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AzureCon Keynote 发布会:印度地区,GPU支持,物联网,容器服务,安全中心

[原文发表地址] AzureCon Keynote Announcements: India Regions, GPU Support, IoT Suite, Container Service,...

Date: 10/28/2015

宣布云服务中可用的最大VM尺寸:新的Azure GS-VM系列

[原文发表地址] Announcing the Biggest VM Sizes Available in the Cloud: New Azure GS-VM Series [原文发表时间]...

Date: 10/15/2015


[原文发表地址] Announcing Great New SQL Database Capabilities in Azure [原文发表时间] 2015-8-27...

Date: 10/08/2015

宣布Windows Server 2016 Containers 预览版

[原文发表地址] Announcing Windows Server 2016 Containers Preview [原文发表时间] 2015-08-19...

Date: 10/08/2015

Node.js 1.0可以在GitHub和VMs上使用了

[原文发表地址]Node.js Tools 1.0 on GitHub and VMs Available [原文发表时间]24 Apr 2015 8:30 AM...

Date: 07/01/2015


[原文发表地址] Introducing ASP.NET 5 [原文发表时间] 2015-02-23 ASP.NET...

Date: 04/30/2015


[原文发表地址] Announcing General Availability of Azure Premium Storage [原文发表时间] 2015-04-16...

Date: 04/29/2015

Azure:机器学习服务,Hadoop Storm,集群缩放,Linux支持,站点恢复和更多功能

[原文发表地址] Azure: Machine Learning Service, Hadoop Storm, Cluster Scaling, Linux Support, Site...

Date: 04/02/2015

Azure: 虚拟机,机器学习,IoT 事件摄取,移动电话,SQL,Redis, SDK 改进

[原文发表地址] Azure: Virtual Machine, Machine Learning, IoT Event Ingestion, Mobile, SQL, Redis, SDK...

Date: 02/15/2015


[原文发表地址] Azure: Premium Storage, RemoteApp, SQL Database Update, Live Media Streaming, Search and...

Date: 02/13/2015


[原文发表地址] Azure: SQL Databases, API Management, Media Services, Websites, Role Based Access Control...

Date: 12/29/2014

Azure: 发布新的实时数据流和数据工厂服务

[原文发表地址] Azure: Announcing New Real-time Data Streaming and Data Factory Services [原文发表时间]...

Date: 12/28/2014


[原文发表地址] Azure: New Marketplace, Network Improvements, New Batch Service, Automation Service, more...

Date: 12/02/2014


[原文发表地址]: Azure: Redis Cache, Disaster Recovery to Azure, Tagging Support, Elastic Scale for SQLDB,...

Date: 11/30/2014

宣布.NET 核心 framework开源,.NET 核心支持 Linux/OSX,免费的Visual Studio Community版本

[原文发表地址]:Announcing Open Source of .NET Core Framework, .NET Core Distribution for Linux/OSX, and...

Date: 11/25/2014

Docker和Microsoft:整合Docker和 Windows Server,Microsoft Azure

[原文发表地址] Docker and Microsoft: Integrating Docker with Windows Server and Microsoft Azure [原文发表时间]...

Date: 11/21/2014


[原文发表地址] New D-Series of Azure VMs with 60% Faster CPUs, More Memory and Local SSD Disks [原文发表时间]...

Date: 09/30/2014

免费电子书:用Microsoft Azure构建云应用程序

[原文发表地址] Free ebook: Building Cloud Apps with Microsoft Azure [原文发表时间] 2014-08-03...

Date: 08/07/2014

Azure:虚拟机安全扩展,ExpressRoute 通用版,保留IP,内部负载平衡,多站点到站点的VPN,存储导入/导出GA,新的SMB文件服务,API管理,混合连接服务,Redis高速缓存,远程应用程序以及其他更多…

[原文发表地址] Azure: VM Security Extensions, ExpressRoute GA, Reserved IPs, Internal Load Balancing,...

Date: 06/16/2014

Azure更新:网站,虚拟机,移动服务,通知中心,存储, VNets,调度程序,自动定量以及更多其他的

[原文发表地址] Azure Updates: Web Sites, VMs, Mobile Services, Notification Hubs, Storage, VNets,...

Date: 06/02/2014

Azure: 99.95%的SQL数据库SLA,500GB数据空间,改进的自助恢复服务性能及业务连续性


Date: 05/23/2014

Azure:ExpressRoute专用网络、网站备份恢复、.Net支持的移动服务,Hadoop 2.2等等

[原文发表地址] Azure: ExpressRoute Dedicated Networking, Web Site Backup Restore, Mobile Services .NET...

Date: 04/28/2014

Windows Azure:新计划程序服务,读取访问同步冗余存储以及监测更新

[原文发表地址] Windows Azure: New Scheduler Service, Read-Access Geo Redundant Storage, and Monitoring...

Date: 03/10/2014

精打细算使用云服务: Windows Azure 管理库和.Net实现自动化

[原文发表地址] Penny Pinching in the Cloud: Automating everything with the Windows Azure Management...

Date: 03/03/2014

Windows Azure:支持临时发布网站,监控改进,Hyper-V恢复管理器GA,以及PCI遵从性

[原文发表地址] Windows Azure: Staging Publishing Support for Web Sites, Monitoring Improvements, Hyper-V...

Date: 02/09/2014

Windows Azure:备份服务发布,Hyper-V的恢复管理器,虚拟机增强功能,企业管理支持的增强

中文博客: [原文发表地址] Windows Azure: Backup Services Release, Hyper-V Recovery Manager, VM Enhancements,...

Date: 01/27/2014

Windows Azure:关于BizTalk 服务,流量管理器,Azure AD应用程序访问+支持Xamarin 框架的移动服务的通用版本

[原文发表地址] Windows Azure: General Availability Release of BizTalk Services, Traffic Manager, Azure AD...

Date: 01/07/2014

Windows Azure:宣布Windows Azure SDK 2.2发布(有很多好东西)

[原文发表地址] Windows Azure: Announcing release of Windows Azure SDK 2.2 (with lots of goodies) [原文发表时间]...

Date: 11/25/2013

Visual Studio 2013的发布对ASP.Net和实体框架的重大改进


Date: 11/12/2013

Windows Azure: 宣布关于 Windows Server 2012 R2 + Some Nice Price Cuts 的支持

  [原文发表地址] Windows Azure: Announcing Support for Windows Server 2012 R2 + Some Nice Price Cuts...

Date: 11/12/2013

Windows Azure: 新的分布式,专用性,高性能缓存服务 + 更多酷的改进

[原文发表地址]Windows Azure: New Distributed, Dedicated, High Performance Cache Service + More Cool...

Date: 11/12/2013

Windows Azure: 新虚拟机、活动目录、多因素验证、存储、Web Site和支付限制服务的改进

[原文发表地址]: Windows Azure: New Virtual Machine, Active Directory, Multi-Factor Auth, Storage, Web Site...

Date: 11/03/2013

订阅Windows Azure 的MSDN用户有望于9 月30 号获得阿斯顿·马丁跑车

[原文发表地址] MSDN Subscribers: Windows Azure Aston Martin Sweepstakes through Sept 30th [原文发表时间]...

Date: 10/24/2013

Windows Azure: SQL Server Always On支持和通知中心、AutoScale等更多改进

[原文发表地址] Windows Azure: General Availability of SQL Server Always On Support and Notification Hubs,...

Date: 09/05/2013

.NET的Windows Azure SDK 2.1发布通知

[原文发表地址] Announcing the release of the Windows Azure SDK 2.1 for .NET [原文发表时间]  2013-07-31...

Date: 08/20/2013

Windows Azure七月主要更新:SQL数据库,流量管理器,自动扩展,虚拟机

[原文发表地址]  Windows Azure July Updates: SQL Database, Traffic Manager, AutoScale, Virtual...

Date: 08/15/2013

Windows Azure: 全新开放Web站点+移动服务,新的自动平衡+提醒支持,MSDN注册不再需要信用卡

[原文发表地址] Windows Azure: General Availability of Web Sites + Mobile Services, New AutoScale + Alerts...

Date: 07/17/2013

Windows Azure:移动后端开发的主要更新

[原文发表地址] Windows Azure: Major Updates for Mobile Backend Development [原文发表时间] 2013-06-14...

Date: 07/09/2013

Windows Azure: 申明开发/测试在云中的主要改进02

[原文发表地址] Windows Azure: Announcing Major Improvements for Dev/Test in the Cloud [原文发表时间] 2013-06-3...

Date: 06/21/2013


[原文发表地址]  Announcing the release of AMQP support with Windows Azure Service Bus [原文发表时间] ...

Date: 06/14/2013

Windows Azure服务总线的AMQP支持发布声明

[原文发表地址]  Announcing the release of AMQP support with Windows Azure Service Bus [原文发表时间] ...

Date: 05/31/2013

WebMatrix 3 发布通知

[原文发表地址] Announcing the Release of WebMatrix 3 [原文发表时间] 2013-5-1 12:53 PM 我很激动地宣布WebMatrix...

Date: 05/22/2013

.NET的Windows Azure SDK 2.0发布通知

[原文发表地址]  Announcing the release of Windows Azure SDK 2.0 for .NET [原文发表时间]  2013-4-30...

Date: 05/20/2013

Windows Azure: 虚拟网络,虚拟机,云服务的一些改进和新的Ruby SDK

[原文发表地址] Windows Azure: Improvements to Virtual Networks, Virtual Machines, Cloud Services and a new...

Date: 05/14/2013

Windows Azure: 基础设施即服务(IaaS)全新发布

[原文发表地址] Windows Azure: General Availability of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) [原文发表时间]...

Date: 05/06/2013

ASP.NET Web API: CORS支持和基于属性的路由改进

[原文发表地址] ASP.NET Web API: CORS support and Attribute Based Routing Improvements [原文发表时间] 2013-4-19,...

Date: 04/24/2013

Windows Azure: 活动目录的发布, 新的备份服务+网站监控和日志改进

[原文发布地址] Windows Azure: Active Directory Release, New Backup Service + Web Site Monitoring and Log...

Date: 04/22/2013

介绍加入Windows Azure的Microsoft Accelerator的新班级

[原文发表地址]  Introducing the new class at the Microsoft Accelerator for Windows Azure [原文发表时间]...

Date: 04/07/2013

Windows Azure: Hadoop新服务+ HTML5/JS (CORS), PhoneGap, Mercurial和Dropbox 支持

[原文发表地址] Windows Azure: New Hadoop service + HTML5/JS (CORS), PhoneGap, Mercurial and Dropbox...

Date: 03/27/2013
