
'averagePrice': {
'$avg': '$price'
'minPrice': {
'$min': '$price'
'countOfProducts': {
'$sum': 1
// Miscellaneous transformations
// Don't return _id
// Convert subcategory from array of 1 item to string in `name`
// Round prices to 2 decimal places
// Rename property for countOfProducts to nProducts
const additionalTransformations = {
'$project': {
'_id': 0,
'name': { '$arrayElemAt': ['$_id', 0]},
'nProducts': '$countOfProducts',
'min': { '$round': ['$minPrice', 2] },
'avg': { '$round': ['$averagePrice', 2] },
'max': { '$round': ['$maxPrice', 2] }
// Sort by subcategory
const sortBySubcategory = { '$sort':
{ 'name': 1 }
// stages execute in order from top to bottom
const pipeline = [
const db = 'adventureworks';
const collection = 'products';
// Get iterable cursor
const aggCursor = client.db(db).collection(collection).aggregate(pipeline);
// Display each item in cursor
await aggCursor.forEach(product => {
return 'done';
} catch (err) {
.finally(() => {
// Close the db and its underlying connections
// Results:
// {'name':'Mountain Bikes','nProducts':32,'min':539.99,'avg':1683.37,'max':3399.99}
// {'name':'Road Bikes','nProducts':43,'min':539.99,'avg':1597.45,'max':3578.27}
// {'name':'Touring Bikes','nProducts':22,'min':742.35,'avg':1425.25,'max':2384.07}