Delen via

Here is a news, I am acting as a volunteer

Surely, I am volunteering for something that we (you and me) like playing with

Here is the story – I really liked the utility that Eric is working on

Going through the post, I noticed that Eric is looking for volunteers for converting the project to GUI to work on some possible enhancements, I pinged Eric and he agreed to let me work on it!

so, I started working on it …. in this week (or next at max) there should be a few updates from my side.


IceRocket tags: Pranav+Wagh, Microsoft+Blogger, OpenXML, Open+XML+SDK, OpenXMLSDK, OpenXMLDiff, Sample Code, Sample+Code tags: Pranav+Wagh, Microsoft+Blogger, OpenXML, Open+XML+SDK, OpenXMLSDK, OpenXMLDiff, Sample Code, Sample+Code

Not responsible for errors in content, meaning, tact, or judgment. Live and let live. Toes go in first. I didn't do it. Enjoy.
