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Windows 10 1703+/Windows Server 1709: The many svchost’s are finally split on their own.

Applies to:

Windows Server 1709

Windows 10 1709

Windows 10 1703

Many years ago, I had written about:

How to troubleshoot Service Host (svchost.exe) related problems?

The good news is that starting with Windows 10 1703 and Windows Server 1709, we have split the svchost’s back to the Windows NT 4.0 days. Ok, not exactly like Windows NT 4.0, where the services were named individually instead of being inside a “Service Host” (svchost.exe). Now, each service runs on its own if you have more than 3.41 GB (3486 MB) of RAM.

So how does it help you? If you have one service that is going bad, it doesn’t impact the other service that was living on the same svchost.exe process.

For more info:

Changes to Service Host grouping in Windows 10

Tip of the Day: SvcHost Service Refactoring in Windows 10 v1703
