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Query's voor de tabel REDConnectionEvents

Zie de zelfstudie over Log Analytics voor meer informatie over het gebruik van deze query's in Azure Portal. Zie Query voor de REST API.

Unieke geverifieerde IP-adressen van Redis-clients

Unieke IP-adressen van Redis-clients die zijn geverifieerd voor de cache.

// EventStatus :
// 0    AUTHENTICATION_FAILED    -    Invalid username and/or password.
// 1    AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_TOO_LONG    -    Username or password are too long.
// 2    AUTHENTICATION_NOT_REQUIRED    -    Client tried to authenticate, but authentication isn’t necessary.
// 3    AUTHENTICATION_DIRECTORY_PENDING    -    Attempting to receive authentication info from the directory in async mode.
// 4    AUTHENTICATION_DIRECTORY_ERROR    -    Authentication attempt failed because there was a directory connection error.
// 5    AUTHENTICATION_SYNCER_IN_PROGRESS    -    Syncer SASL handshake. Return SASL response and wait for the next request.
// 6    AUTHENTICATION_SYNCER_FAILED    -    Syncer SASL handshake. Returned SASL response and closed the connection.
// 7    AUTHENTICATION_SYNCER_OK    -    Syncer authenticated. Returned SASL response.
// 8    AUTHENTICATION_OK    -    Client successfully authenticated.
| where EventType == "auth" and EventStatus == 2 or EventStatus == 8 or EventStatus == 7
| summarize count() by ClientIp

Aanvragen voor Redis-clientverificatie per uur

Aanvragen voor Redis-clientverificatie per uur binnen het opgegeven IP-adresbereik. Bevat zowel geslaagde als mislukte aanvragen.

| extend EventTime = unixtime_seconds_todatetime(EventEpochTime)
// For particular datetime filtering, add '| where EventTime between (StartTime .. EndTime)'
// For particular IP range filtering, add '| where ipv4_is_in_range(ClientIp, IpRange)'
// IP range can be defined like this 'let IpRange = "";' at the top of query.
| where EventType == "auth"
| summarize AuthencationRequestsCount = count() by TimeRange = bin(EventTime, 1h)

Redis-clientverbindingen per uur

Redis-clientverbindingen per uur binnen het opgegeven IP-adresbereik.

// For particular datetime filtering, add '| where EventTime between (StartTime .. EndTime)'
// For particular IP range filtering, add '| where ipv4_is_in_range(ClientIp, IpRange)'
// IP range can be defined like this 'let IpRange = "";' at the top of query.
| extend EventTime = unixtime_seconds_todatetime(EventEpochTime)
| where EventType == "new_conn"
| summarize ConnectionCount = count() by TimeRange = bin(EventTime, 1h)

Verbinding met Redis-client per uur

De verbinding tussen redis-clients per uur binnen het opgegeven IP-adresbereik.

// For particular datetime filtering, add '| where EventTime between (StartTime .. EndTime)'
// For particular IP range filtering, add '| where ipv4_is_in_range(ClientIp, IpRange)'
// IP range can be defined like this 'let IpRange = "";' at the top of query.
| extend EventTime = unixtime_seconds_todatetime(EventEpochTime)
| where EventType == "close_conn"
| summarize DisconnectionCount = count() by TimeRange = bin(EventTime, 1h)

Mislukte verificatiepogingen in Redis-cache

Verificatiepogingen in redis-cache die niet zijn gelukt.

// EventStatus : 
// 0    AUTHENTICATION_FAILED    -    Invalid username and/or password.
// 1    AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_TOO_LONG    -    Username or password are too long.
// 2    AUTHENTICATION_NOT_REQUIRED    -    Client tried to authenticate, but authentication isn’t necessary.
// 3    AUTHENTICATION_DIRECTORY_PENDING    -    Attempting to receive authentication info from the directory in async mode.
// 4    AUTHENTICATION_DIRECTORY_ERROR    -    Authentication attempt failed because there was a directory connection error.
// 5    AUTHENTICATION_SYNCER_IN_PROGRESS    -    Syncer SASL handshake. Return SASL response and wait for the next request.
// 6    AUTHENTICATION_SYNCER_FAILED    -    Syncer SASL handshake. Returned SASL response and closed the connection.
// 7    AUTHENTICATION_SYNCER_OK    -    Syncer authenticated. Returned SASL response.
// 8    AUTHENTICATION_OK    -    Client successfully authenticated.
| where EventType == "auth" and EventStatus != 2 and EventStatus != 8 and EventStatus != 7
| project ClientIp, EventStatus, ConnectionId