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Windows XP to Windows 7 Migration Guide

clip_image001[10]Windows XP to Windows 7 migration has become a main topic actively discussed in IT Pro communities concerning enterprise desktop deployment. This is a good time to go full ahead and ramp up the skill set needed to do the job as we are approaching the general availability of Windows 7 on October 22, 2009.

This guide provides assistance on migrating from Windows XP to Windows 7, all the way from gathering information about your environment to deploying the operating system. As you move through each step in the process, you can leverage deeper resources by clicking on the individual icons. With this content, you can master the subject and make the best decisions to successfully transition your IT environment. There are 5 sections in the document and each section is led by an introductory video.

  1. Overview
  2. Collect, Analyze and Test
  3. Remediate Applications – Fix
  4. Remediate Applications – Virtualize
  5. Deploy Operating System