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Query's voor de tabel IdentityLogonEvents

Zie de zelfstudie over Log Analytics voor meer informatie over het gebruik van deze query's in Azure Portal. Zie Query voor de REST API.

LDAP-verificatieprocessen met duidelijke tekstwachtwoorden

Zoek processen die LDAP-verificatie hebben uitgevoerd met cleartext-wachtwoorden.

// Find processes that performed LDAP authentication with cleartext passwords
| where Protocol == "LDAP" //and isnotempty(AccountName)
| project LogonTime = Timestamp, DeviceName, Application, ActionType, LogonType //,AccountName
| join kind=inner (
| where ActionType == "ConnectionSuccess"
| extend DeviceName = toupper(trim(@"\..*$",DeviceName))
| where RemotePort == "389"
| project NetworkConnectionTime = Timestamp, DeviceName, AccountName = InitiatingProcessAccountName, InitiatingProcessFileName, InitiatingProcessCommandLine
) on DeviceName
| where LogonTime - NetworkConnectionTime between (-2m .. 2m)
| project Application, LogonType, ActionType, LogonTime, DeviceName, InitiatingProcessFileName, InitiatingProcessCommandLine //, AccountName
| limit 100