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As my Azure IaaS Operations Guide continues to grow, I wanted to break off parts for their own sections.  For the Azure IaaS Ops Guide I want it to focus on administration of storage, compute, and networking.  Whenever we have customer conversations around monitoring Azure, it follows then that for security and compliance that Auditing and Security concerns need to be addressed as well for Storage, Compute and Networking.  Therefore, here are my collected resources for the three Amigos of Monitoring, Security, and Auditing, Ole!  But later, a separate page on Security is it is definitely needed!

To save you a little time in all the reading below, let's share a couple great high-level diagrams from the first two articles.  These should get you interested to roll up your sleeves and start making a plan!

The first one is an overview of the monitoring process.

Monitoring Process

The next diagram outlines more specifically what types of logs can be collected from Azure and what you can do with that data.

Azure Monitoring

If you like what you see above, the start with the first two articles below, and then dive in further as needed.  The latest Ignite 2016 presentation is also just below.  A good show indeed to watch.


PATTERNS AND PRACTICES: Monitoring and diagnostics guidance Overview of Monitoring in Microsoft Azure MS Ignite 2016  Explore Microsoft Azure monitoring and diagnostics Overview of Azure Diagnostic Logs What is Microsoft Azure Diagnostics Automatically enable Diagnostic Settings at resource creation using a Resource Manager templateAzure Log Integration (preview) Azure Diagnostics TroubleshootingVisual Studio Application Insights  
View All Subscription events and audit logs
Monitor Azure service metrics
Enable monitoring and diagnostics
Track Azure Services Health
Receive Alert Notifications on Azure Services
Security health monitoring in Azure Security Center
Monitor Web Apps in Azure App Service
Monitor dependencies, exceptions and execution times in Java web apps
How to monitor Azure Redis Cache
Troubleshooting resource group deployments in Azure
Audit operations with Resource Manager
Azure Active Directory Reporting Guide
Monitor your on-premises identity infrastructure and synchronization services in the cloud
VIDEO: Azure AD Connect Health: Monitor your Hybrid Identity Infrastructure
Monitor and Troubleshoot Replication Health and Troubleshooting for ASR


Azure Networking Log Converter – to csv to analyze with PowerBI
Log Analytics for NSGs
Log analytics for Azure Load Balancer (Preview)
Test Traffic Manager Settings
Performance Considerations for Traffic Manager


End-to-End Troubleshooting using Azure Storage Metrics and Logging, AzCopy, and Message Analyzer

Monitor, diagnose, and troubleshoot Microsoft Azure Storage

Enabling Azure Storage metrics and viewing metrics data

Monitor a storage account in the Azure Portal

Azure Storage Client Tools

Monitor, diagnose, and troubleshoot Microsoft Azure Storage
Monitor a Storage Account in Azure
Enable Storage Metrics and Viewing metrics data
End-to-End Troubleshooting using Azure Storage Metrics and Logging, AzCopy, and Message Analyzer


How to monitor Cloud Services
Manage and monitor Azure virtual machine backups
Use the Linux Diagnostic Extension to monitor the performance and diagnostic data of a Linux VM

I'll leave these here for now....but soon will be working on a Security specific page, as its own, it will need!

