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SCOM 1801 Install Linux Agent

Supported platforms

  1. IBM AIX 6.1
  2. IBM AIX 7 (Power)
  3. HP-UX 11i v3 IA64
  4. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5
  5. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6
  6. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7
  7. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 (Power)
  8. Solaris 10 SPARC
  9. Solaris 10 x86
  10. Solaris 11 SPARC
  11. Solaris 11 x86
  12. Solaris UTF-8 Support
  13. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
  14. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
  15. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12
  16. Universal Linux (Debian package)Debian, Ubuntu Server
  17. Universal Linux (RPM package)CentOS, Oracle Linux




Install agents through Discovery Wizard (recommended)


      1. Import the latest Linux Management pack.
      2. Administration pane à Device Management à UNIX/Linux Computers à Right Click à Choose Discovery Wizard.
      3. Choose UNIX/Linux Computers à Next
      4. Add Discovery Criteria à Enter the IP of the Linux Server under Discover Scope and the SSH Port; Discovery Type à All Computers; Credentials à either choose the configured Runa's credentials or click “Set Credentials” and set the credentials (both User name and password or SSH key) à Click Ok; Save the Discovery Criteria.
      5. Select target resource pool à click Discover
      6. Select the Linux Server that was discovered under “Manageable computers” à Click Manage.


Install agents manually


- Install the Linux agent through command line -

  • To install the Red Hat Enterprise package, type: sh ./omsagent-<version>.rhel.<version>.<arch>.sh --install --enable-OpsMgr

- Certificate Signing – sign agent certificates and copy the signed certificates to the Linux servers -

  • If there are existing certificates on the system, they are reused during agent installation. New certificates are not created. Certificates are not automatically deleted when you uninstall an agent. You must manually delete the certificates that are listed in the folder /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl for UNIX and /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs folder for Linux. To regenerate the certificates at install, you must remove this folder before agent installation .
  • On the computer that is running the UNIX or Linux operating system, locate the file /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx-host-<hostname>.pem and securely copy or transfer it to any location on the computer that is hosting Operations Manager.
  • On the computer that is hosting Operations Manager, on the Windows desktop, click Start, and then click Run.
  • In the Run dialog box, type cmd, and then press Enter.
  • Change directories to the location where you copied the pem file.
  • Type the command scxcertconfig -sign scx-host-<hostname>.pem scx_new.pem , and then press Enter. This command will self-sign your certificate (scx-host-<hostname>.pem) and then save the new certificate (scx-host-<hostname>_new.pem). Securely copy or transfer the scx_new.pem file into the /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl folder on the computer that is hosting the UNIX or Linux operating system. This replaces the original scx-host-<hostname>.pem file.
  • Restart the agent by typing scxadmin –restart.


- Discover the Linux servers through Discovery Wizard.


Link - /en-us/system-center/scom/manage-install-crossplat-agent-cmdline?view=sc-om-1801




Known Issues:

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You trying to add servers to SCOM. Servers get successfully discovered in SCOM but when I try to sign the certificate using "manage" I get the following error : Certificate signing operation was not successful



Most likely the system name for the Linux system "" does not match what is in your DNS. SCOM will lookup the name in DNS and see if it matches the name that was generated in the  certificate of the agent. If they do not match you will see the error you posted.

On the agent run:

openssl x509 -in /etc/opt/Microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem -text

Look at the CN name returned and see if it matches what a nslookup returns for the system from the SCOM server. If it does not then this is your problem. You can either fix the DNS entry or if you want to rename the name in the certificate to match what is in DNS run the following command on the agent.

/opt/Microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxsslconfig -h <hostname> -d <domain name> -f -v

Where <hostname> and <domain name> are the DNS versions.

Once complete re-run the discovery wizard in SCOM and see if it can now manage the agent.

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Discovery was not successful, Message: platform not supported



Remove the existing Linux MPs and reinstall the latest ones from the download site and see if that helps.

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Upgrade to 1801 - some RHEL servers updated to version 7.2 over the weekend, and all the agents grayed out. When they attempted to re-run discovery, this error occurred:

Unexpected DiscoveryResult.ErrorData type.  Please file bug report.



them remove the agent from the console and uninstalled manually – then the discovery was successful

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Downloaded Kit folder [%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft System Center\Operations Manager\Server\AgentManagement\UnixAgents\DownloadedKits] is not available though we have installed UNIX\LINUX Management Package



Open Issue