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Resolution for Sharepoint Document ID Issue with Metalogix Migration

Metalogix is a widely-used migration tool specially when we need to migrate content in large scale. But the fact cannot be denied that it comes with some known limitation/issue as well. Sometimes we don’t even have any idea what went wrong in a specific scenario. One of such case is while migrating Document workspace sites, often we end up with document url suffixed with source url. As a result, due to inappropriate document url we face issues with sharing feature. Even attempt to open the document will lead to error page.

It is an intermittent issue but when it occurs, it leads to customer escalation L. After doing a lot of investigation although we could not find the reason for this issue, but we have a resolution to remediate this. We can use the share point document id regeneration to resolve.

Process to Re Generate the Document ID

  1. Ensure Document ID Service Feature is activated on the Target sites

Go to Site Settings > Site Collection Administration > Site Collection Feature and Ensure Document ID Service feature is activated


untitled2. Go to Site Settings > Site Collection Administration > Document ID Settings


3.   Click on Document ID Settings link and go to the Document ID Settings Page. Provide the inputs as shown below, ensure the Begin IDs with the following characters settings should comply the constrains

  • Should not be left empty


  • Must be 4 to 12 character long


  • Click on ok. If we re navigate to the same page it will comes up with the following message and it will stay till the process completed


  • It will take some time and once it is completed the document ID will be regenerated with appropriate target url and the Document ID will contain the Phrase provided in the Begin IDs with the following characters


Note: In case we need to have an urgent fix for this issue, we have a quick workaround. If we do a check out of the document followed by undo/discard checkout, the document url issue will get resolved.