Delen via

Powershell function to add system path

Was automating some installs and noted that powershell does not have a built-in function to add path to the system path.

It was an easy fix - just use [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable function.

function AddSystemPaths([array] $PathsToAdd) {

$VerifiedPathsToAdd = ""

foreach ($Path in $PathsToAdd) {

if ($Env:Path -like "*$Path*") {

echo " Path to $Path already added"


else {

$VerifiedPathsToAdd += ";$Path";echo " Path to $Path needs to be added"



if ($VerifiedPathsToAdd -ne "") {

echo "Adding paths: $VerifiedPathsToAdd"

[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $Env:Path + "$VerifiedPathsToAdd","Machine")

echo "Note: The new path does NOT take immediately in running processes. Only new processes will see new path."



Use example:


PS> AddSystemPaths ("C:\Program Files\sd","c:\tools")
  Path to C:\Program Files\sd already added
  Path to c:\tools needs to be added
Adding paths: ;c:\tools
Note: The new path does NOT take immediately in running processes. Only new processes will see new path.